Start date: Tuesday, April 22 2025.


 Tuesdays, 4:00 PM - 5:30 PM ,

 From April 22, 2025 until June 3, 2025 ,

 Art Room ,

 Lindsay Duggan ,

Resource person: Lisa Oster

Location: Art Room | 129 Park Avenue, Swarthmore, PA, 19081


This is a seasonal class, so each session will vary in plants and projects that are available at the different growing stage.

Grandma needs huckleberries to bake a pie. You and your cousins embark on an adventure up the mountain to collect berries as well as herbs she uses. Will you harvest the right plants to help with the trouble you run into along the way? Will you make it back before nightfall? The only way to win is by helping each other out. In this class we will learn about herbal first aid and how to use it on our adventure up the mountain in the board game Wildcraft!

Each week we will learn about a different way to prepare herbs that are easily found around our homes and with ingredients most of us will have in our kitchens. This Spring, students will head out into the woods for a foraging walk with Ms. Lindsay towards the end of the session (permission slips will be provided). 

More information about the game:

Available spots: 10/16

Price: $150.00 Taxes waived

Required age: 7 - 12 years old on the day of the activity

Notes: Our After-School program is listed from 4-5:30pm, allowing all students to arrive on foot, by bus or drop off to make it in advance of instruction time between 4:30-5:30pm. Drop off students may arrive anytime after 4pm. WSSD can Bus to Us! Our staff receives the WSSD buses according to the transportation schedule from WES & NPE. Escorted walking bus is available from SRS. Please choose busing option at check out.

More information: Siblings receive 25% off in the same class. No codes needed.

Tags: Youth Programs

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