API v3 reference - organization

Version 3 of the Amilia API is the latest supported version. If you are using an older version, we recommend you switch to this one.



Manage access to your facilities with access scans


Get the access scans for an organization for a specified date range

This endpoint is paginated.

language (string)

Language in which the localizable values should be returned. Part of base url. Value is either 'fr' or 'en'

orgIdentifier (string)

Amilia-specific organization identifier. This identifier can be either the organization number, such as 8008, or the organization URL identifier. You can find that by looking at the URL of your Amilia store. It may look like lower-case words separated by a dash, such as forest-explorers. Note that in v2 and v1 we call that the 'rewrite URL'.

start (date)

Inclusive start limit of a date range filter. Format is YYYY-MM-DD. When both start and end are omitted, returns events for today

end (date)

Inclusive end limit of a date range filter. Format is YYYY-MM-DD. If end is omitted, retrieves only for one day specified by start

page (integer)

Result page number that appears first.

Default value is 1

perPage (integer)

Number of results per page.

Default value is 200

  "Id": 0,
  "ConfigurationId": 0,
  "Status": "Normal",
  "ScanDate": "0001-01-01T00:00:00",
  "Warning": "None",
  "AccessControlType": "Normal",
  "ResponsibleGenuinePersonId": 673922,
  "ResponsibleName": "Yvette St-Jean",
  "Note": "Must be accompanied",
  "PersonId": 0,
  "GenuinePersonId": 0,
  "MemberNumber": "P0838383",
  "PersonName": "Rolande St-Jean",
  "Gender": "F",
  "AccountId": 0,
  "BalanceAtScan": 0.0,
  "ActivitySegmentId": 460782,
  "ActivityId": 234090,
  "ActivityName": "Swimming",
  "SubscriptionState": "Valid",
  "SubscriptionExpiration": null,
  "MembershipId": 763298,
  "MembershipName": "Summer 2019",
  "LocationId": 0


Get the access scans for a configuration for a specified date range

This endpoint is paginated.

language (string)

Language in which the localizable values should be returned. Part of base url. Value is either 'fr' or 'en'

orgIdentifier (string)

Amilia-specific organization identifier. This identifier can be either the organization number, such as 8008, or the organization URL identifier. You can find that by looking at the URL of your Amilia store. It may look like lower-case words separated by a dash, such as forest-explorers. Note that in v2 and v1 we call that the 'rewrite URL'.

id (integer)

Id of the item before the /{id} in the url

start (date)

Inclusive start limit of a date range filter. Format is YYYY-MM-DD. When both start and end are omitted, returns events for today

end (date)

Inclusive end limit of a date range filter. Format is YYYY-MM-DD. If end is omitted, retrieves only for one day specified by start

page (integer)

Result page number that appears first.

Default value is 1

perPage (integer)

Number of results per page.

Default value is 200

    "Id": 1,
    "ConfigurationId": 1,
    "Status": "string 2",
    "ScanDate": "2022-09-01T00:00:00",
    "Warning": "string 3",
    "WarningMessage": "string 4",
    "AccessControlType": 0,
    "ResponsibleGenuinePersonId": 1,
    "ResponsibleName": "string 5",
    "Note": "string 6",
    "PersonId": 7,
    "GenuinePersonId": 8,
    "MemberNumber": "string 9",
    "PersonName": "string 10",
    "Gender": "string 11",
    "AccountId": 12,
    "BalanceAtScan": 13.0,
    "ActivitySegmentId": 1,
    "ActivityId": 1,
    "ActivityName": "string 14",
    "SubscriptionState": "string 15",
    "SubscriptionExpiration": "2022-09-01",
    "MembershipId": 1,
    "MembershipName": "string 16",
    "Location": {
      "Id": 1
    "Id": 1,
    "ConfigurationId": 1,
    "Status": "string 2",
    "ScanDate": "2022-09-01T00:00:00",
    "Warning": "string 3",
    "WarningMessage": "string 4",
    "AccessControlType": 0,
    "ResponsibleGenuinePersonId": 1,
    "ResponsibleName": "string 5",
    "Note": "string 6",
    "PersonId": 7,
    "GenuinePersonId": 8,
    "MemberNumber": "string 9",
    "PersonName": "string 10",
    "Gender": "string 11",
    "AccountId": 12,
    "BalanceAtScan": 13.0,
    "ActivitySegmentId": 1,
    "ActivityId": 1,
    "ActivityName": "string 14",
    "SubscriptionState": "string 15",
    "SubscriptionExpiration": "2022-09-01",
    "MembershipId": 1,
    "MembershipName": "string 16",
    "Location": {
      "Id": 1


Get the access scans for a location for a specified date range

This endpoint is paginated.

language (string)

