We are dedicated to ensuring every child has the opportunity to participate in our programs, which is why we offer Title 1 School scholarships. These scholarships are central to our commitment to inclusivity, helping to overcome financial barriers and foster community engagement.

Scholarship Application Instructions:

1. Apply to Membership: Add this membership to your cart and apply for a merbership. Ensure all details are accurately filled out. There is a $0 cost to apply. 
2. Proof of Residency: Include your address and residency proof as required during the application.
3. Review and Approval: Our staff will review your application and notify you upon approval.
4. Scholarship Value: Once approved, you can utilize up to $1000 per year towards our programs.
5. Using Your Scholarship: Apply your scholarship during checkout to reduce the cost of participation.

Season: Winter

Type: Individual membership

Duration: 12 month(s)

Price: $0.00 - $1,000.00

Taxes waived

Restricted to residents of: Title 1 Schools

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