Start date: Sunday, August 31 2025.


 Every day, 8:00 AM - 6:00 PM ,

 From August 31, 2025 until September 1, 2025 ,

 Lindsay Tennis Courts 1-4 ,

Resource person:

Location: Lindsay Tennis Courts 1-4 | 2214 Sangamon Drive, Champaign, IL, 61821


Whether your child is just starting out with tennis and looking for some extra practice, or if they are already a seasoned player and want to see how they match up against new opponents — the Labor Day Tourney is the place to go. This local tournament provides a great opportunity for junior tennis enthusiasts to test and improve their game against players from all over Champaign County.

Available spots: 8/8

Price: $28.00 Taxes waived

Required age: Under 16 years old on the day of the activity

Gender: Male, Prefer not to say

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