Language in which the localizable values should be returned. Part of base url. Value is either 'fr' or 'en'

orgIdentifier (string)

Amilia-specific organization identifier. This identifier can be either the organization number, such as 8008, or the organization URL identifier. You can find that by looking at the URL of your Amilia store. It may look like lower-case words separated by a dash, such as forest-explorers. Note that in v2 and v1 we call that the 'rewrite URL'.

id (integer)

Id of the item before the /{id} in the url

start (date)

Inclusive start limit of a date range filter. Format is YYYY-MM-DD. When both start and end are omitted, returns events for today

end (date)

Inclusive end limit of a date range filter. Format is YYYY-MM-DD. If end is omitted, retrieves only for one day specified by start

page (integer)

Result page number that appears first.

Default value is 1

perPage (integer)

Number of results per page.

Default value is 200

    "Id": 1,
    "ConfigurationId": 1,
    "Status": "string 2",
    "ScanDate": "2022-09-01T00:00:00",
    "Warning": "string 3",
    "WarningMessage": "string 4",
    "AccessControlType": 0,
    "ResponsibleGenuinePersonId": 1,
    "ResponsibleName": "string 5",
    "Note": "string 6",
    "PersonId": 7,
    "GenuinePersonId": 8,
    "MemberNumber": "string 9",
    "PersonName": "string 10",
    "Gender": "string 11",
    "AccountId": 12,
    "BalanceAtScan": 13.0,
    "ActivitySegmentId": 1,
    "ActivityId": 1,
    "ActivityName": "string 14",
    "SubscriptionState": "string 15",
    "SubscriptionExpiration": "2022-09-01",
    "MembershipId": 1,
    "MembershipName": "string 16",
    "Location": {
      "Id": 1
    "Id": 1,
    "ConfigurationId": 1,
    "Status": "string 2",
    "ScanDate": "2022-09-01T00:00:00",
    "Warning": "string 3",
    "WarningMessage": "string 4",
    "AccessControlType": 0,
    "ResponsibleGenuinePersonId": 1,
    "ResponsibleName": "string 5",
    "Note": "string 6",
    "PersonId": 7,
    "GenuinePersonId": 8,
    "MemberNumber": "string 9",
    "PersonName": "string 10",
    "Gender": "string 11",
    "AccountId": 12,
    "BalanceAtScan": 13.0,
    "ActivitySegmentId": 1,
    "ActivityId": 1,
    "ActivityName": "string 14",
    "SubscriptionState": "string 15",
    "SubscriptionExpiration": "2022-09-01",
    "MembershipId": 1,
    "MembershipName": "string 16",
    "Location": {
      "Id": 1


An account can represent either a personal (family) account, or a corporate account. These endpoints give you access to the list of clients you have for your organization.


Get accounts

Returns a list of all accounts sorted by id, with the option to show archived accounts

language (string)

Language in which the localizable values should be returned. Part of base url. Value is either 'fr' or 'en'

orgIdentifier (string)

Amilia-specific organization identifier. This identifier can be either the organization number, such as 8008, or the organization URL identifier. You can find that by looking at the URL of your Amilia store. It may look like lower-case words separated by a dash, such as forest-explorers. Note that in v2 and v1 we call that the 'rewrite URL'.

accountOwnerEmail (string)

No description available

showArchived (boolean)

Option to also show archived items.

Default value is False

page (integer)

Result page number that appears first.

Default value is 1

perPage (integer)

Number of results per page.

