Start date: Sunday, April 6 2025.
Sundays, 1:45 PM - 2:45 PM ,
8 times starting April 6, 2025 ,
Court 4 ,
Location: Court 4 | 45685 Oakbrook Court, Suite 140, Sterling, VA, 20166
Age: 9 - 10 years old
Adult Participation: No
Student-to-Teacher Ratio: 6:1
Class length: 1 Hour
Lily spikers focus on building basic skills with a focus on spiking and blocking techniques, incorporating games and drills that encourage players to reach and jump high as if trying to spike a volleyball over a tall lily stem.
Mandatory membership(s):
Available spots: 31
Price: $200.00 Taxes waived
Required age: 9 - 12 years old on the day of the activity
More information: Parents are not required to be in the gym or courtside at this level.
Tags: Beginner Spring
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