Science Museum of Long Island
Preparing the children of today to be active participants in the science of tomorrow
Corporate membership
A brand new corporate membership designed for Scout Troops!
All Scout Troop Members will receive a 10% discount on all scout badge and overnight programs booked for their troop SMLI for 12 months from the day of sign up.
Individual membership
Membership for individual adults and their selected partners. PLEASE NOTE - THIS MEMBERSHIP DOES NOT PROVIDE DISCOUNTS TO OUR PROGRAMS AND IS FOR ADULTS ONLY!
* PLEASE NOTE THIS MEMBERSHIP IS FOR INDIVIDUALS ONLY! Discounts will not apply to family members or children.
Family membership
SMLI Jr. Scientists family members receive a 10% discount on all programs for the year. Members will also have access to early registration periods for camp, holiday workshops, and other select programs.
The following programs are eligible for a discount with JR. Scientists Family Membership:
** Please note: To receive discounts on special events such as Live at Five, lectures, adult programs, birthday parties, and venue rentals you must sign up for a SMLI STEAM family membership.
All the above PLUS a 10% (+) discount on all special events, lectures, birthday parties, and private venue rentals. Early registration periods for summer camp, holiday workshops, and other select programs.
SMLI Sr Scientist Family Membership Includes:
Animal Guardians help us provide our SMLI animal ambassadors with the proper food, habitat enclosures, dental and medical care and much, much more! All the while, providing you with the unique opportunity to learn about your special animal from one of our highly trained Educators. Support for our Animal Ambassadors allows us to continue our mission of inspiring a love of nature and wildlife in all.
Membership is annual and Includes:
A lifetime family Membership. Household members receive a 10% discount on all programs, special events, venue rentals, birthday parties and gift shop purchases for a lifetime. Family name engraved on the front entrance staircase “lifetime members wall”.
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