Default value is 200

    "Id": 0,
    "Owners": [
        "OrganizationId": 77132,
        "AccountId": 818188,
        "AccountOwnerId": 398313,
        "AccountOwnerFirstName": "Mario",
        "AccountOwnerLastName": "Viau",
        "AccountOwnerFullName": "Mario Viau",
        "AccountOwnerEmail": "mario@monadresse.ca",
        "AccountOwnerTelephoneMobile": null,
        "IsArchived": false,
        "Contacts": [
            "Relationship": "Grandmother",
            "Type": "EmergencyContact",
            "Id": 0,
            "FirstName": "Georgette",
            "LastName": "Plouffe",
            "FullName": "Georgette Plouffe",
            "DateOfBirth": null,
            "Email": "allo@videotron.ca",
            "Telephone": "514 555 9999",
            "TelephoneMobile": null,
            "TelephoneWork": null
        "Skills": [
            "Id": 88,
            "Name": "Rescue",
            "AwardedDate": "2022-09-01"
        "MedicalInformation": {
          "Allergies": {
            "Nuts": false,
            "Peanuts": false,
            "Eggs": false,
            "InsectSting": false,
            "Seafood": false
          "Sicknesses": {
            "Asthma": false,
            "Incontinence": false,
            "HearingDisorder": false,
            "Diabete": false,
            "Hyperactive": false,
            "Epilepsy": false,
            "VisualDisorder": false,
            "MotorHandicap": false,
            "BehaviorDisorder": false
          "Reactions": "Rash",
          "MedicationDosage": "20 mg",
          "MedicationFrequency": "Twice daily",
          "MedicationOther": "Take with meals",
          "OtherAllergy": "Crab",
          "OtherSickness": "Sea sickness",
          "MedicalStatus": "NoRecord",
          "HasSickness": false,
          "HasAllergy": false
        "JoinDate": "2022-09-01",
        "PictureUrl": "photo_de_maurice.jpg",
        "Memberships": [
            "Id": 54321
            "Id": 12345
        "ExternalId": "MyId85884",
        "Friend": null,
        "PickupPassword": null,
        "Id": 0,
        "FirstName": "Maurice",
        "LastName": "Maynard",
        "FullName": "Maurice Maynard",
        "Gender": "Male",
        "DateOfBirth": "2000-02-20",
        "Email": "mau@gmail.com",
        "Address": {
          "Latitude": 45.72,
          "Longitude": -73.5,
          "Address1": "412 des Érables",
          "Address2": "App. 1",
          "City": "Montreal",
          "Country": "Canada",
          "StateProvince": "QC",
          "ZipPostalCode": "H3G 1A1"
        "Telephone": "514 555 5555",
        "TelephoneMobile": "438 555 0000",
        "TelephoneWork": "438 555 5555",
        "TelephoneWorkExtension": "1234",
        "IsChild": false
    "Members": [
        "OrganizationId": 77132,
        "AccountId": 818188,
        "AccountOwnerId": 398313,
        "AccountOwnerFirstName": "Mario",
        "AccountOwnerLastName": "Viau",
        "AccountOwnerFullName": "Mario Viau",
        "AccountOwnerEmail": "mario@monadresse.ca",
        "AccountOwnerTelephoneMobile": null,
        "IsArchived": false,
        "Contacts": [
            "Relationship": "Grandmother",
            "Type": "EmergencyContact",
            "Id": 0,
            "FirstName": "Georgette",
            "LastName": "Plouffe",
            "FullName": "Georgette Plouffe",
            "DateOfBirth": null,
            "Email": "allo@videotron.ca",
            "Telephone": "514 555 9999",
            "TelephoneMobile": null,
            "TelephoneWork": null
        "Skills": [
            "Id": 88,
            "Name": "Rescue",
            "AwardedDate": "2022-09-01"
        "MedicalInformation": {
          "Allergies": {
            "Nuts": false,
            "Peanuts": false,
            "Eggs": false,
            "InsectSting": false,
            "Seafood": false
          "Sicknesses": {
            "Asthma": false,
            "Incontinence": false,
            "HearingDisorder": false,
            "Diabete": false,
            "Hyperactive": false,
            "Epilepsy": false,
            "VisualDisorder": false,
            "MotorHandicap": false,
