Start date: Friday, March 14 2025.


 Fridays, 9:00 AM - 10:00 AM ,

 From March 14, 2025 until May 2, 2025 ,

 Park Ave Room ,

Resource person: Mary Thompson

Location: Park Ave Room | 129 Park Avenue, Swarthmore, PA, 19081


Core and More is designed to build power in the core, helping us to improve posture and body alignment. Using therapeutic exercise techniques, yoga and Pilates variations, we will improve trunk strength and postural habits. Jane will share tools and reminders so we can continue our strengthening practice outside of class. This class is suitable for all fitness levels. Modifications will be tailored to the individual.

Available spots: 9/12

Price: $90.00 Taxes waived

Required age: Over 18 years old on the day of the activity

Notes: Please bring a yoga mat.

Tags: Health and Wellness

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