Date de début : vendredi, 26 janvier 2024.

Horaire :

 26 janvier 2024 à 11 h 56 - 13 juillet 2024 à 22 h 00 ,

Responsable : Bishop Kamal Fraser

Description :

Missions for the Nations Ministry is thrilled to announce an eye-opening mission trip to Kingston, Jamaica, scheduled from July 27th to August 2nd. We believe that this trip presents a unique opportunity for your teens to engage in a transformative experience that will not only broaden their perspectives but also help them appreciate the blessings they have in their lives.

The Purpose of the Mission Trip: The mission trip to Kingston, Jamaica, is designed to provide your teens with a firsthand look into the lives of those facing different socio-economic challenges. By participating in various outreach programs, community service activities, and cultural exchange, your teens will gain a deeper understanding of the struggles faced by others and the impact they can have in making a positive change.

Key Activities and Experiences:

  • Community Outreach: Engage in hands-on community service projects to support local initiatives addressing poverty, education, and healthcare.

  • Cultural Exchange: Immerse in Jamaican culture through interactions with local families, attending cultural events, and participating in traditional activities.

  • Spiritual Growth: Daily devotions, prayer, and worship sessions aimed at fostering spiritual growth and a deeper connection with God.

  • Team Building: Work collaboratively with other teens, building lasting friendships and learning the value of unity and teamwork.

Benefits for Your Teens:

  • Perspective Transformation: The mission trip will offer your teens a fresh perspective on life, helping them appreciate the abundance of blessings they often take for granted.

  • Cultural Sensitivity: Exposure to a different culture will enhance their cultural sensitivity and broaden their worldview.

  • Personal Growth: Engaging in service activities and stepping outside their comfort zones will contribute to personal growth and development.

  • Faith Strengthening: Through shared experiences, prayer, and worship, your teens will have the opportunity to strengthen their faith and deepen their relationship with God.

Logistics and Support: We understand that sending your teens on a mission trip involves careful consideration. Rest assured, we prioritize the safety and well-being of all participants. Our experienced team will provide guidance, support, and supervision throughout the trip, ensuring a positive and impactful experience.

Places disponibles : 7

Prix : 1 000,00 $ Taxes exonérées

Prérequis : All candidates must meet with the Bishop prior to registration for this Mission Trip. Once you have received a verification of qualification you must pay the $750.00 registration fee to cover your plane ticket cost (subject to change more or less, depending on booking date and airline costs) . The$1,000.00 fee is needed to cover all accommodations and must be paid fully before July 13, 2024.

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