Start date: Friday, May 9 2025.


 Fridays, 9:00 AM - 12:30 PM ,

 From May 9, 2025 until May 23, 2025 ,

 Technology/Computer Lab Room ,

Resource person: Office (661) 282-8721

Location: Technology/Computer Lab Room | 5133 Ming Avenue, Bakersfield, CA, 93309


Welcome to Esports:Rocket League Edition from Engineering For Kids! Students will learn all the fundamentals of the exciting and competitive Esportsgame, Rocket League. They will also learn how everything in-game relates to the real-world through physics, aerodynamics, and more! Throughout the week, students will work in teams and compete against each other in a series of matches to progress to a final tournament.


Mandatory membership(s):

  • Homeschool Enrichment Program Membership

Available spots: Available

Price: $160.00 Taxes waived

Required age: 8 - 15 years old on the day of the activity

Notes: 9:00 - 12:30 EFK Class includes 20 min. break

Prerequisites: no experience required

More information: Please send water & a snack with your student.

Tags: Homeschool/Charter School

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