123 Moore Street Sparta TN 38583 US

2024 Annual Campaign

Inscrivez le montant du don :


Nombre de dons

Objectif : 80 000,00 $

Jours restants : 204

Your dues operate our facility. Your gifts change lives. Each day at the Y, we find hope in meeting new challenges head-on by standing in the gaps to address pressing needs in the community. But, all of this work has a cost and we cannot do this work alone.

When you give to the Y, you support our mission: To glorify God by empowering our community to reach its fullest potential in mind, body, & spirit. When you give to the Y, you support our vision: To lead as a positive catalyst for our community by providing quality services that promote lifelong growth for all. When you give to the Y, you make an immediate impact on the lives of children and families here in OUR community.

2022 Highlights

  • Distrubuted 1,000 Backpacks to children in White & Van Buren County

  • Distrubuted 2,200 Meals to chidlren in our community

  • Provided 100 Children Christmas Gifts to chilfren in our community

  • $35,000 Awarded in Financial Assistance Scholorships 

  • Sponsored 6 Special Olympic YMCA Powerlfiting Athletes - YMCA Athletes Won 40 Gold Medals in 2022

  • Functioned as a Warming Shelter During Winter Storms 

  • Provided a Safe Space for Vulnerable Groups Through Free Programs -- Special Warriors, Sunshine Gang & 3PM Plus

For more information about giving to the YMCA or the programs your gifts help to support, please contact:
Kyle Goff - CEO  |  931.836.3330 or kyle@spartaymca.org.