            "BehaviorDisorder": false
          "Reactions": "Rash",
          "MedicationDosage": "20 mg",
          "MedicationFrequency": "Twice daily",
          "MedicationOther": "Take with meals",
          "OtherAllergy": "Crab",
          "OtherSickness": "Sea sickness",
          "MedicalStatus": "NoRecord",
          "HasSickness": false,
          "HasAllergy": false
        "JoinDate": "2022-09-01",
        "PictureUrl": "photo_de_maurice.jpg",
        "Memberships": [
            "Id": 54321
            "Id": 12345
        "ExternalId": "MyId85884",
        "Friend": null,
        "PickupPassword": null,
        "Id": 0,
        "FirstName": "Maurice",
        "LastName": "Maynard",
        "FullName": "Maurice Maynard",
        "Gender": "Male",
        "DateOfBirth": "2000-02-20",
        "Email": "mau@gmail.com",
        "Address": {
          "Latitude": 45.72,
          "Longitude": -73.5,
          "Address1": "412 des Érables",
          "Address2": "App. 1",
          "City": "Montreal",
          "Country": "Canada",
          "StateProvince": "QC",
          "ZipPostalCode": "H3G 1A1"
        "Telephone": "514 555 5555",
        "TelephoneMobile": "438 555 0000",
        "TelephoneWork": "438 555 5555",
        "TelephoneWorkExtension": "1234",
        "IsChild": false
    "Corporate": {
      "Id": 0,
      "CompanyName": "Acme Inc.",
      "Email": "acme@acme.com",
      "Address": {
        "Latitude": 45.72,
        "Longitude": -73.5,
        "Address1": "32 Seymour Street",
        "Address2": "",
        "City": "Kamloops",
        "Country": "Canada",
        "StateProvince": "BC",
        "ZipPostalCode": "V2C 2A1"
      "PictureUrl": "img/ourbusiness.jpg",
      "Website": "www.acme.com",
      "Telephone": "555 555 5555",
      "TelephoneOther": "555 444 3333",
      "OrganizationId": 0,
      "AccountId": 0,
      "IsArchived": false,
      "Contact": {
        "FirstName": "Edgar",
        "LastName": "Smith",
        "Title": "Chief Officer",
        "Email": "esmith@acme.com",
        "Telephone": "555 444 3210"
    "Id": 0,
    "Owners": [
        "OrganizationId": 77132,
        "AccountId": 818188,
        "AccountOwnerId": 398313,
        "AccountOwnerFirstName": "Mario",
        "AccountOwnerLastName": "Viau",
        "AccountOwnerFullName": "Mario Viau",
        "AccountOwnerEmail": "mario@monadresse.ca",
        "AccountOwnerTelephoneMobile": null,
        "IsArchived": false,
        "Contacts": [
            "Relationship": "Grandmother",
            "Type": "EmergencyContact",
            "Id": 0,
            "FirstName": "Georgette",
            "LastName": "Plouffe",
            "FullName": "Georgette Plouffe",
            "DateOfBirth": null,
            "Email": "allo@videotron.ca",
            "Telephone": "514 555 9999",
            "TelephoneMobile": null,
            "TelephoneWork": null
        "Skills": [
            "Id": 88,
            "Name": "Rescue",
            "AwardedDate": "2022-09-01"
        "MedicalInformation": {
          "Allergies": {
            "Nuts": false,
            "Peanuts": false,
            "Eggs": false,
            "InsectSting": false,
            "Seafood": false
          "Sicknesses": {
            "Asthma": false,
            "Incontinence": false,
            "HearingDisorder": false,
            "Diabete": false,
            "Hyperactive": false,
            "Epilepsy": false,
            "VisualDisorder": false,
            "MotorHandicap": false,
            "BehaviorDisorder": false
          "Reactions": "Rash",
          "MedicationDosage": "20 mg",
          "MedicationFrequency": "Twice daily",
          "MedicationOther": "Take with meals",
          "OtherAllergy": "Crab",
          "OtherSickness": "Sea sickness",
          "MedicalStatus": "NoRecord",
          "HasSickness": false,
          "HasAllergy": false
        "JoinDate": "2022-09-01",
        "PictureUrl": "photo_de_maurice.jpg",
        "Memberships": [
            "Id": 54321
            "Id": 12345
        "ExternalId": "MyId85884",
        "Friend": null,
        "PickupPassword": null,
        "Id": 0,
