Start date: Thursday, June 19 2025.


 Thursdays, 7:40 PM - 8:40 PM ,

 From June 26, 2025 until August 14, 2025 ,

 Springer Cultural Center - Dance Studio 202/03 ,

Resource person:

Location: Springer Cultural Center - Dance Studio 202/03 | 301 North Randolph Street, Champaign, IL, 61820


This class is for adults with little to no experience or for students with former education who want to get back into training. Fundamentals of formal Modern technique and movement will be taught. This introduction to modern provides a welcoming space for all new dancers. Skills such as core stability, weight placement, and alignment will be introduced.

For late registration inquiries, contact or 217-819-3920.

Available spots: 16/16

Price: $97.00 - $145.50 Taxes waived

Required age: Over 16 years old on the day of the activity

Notes: In keeping with the tradition of Modern Dance, all students will be asked to dance barefoot or in socks when necessary. Any color or style of leotard, t-shirt, or tank top may be worn in class. Leggings or dance shorts are highly encouraged with proper athletic undergarments (this includes dance belts). Baggy clothing is not permitted; all clothing should hug the body. Hair should be pulled up and out of the face. For more details on dress code and guidelines, please refer to the Dance Arts Handbook at Dance Arts (

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