Date de début : mardi, 4 mars 2025.

Horaire :

 Les mardis, jeudis, 10 h 00 - 11 h 00 ,

 Du 4 mars 2025 jusqu'au 27 mars 2025 ,

 The REC Exercise C ,

 Lynne Clem ,

Lieu : The REC Exercise C | 1175 Municipal Way, Grapevine, TX, 76051

Description :

The month beings with exploring the alignment of poses, breathwork & meditation. Each class adds poses, creating a fun flow & synchronizing them with the breath. Class begins with warm up poses that allow you to stretch deeper & ends with cool down poses that release muscles, allowing deep relaxation in Savasana. Yoga will not only build strength, flexibility, and relaxation, but is healing to the body and mind as well. No experience is necessary - this moderately paced class is designed to give options for all levels.

Places disponibles : 7/20

Prix : 55,00 $ - 65,00 $ Taxes exonérées

Âge requis : Plus de 13 ans au jour de l'activité

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