        "FirstName": "Maurice",
        "LastName": "Maynard",
        "FullName": "Maurice Maynard",
        "Gender": "Male",
        "DateOfBirth": "2000-02-20",
        "Email": "mau@gmail.com",
        "Address": {
          "Latitude": 45.72,
          "Longitude": -73.5,
          "Address1": "412 des Érables",
          "Address2": "App. 1",
          "City": "Montreal",
          "Country": "Canada",
          "StateProvince": "QC",
          "ZipPostalCode": "H3G 1A1"
        "Telephone": "514 555 5555",
        "TelephoneMobile": "438 555 0000",
        "TelephoneWork": "438 555 5555",
        "TelephoneWorkExtension": "1234",
        "IsChild": false
    "Members": [
        "OrganizationId": 77132,
        "AccountId": 818188,
        "AccountOwnerId": 398313,
        "AccountOwnerFirstName": "Mario",
        "AccountOwnerLastName": "Viau",
        "AccountOwnerFullName": "Mario Viau",
        "AccountOwnerEmail": "mario@monadresse.ca",
        "AccountOwnerTelephoneMobile": null,
        "IsArchived": false,
        "Contacts": [
            "Relationship": "Grandmother",
            "Type": "EmergencyContact",
            "Id": 0,
            "FirstName": "Georgette",
            "LastName": "Plouffe",
            "FullName": "Georgette Plouffe",
            "DateOfBirth": null,
            "Email": "allo@videotron.ca",
            "Telephone": "514 555 9999",
            "TelephoneMobile": null,
            "TelephoneWork": null
        "Skills": [
            "Id": 88,
            "Name": "Rescue",
            "AwardedDate": "2022-09-01"
        "MedicalInformation": {
          "Allergies": {
            "Nuts": false,
            "Peanuts": false,
            "Eggs": false,
            "InsectSting": false,
            "Seafood": false
          "Sicknesses": {
            "Asthma": false,
            "Incontinence": false,
            "HearingDisorder": false,
            "Diabete": false,
            "Hyperactive": false,
            "Epilepsy": false,
            "VisualDisorder": false,
            "MotorHandicap": false,
            "BehaviorDisorder": false
          "Reactions": "Rash",
          "MedicationDosage": "20 mg",
          "MedicationFrequency": "Twice daily",
          "MedicationOther": "Take with meals",
          "OtherAllergy": "Crab",
          "OtherSickness": "Sea sickness",
          "MedicalStatus": "NoRecord",
          "HasSickness": false,
          "HasAllergy": false
        "JoinDate": "2022-09-01",
        "PictureUrl": "photo_de_maurice.jpg",
        "Memberships": [
            "Id": 54321
            "Id": 12345
        "ExternalId": "MyId85884",
        "Friend": null,
        "PickupPassword": null,
        "Id": 0,
        "FirstName": "Maurice",
        "LastName": "Maynard",
        "FullName": "Maurice Maynard",
        "Gender": "Male",
        "DateOfBirth": "2000-02-20",
        "Email": "mau@gmail.com",
        "Address": {
          "Latitude": 45.72,
          "Longitude": -73.5,
          "Address1": "412 des Érables",
          "Address2": "App. 1",
          "City": "Montreal",
          "Country": "Canada",
          "StateProvince": "QC",
          "ZipPostalCode": "H3G 1A1"
        "Telephone": "514 555 5555",
        "TelephoneMobile": "438 555 0000",
        "TelephoneWork": "438 555 5555",
        "TelephoneWorkExtension": "1234",
        "IsChild": false
    "Corporate": {
      "Id": 0,
      "CompanyName": "Acme Inc.",
      "Email": "acme@acme.com",
      "Address": {
        "Latitude": 45.72,
        "Longitude": -73.5,
        "Address1": "32 Seymour Street",
        "Address2": "",
        "City": "Kamloops",
        "Country": "Canada",
        "StateProvince": "BC",
        "ZipPostalCode": "V2C 2A1"
      "PictureUrl": "img/ourbusiness.jpg",
      "Website": "www.acme.com",
      "Telephone": "555 555 5555",
      "TelephoneOther": "555 444 3333",
      "OrganizationId": 0,
      "AccountId": 0,
      "IsArchived": false,
      "Contact": {
        "FirstName": "Edgar",
        "LastName": "Smith",
        "Title": "Chief Officer",
        "Email": "esmith@acme.com",
        "Telephone": "555 444 3210"


