Start date: Sunday, April 6 2025.


 Sundays, 11:30 AM - 12:30 PM ,

 From April 6, 2025 until June 15, 2025 ,


An intro to gymnastics positions & movements as a foundation for all future skills! Rolls, landings, jumps and more, using a wide variety of gym equipment and teaching aids. ie balls, music, hoops, pylons etc.

 Athletes will develop gross and fine motor skills, while learning through play. A great class for exploring different movement pattern while having fun and burning off some energy!

Mandatory membership(s):

  • 2024-2025 Artistic Recreational Athlete (Insurance & Program Fee)

Available spots: Available

Price: $267.12 Taxes waived

Required age: 3 - 3 years old on the day of the activity

Notes: Cancellation/Refunds: The $56 Gymnastics Ontario insurance fee is a NON-REFUNDABLE FEE paid to Gymnastics Ontario, not Tumblers Gymnastics Centre. Tumblers Gymnastics Centre reserves the right to cancel any programs with insufficient registration one week prior to the program start date. Cancellation or withdrawal of a registration if received prior to classes commencing will result in a $25.00 administration fee. Following commencement of the session, NO refunds nor credits will be issued save the form of an account credit for medical reasons only (a medical certificate must be provided). Tumblers Gymnastics does not issue any refunds for classes missed due to illness.

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