Start date: Sunday, June 8 2025.


 Sunday, 10:00 AM - 1:00 PM ,

Resource person:


Want to play in our basketball leagues, but you don't have a team? No problem!

Sign up as a free agent today! The summer season consists of six regular-season games followed by a single-elimination post-season.

Ages 15+

Deadline 5/16/25

Price: $0.00 Taxes waived

Required age: Over 18 years old on the day of the activity

Gender: Male, Prefer not to say

Notes: Registration does not guarantee you a spot on a team. Sports staff will do their best to create a team of free agents. If we are unable to do that, your information will be shared with team captains in our leagues to use if they need a sub during the season.

More information: Deadline 5/16/25

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