Start date: Monday, September 30 2024.


 On Monday, September 30, 2024, from 5:00 PM to 6:00 PM

Resource person: Tiffany Bien 416-924-6211 x6247


Register for this activity to secure your child's start at the Libbie Cown Childcare Centre in September 2024.

You will be asked to fill out some intake forms with information about your child.

You will also be asked to pay a deposit equivalent to one month of childcare that will be used to pay for your child's final month in the LCCC. This deposit is NON-REFUNDABLE and required to secure your child's spot.

After you have registered your child, you will be contacted by the MNjcc to create your ongoing monthly billing that will begin the last day of the month preceding your child's first month of the program.

If you have any questions about the registration process or billing please reach out to BEFORE you register as deposits are NON-REFUNDABLE.

If you would like to start on a later month, or if there are no spots available and you would like to get on our waitlist please contact

Please note: The single date listed below is just a placeholder for this registration, for a complete list of all dates please see the ECE Parents Handbook on the MNjcc website.


Available: Full

Price: $876.02 Taxes not included

Required age: 18 - 30 months as of 9/30/2024

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