Inspire Sports Victoria provides excellent programming, in a gymnastics setting, to people of all ages to promote life long physical literacy.
Our Mission: Inspire Sports Victoria provides excellent programming, in a gymnastics setting, to people of all ages to promote life long physical literacy. We provide the opportunity for athletes and coaches to develop their full potential. Our Vision: To become the Center of Excellence for physical literacy through the highest quality of physical literacy education. Our Values: *We believe that transparency in the workplace promotes fair and equitable treatment of staff. *We believe in safety through education at all levels. *We believe the respect works in all directions and must be earned not demanded. *We believe that gymnastics is the best foundational sport to develop physical literacy. *We believe that physical literacy is the basis for life long fitness and health. *We believe that physical literacy can be achieved by everyone. *We believe that physical literacy should be fun.
601 Boleskine Road Unit 2
Victoria, BC, V8Z1C5
(250) 590-5950
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