Start date: Monday, March 31 2025.


 Mondays, 7:00 PM - 8:00 PM ,

 From March 31, 2025 until May 12, 2025 ,

 RMCP Tennis Court #5 ,

 Victor Lozano ,

Resource person: Shana Moore

Location: RMCP Tennis Court #5 | 556 Lake Park Drive, Simi Valley, CA, 93065


TennisLozano classes cover all aspects of the game of tennis, including groundstrokes, volleys, serves, proper grip and footwork, and scoring and strategy for match play. Instruction is designed to fit every player's age and experience level from beginner to advanced. Wear comfortable clothes and bring a racquet and water to the court. Please Bring a $5 lab fee to the first class for tennis balls. 

NO CLASS: 4/21

Available spots: 6/10

Price: $78.00 Taxes waived

Required age: 8 - 10 years old on the day of the activity

Notes: Wear comfortable clothes and bring a racquet and water to the court. Please Bring a $5 lab fee to the first class for tennis balls.

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