Get an account

You can get the account id from /org/{orgIdentifier}/accounts. Returns an account with the option to show the medical information of the persons in it

language (string)

Language in which the localizable values should be returned. Part of base url. Value is either 'fr' or 'en'

orgIdentifier (string)

Amilia-specific organization identifier. This identifier can be either the organization number, such as 8008, or the organization URL identifier. You can find that by looking at the URL of your Amilia store. It may look like lower-case words separated by a dash, such as forest-explorers. Note that in v2 and v1 we call that the 'rewrite URL'.

id (integer)

Account id

showMedicalInfo (boolean)

Option to show the persons' medical information.

Default value is False

  "Id": 0,
  "Owners": [
      "OrganizationId": 77132,
      "AccountId": 818188,
      "AccountOwnerId": 398313,
      "AccountOwnerFirstName": "Mario",
      "AccountOwnerLastName": "Viau",
      "AccountOwnerFullName": "Mario Viau",
      "AccountOwnerEmail": "mario@monadresse.ca",
      "AccountOwnerTelephoneMobile": null,
      "IsArchived": false,
      "Contacts": [
          "Relationship": "Grandmother",
          "Type": "EmergencyContact",
          "Id": 0,
          "FirstName": "Georgette",
          "LastName": "Plouffe",
          "FullName": "Georgette Plouffe",
          "DateOfBirth": null,
          "Email": "allo@videotron.ca",
          "Telephone": "514 555 9999",
          "TelephoneMobile": null,
          "TelephoneWork": null
      "Skills": [
          "Id": 88,
          "Name": "Rescue",
          "AwardedDate": "2022-09-01"
      "MedicalInformation": {
        "Allergies": {
          "Nuts": false,
          "Peanuts": false,
          "Eggs": false,
          "InsectSting": false,
          "Seafood": false
        "Sicknesses": {
          "Asthma": false,
          "Incontinence": false,
          "HearingDisorder": false,
          "Diabete": false,
          "Hyperactive": false,
          "Epilepsy": false,
          "VisualDisorder": false,
          "MotorHandicap": false,
          "BehaviorDisorder": false
        "Reactions": "Rash",
        "MedicationDosage": "20 mg",
        "MedicationFrequency": "Twice daily",
        "MedicationOther": "Take with meals",
        "OtherAllergy": "Crab",
        "OtherSickness": "Sea sickness",
        "MedicalStatus": "NoRecord",
        "HasSickness": false,
        "HasAllergy": false
      "JoinDate": "2022-09-01",
      "PictureUrl": "photo_de_maurice.jpg",
      "Memberships": [
          "Id": 54321
          "Id": 12345
      "ExternalId": "MyId85884",
      "Friend": null,
      "PickupPassword": null,
      "Id": 0,
      "FirstName": "Maurice",
      "LastName": "Maynard",
      "FullName": "Maurice Maynard",
      "Gender": "Male",
      "DateOfBirth": "2000-02-20",
      "Email": "mau@gmail.com",
      "Address": {
        "Latitude": 45.72,
        "Longitude": -73.5,
        "Address1": "412 des Érables",
        "Address2": "App. 1",
        "City": "Montreal",
        "Country": "Canada",
        "StateProvince": "QC",
        "ZipPostalCode": "H3G 1A1"
      "Telephone": "514 555 5555",
      "TelephoneMobile": "438 555 0000",
      "TelephoneWork": "438 555 5555",
      "TelephoneWorkExtension": "1234",
      "IsChild": false
  "Members": [
      "OrganizationId": 77132,
      "AccountId": 818188,
      "AccountOwnerId": 398313,
      "AccountOwnerFirstName": "Mario",
      "AccountOwnerLastName": "Viau",
      "AccountOwnerFullName": "Mario Viau",
      "AccountOwnerEmail": "mario@monadresse.ca",
      "AccountOwnerTelephoneMobile": null,
      "IsArchived": false,
      "Contacts": [
          "Relationship": "Grandmother",
          "Type": "EmergencyContact",
          "Id": 0,
          "FirstName": "Georgette",
          "LastName": "Plouffe",
          "FullName": "Georgette Plouffe",
          "DateOfBirth": null,
          "Email": "allo@videotron.ca",
          "Telephone": "514 555 9999",
          "TelephoneMobile": null,
          "TelephoneWork": null
      "Skills": [
          "Id": 88,
          "Name": "Rescue",
          "AwardedDate": "2022-09-01"
      "MedicalInformation": {
        "Allergies": {
          "Nuts": false,
          "Peanuts": false,
          "Eggs": false,
          "InsectSting": false,
          "Seafood": false
        "Sicknesses": {
          "Asthma": false,
          "Incontinence": false,
          "HearingDisorder": false,
          "Diabete": false,
          "Hyperactive": false,
          "Epilepsy": false,
          "VisualDisorder": false,
          "MotorHandicap": false,
          "BehaviorDisorder": false
        "Reactions": "Rash",
        "MedicationDosage": "20 mg",
        "MedicationFrequency": "Twice daily",
        "MedicationOther": "Take with meals",
        "OtherAllergy": "Crab",
        "OtherSickness": "Sea sickness",
        "MedicalStatus": "NoRecord",
        "HasSickness": false,
        "HasAllergy": false
      "JoinDate": "2022-09-01",
      "PictureUrl": "photo_de_maurice.jpg",
      "Memberships": [
          "Id": 54321
          "Id": 12345
      "ExternalId": "MyId85884",
      "Friend": null,
      "PickupPassword": null,
      "Id": 0,
      "FirstName": "Maurice",
      "LastName": "Maynard",
      "FullName": "Maurice Maynard",
      "Gender": "Male",
      "DateOfBirth": "2000-02-20",
      "Email": "mau@gmail.com",
      "Address": {
        "Latitude": 45.72,
        "Longitude": -73.5,
        "Address1": "412 des Érables",
        "Address2": "App. 1",
        "City": "Montreal",
        "Country": "Canada",
        "StateProvince": "QC",
        "ZipPostalCode": "H3G 1A1"
      "Telephone": "514 555 5555",
      "TelephoneMobile": "438 555 0000",
      "TelephoneWork": "438 555 5555",
      "TelephoneWorkExtension": "1234",
      "IsChild": false
  "Corporate": {
    "Id": 0,
    "CompanyName": "Acme Inc.",
    "Email": "acme@acme.com",
    "Address": {
      "Latitude": 45.72,
      "Longitude": -73.5,
      "Address1": "32 Seymour Street",
      "Address2": "",
      "City": "Kamloops",
      "Country": "Canada",
      "StateProvince": "BC",
      "ZipPostalCode": "V2C 2A1"
    "PictureUrl": "img/ourbusiness.jpg",
    "Website": "www.acme.com",
    "Telephone": "555 555 5555",
    "TelephoneOther": "555 444 3333",
    "OrganizationId": 0,
    "AccountId": 0,
    "IsArchived": false,
    "Contact": {
      "FirstName": "Edgar",
      "LastName": "Smith",
      "Title": "Chief Officer",
      "Email": "esmith@acme.com",
      "Telephone": "555 444 3210"


