Start date: Thursday, February 27 2025.


 Thursdays, 5:00 PM - 6:30 PM ,

 3 times starting February 27, 2025 ,

 Cornell Studio (Upper Level) ,

Resource person: Zack Marotta,

Location: Cornell Studio (Upper Level) | 220 West Market Street, Charlottesville, VA, 22902


Put your filmmaking skills to use for a good cause! In this free workshop, high school filmmakers create a PSA for an area nonprofit.

Students will look through applications submitted by local groups and select one to work with. Then they'll meet with a representative of that organization and plan out the video together. This is real world experience: skills include pitching, communicating, taking feedback, building a schedule, and delivering an end product that satisfies both the creators and the client. 

Students may count this workshop for community service or volunteer hours. This workshop counts as one Community credit towards the Light House Achievement Award. Visit for more information.


Available spots:

Price: $0.00 Taxes waived

Required age: 13 - 21 years old on the day of the activity

Notes: This workshop meets on three Thursdays: February 27, March 6, and March 20. Note there is no workshop on March 13. There will also be a filming day and an edit session, both TBD.

Tags: After school High School

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