Start date: Monday, April 7 2025.
Mondays, 7:00 PM - 7:55 PM ,
From April 7, 2025 until June 9, 2025 ,
Allenby Junior Public School ,
Resource person: (P) (416) 627 1092 (E)
Location: Allenby Junior Public School | 391 Saint Clements Avenue, Toronto, ON, M5N 1M2
Swimmer 5 swimmers learn; new entry and exit skills are shallow dives into deep water, and tuck jumps into deep water. They will learn to complete a jump entry into deep water and tread for 2 minutes, as well as holding the stationary eggbeater kick for 30 seconds. They will learn the underwater skill of back somersaulting. For this level, swim to survive skills are a rolling entry into deep water and treading for 90 seconds, then proceeding with swimming for 75 meters. Movement/swimming skills include breaststroke for 25 meters, front and back crawling for 50 meters each, and a head-up front crawl for 10 meters. Fitness for level 5 is sprint front and back crawling for 25 meters each; interval training of front or back crawl for 50 meters with 30 second rests, 4 times; and interval training of breaststroke for 15 meters with 30 second rests, 4 times. Finally they will continue to cover water smart messages.
Swimmer 6 swimmers learn; the new entry and exit skills are stride entries into deep water, and compact jumps into deep water. They will learn to hold a legs-only surface support for 45 seconds. The underwater skill of swimming underwater 10 meters to recover an object is taught. Swim to survive skills for this level are completing a rolling entry into deep water, treading for 90 seconds, and proceeding to swim 75 meters. Movement/swimming skills include the eggbeater kick on back for 15 meters, scissor kicking on front for 15 meters, breaststroke for 50 meters, front and back crawl for 100 meters each, and head-up swim for 25 meters. Fitness for level 6 is completing a sprint breaststroke for 25 meters; interval training of breaststroke for 25 meters with 30 second rests, 4 times; and a 300 meter workout which is made up of a 50 meter warm up (choice of stroke), 25 meter front and crawls with 15 second rests, 4 times each; and a 50 meter cool-down (choice of stroke). Finally they will continue to cover water smart messages.
Once Swimmers Complete Swimmer 6 their next levels of swimming would continue into the Canadian Swim Patrol Curriculum.
Available spots: Available
Price: $320.60 - $384.00 Taxes not included
Required age: Over 6 years old on the day of the activity
Notes: Address: 391 St Clements Ave, Toronto, ON M5N 1M2
More information: No Lessons: April 21st, My 19th
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