Get contacts for an account

You can get the account id from /org/{orgIdentifier}/accounts. Returns a list of persons entered in the account as contacts

language (string)

Language in which the localizable values should be returned. Part of base url. Value is either 'fr' or 'en'

orgIdentifier (string)

Amilia-specific organization identifier. This identifier can be either the organization number, such as 8008, or the organization URL identifier. You can find that by looking at the URL of your Amilia store. It may look like lower-case words separated by a dash, such as forest-explorers. Note that in v2 and v1 we call that the 'rewrite URL'.

id (integer)

Account id

    "Id": 0,
    "FirstName": "Simone",
    "LastName": "Samson",
    "FullName": "Simone Samson",
    "Gender": "NotSpecified",
    "DateOfBirth": "1970-01-01",
    "Email": "simone.samson@amilia.com",
    "Address": {
      "Latitude": 45.72,
      "Longitude": -73.5,
      "Address1": "111 Yonge St.",
      "Address2": "Apt. 22",
      "City": "Toronto",
      "Country": "Canada",
      "StateProvince": "ON",
      "ZipPostalCode": "M4B 1B3"
    "Telephone": "418 555 0011",
    "TelephoneMobile": "438 555 4444",
    "TelephoneWork": "418 555 7777",
    "TelephoneWorkExtension": "333",
    "IsChild": false
    "Id": 0,
    "FirstName": "Simone",
    "LastName": "Samson",
    "FullName": "Simone Samson",
    "Gender": "NotSpecified",
    "DateOfBirth": "1970-01-01",
    "Email": "simone.samson@amilia.com",
    "Address": {
      "Latitude": 45.72,
      "Longitude": -73.5,
      "Address1": "111 Yonge St.",
      "Address2": "Apt. 22",
      "City": "Toronto",
      "Country": "Canada",
      "StateProvince": "ON",
      "ZipPostalCode": "M4B 1B3"
    "Telephone": "418 555 0011",
    "TelephoneMobile": "438 555 4444",
    "TelephoneWork": "418 555 7777",
    "TelephoneWorkExtension": "333",
    "IsChild": false


Get rental contracts

You can get the account id from /org/{orgIdentifier}/accounts. Returns a list of rental contracts ordered by id, with the option to show archived contracts and to filter by contract status

language (string)

Language in which the localizable values should be returned. Part of base url. Value is either 'fr' or 'en'

orgIdentifier (string)

Amilia-specific organization identifier. This identifier can be either the organization number, such as 8008, or the organization URL identifier. You can find that by looking at the URL of your Amilia store. It may look like lower-case words separated by a dash, such as forest-explorers. Note that in v2 and v1 we call that the 'rewrite URL'.

id (integer)

Account id

status (string)

Possible values are 'All', 'Approved', 'Draft', and 'PendingApproval'. These values are case-insensitive.

Default value is All

showArchived (boolean)

Option to also show archived items.

Default value is False

page (integer)

Result page number that appears first.

Default value is 1

perPage (integer)

Number of results per page.

Default value is 200

    "OrganizationId": 0,
    "ContractNumber": 0,
    "Name": "August 2019 - Grantham Soccer League & Town of Grantham",
    "ClientId": 75712,
    "AccountId": 921129,
    "Bookings": [
        "Id": 0,
        "LocationId": 0,
        "LocationName": "Grantham soccer field 1",
        "Start": "2022-09-01T12:47:32.4625147-04:00",
        "End": "2022-09-01T12:47:32.4625147-04:00",
        "Price": 0.0,
        "Status": "Tentative",
        "IsSoftDeleted": false
    "DateCreated": "2022-09-01",
    "Status": "PendingApproval",
    "Notes": "Subject to conditions",
    "IsArchived": false,
    "Version": 0,
    "LastUpdated": null,
    "Id": 0,
    "AdminNotes": "Refer to agreement",
    "SetupOption": null
    "OrganizationId": 0,
    "ContractNumber": 0,
    "Name": "August 2019 - Grantham Soccer League & Town of Grantham",
    "ClientId": 75712,
    "AccountId": 921129,
    "Bookings": [
        "Id": 0,
        "LocationId": 0,
        "LocationName": "Grantham soccer field 1",
        "Start": "2022-09-01T12:47:32.4625147-04:00",
        "End": "2022-09-01T12:47:32.4625147-04:00",
        "Price": 0.0,
        "Status": "Tentative",
        "IsSoftDeleted": false
    "DateCreated": "2022-09-01",
    "Status": "PendingApproval",
    "Notes": "Subject to conditions",
    "IsArchived": false,
    "Version": 0,
    "LastUpdated": null,
    "Id": 0,
    "AdminNotes": "Refer to agreement",
    "SetupOption": null


