Start date: Wednesday, January 29 2025.


 Wednesdays, 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM ,

 From January 29, 2025 until March 5, 2025 ,


Course Description: 

In this class we will look at selections from controversial Jewish texts from the canonization of the Bible until the present day, covering topics from Inquisitorial restrictions on the Talmud, to controversies around Kabbalah and false messiahs, to disruptive philosophical ideas and political messages. We will discuss some of the reasons why Jewish texts have been banned and censored by Jewish and non-Jewish authorities, what distinguishes self-censorship from prudent editorial decision-making, and how communities are shaped by the texts and ideas they accept and forbid. Some familiarity with rabbinic literature is helpful, but not necessary. We gratefully acknowledge the J.B and Dora Salsberg Fund for their support.


Maxine Lee Ewaschuk is a student of Jewish Studies, History, and Philosophy at the University of Toronto. She is currently an intern at the Shalom Hartman Institute’s Kogod Research Center and has worked as a research assistant at the Bais Yaakov Project. Her academic interests include legal history and early modern Italian Jewry. Maxine also enjoys learning Torah, knitting and embroidering, tending to her houseplants, and fantasizing about learning to play the accordion.

About Lishma:

Lishma Jewish Learning Project is a community of learners in our 20s and 30s, excited to share our desire for greater Jewish engagement. We ask questions of our tradition and explore how it informs our lives today. Whether you're a seasoned scholar or brand new to Jewish learning, we value the perspectives and experience you bring to the class. Lishma is generously supported by the J.B and Dora Salsberg Fund.

Each semester has 3 classes running side by side:

1) Hands-On Track; applied Jewish learning

2) Judaism and Modernity Track; Judaism through a contemporary lens

3) Text and Context Track; in-depth, expertly-led text study

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Available spots: Available

Price: $72.00 Taxes waived

Tags: Winter

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