Start date: Sunday, March 9 2025.
Sundays, 11:35 AM - 12:45 PM ,
From March 9, 2025 until March 30, 2025 ,
Please review the prerequisites before signing up!
Join Rachel for a mini-session focused on bendy handstands! Class will include a thorough warm-up, drills to help you increase flexibility and stability in the shoulders and back, and lots of work on techniques for entering, holding, and exiting a variety of contortion handstand shapes.
Available spots: Full
Price: $56.50 Taxes waived
Required age: Over 16 years old on the day of the activity
Notes: This class meets on March 9th, 16th, 23rd, and 30th.
Prerequisites: Students should have at least 4-6 months of experience with contortion training, and should be familiar with the fundamentals of handbalancing. Progressions will be offered for more advanced students.
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