Duxbury Bay Maritime School
Connecting all to Duxbury Bay through Education and Recreational Programs
Duxbury Bay Maritime School
Connecting all to Duxbury Bay through Education and Recreational Programs
In 2024 the annual fund allowed DBMS to deliver over 100,000 hours of mission serving programing and award over $110,000 of Needs-Based Scholarships to kids from near and far!
A little history…
In 1997, a small group of individuals founded the Duxbury Bay Maritime School with a simple idea, “to connect the community to Duxbury Bay.” Outgoing Board Chair, Fred Clifford, describes it best:
“No other non-profit organization that I have been involved with comes even close to the deep satisfaction as DBMS. Perhaps because this miracle started with an idea and a few individuals with a passion to make it happen. We started from scratch, with nothing – no money, no land, but with this idea. And then we sought and received overwhelming support from our community. And we made it happen.”
Now, twenty-seven years later, it is truly remarkable what this idea has become. Each year, DBMS connects thousands of individuals to Duxbury Bay through a wide variety of educational and recreational programming. Yet, these connections simply would not be possible without the sustained support of our community.
Objectif : 100 000,00 $
Jours restants : 7542