Get registrations

You can get the account id from /org/{orgIdentifier}/accounts. Returns a list of registrations ordered by id, with the options to show registrations to programs that have ended

language (string)

Language in which the localizable values should be returned. Part of base url. Value is either 'fr' or 'en'

orgIdentifier (string)

Amilia-specific organization identifier. This identifier can be either the organization number, such as 8008, or the organization URL identifier. You can find that by looking at the URL of your Amilia store. It may look like lower-case words separated by a dash, such as forest-explorers. Note that in v2 and v1 we call that the 'rewrite URL'.

id (integer)

Account id

showEnded (boolean)

Option to show registrations for programs that have ended. Registrations are only valid during a program's lifetime.

Default value is False

page (integer)

Result page number that appears first.

Default value is 1

perPage (integer)

Number of results per page.

Default value is 200

    "ProgramId": 400004,
    "ProgramName": "Summer 2019",
    "CategoryId": 888333,
    "CategoryName": "Swimming for seniors",
    "SubCategoryId": 555444,
    "SubCategoryName": "Swimming for seniors, Tuesday",
    "ActivityId": 1234567,
    "ActivityName": "Swimming for seniors, Tuesdays 13h",
    "GroupId": 111222,
    "GroupName": "Seniors 1",
    "DateCreated": "2022-09-01T12:47:32.4826869-04:00",
    "PersonId": 9191,
    "DropInOccurrenceId": 818181,
    "DropInDate": "2022-09-01T12:47:32-04:00",
    "IsCancelled": false
    "ProgramId": 400004,
    "ProgramName": "Summer 2019",
    "CategoryId": 888333,
    "CategoryName": "Swimming for seniors",
    "SubCategoryId": 555444,
    "SubCategoryName": "Swimming for seniors, Tuesday",
    "ActivityId": 1234567,
    "ActivityName": "Swimming for seniors, Tuesdays 13h",
    "GroupId": 111222,
    "GroupName": "Seniors 1",
    "DateCreated": "2022-09-01T12:47:32.4826869-04:00",
    "PersonId": 9191,
    "DropInOccurrenceId": 818181,
    "DropInDate": "2022-09-01T12:47:32-04:00",
    "IsCancelled": false


Get private lessons for account

You can get the account id from /org/{orgIdentifier}/accounts. Returns a list of private lessons ordered by id, with the option to show lessons that have already taken place.

language (string)

Language in which the localizable values should be returned. Part of base url. Value is either 'fr' or 'en'

orgIdentifier (string)

Amilia-specific organization identifier. This identifier can be either the organization number, such as 8008, or the organization URL identifier. You can find that by looking at the URL of your Amilia store. It may look like lower-case words separated by a dash, such as forest-explorers. Note that in v2 and v1 we call that the 'rewrite URL'.

id (integer)

Account id

showEnded (boolean)

Option to show registrations for programs that have ended. Registrations are only valid during a program's lifetime.

Default value is False

page (integer)

Result page number that appears first.

Default value is 1

perPage (integer)

Number of results per page.

Default value is 200

    "Person": {
      "Id": 1
    "Staff": {
      "Id": 1
    "Occurrence": {
      "StartTime": "2022-09-01T12:47:27.0369976-04:00",
      "EndTime": "2022-09-01T12:47:27.0369976-04:00"
    "DateCreated": "2022-09-01T12:47:27.0369976-04:00"
    "Person": {
      "Id": 1
    "Staff": {
      "Id": 1
    "Occurrence": {
      "StartTime": "2022-09-01T12:47:27.0369976-04:00",
      "EndTime": "2022-09-01T12:47:27.0369976-04:00"
    "DateCreated": "2022-09-01T12:47:27.0369976-04:00"


In Amilia, an activity is a class or specific offering. Other systems may call this a program, whereas in Amilia a program is a container of similar activities.


Get an activity for an organization

language (string)

Language in which the localizable values should be returned. Part of base url. Value is either 'fr' or 'en'

orgIdentifier (string)

Amilia-specific organization identifier. This identifier can be either the organization number, such as 8008, or the organization URL identifier. You can find that by looking at the URL of your Amilia store. It may look like lower-case words separated by a dash, such as forest-explorers. Note that in v2 and v1 we call that the 'rewrite URL'.

id (integer)

Activity id

showTaxes (boolean)

Default value is False

  "Tags": [
      "Id": 4,
      "Name": "VIP"
      "Id": 5,
      "Name": "Summer 2019"
  "Description": "Soccer outdoors on Fridays 16h-17h",
  "Prerequisite": "Must have passed soccer I",
  "Note": "Bring snacks, tie your hair, no jewelry",
  "ThirdPartyUrl": "merch/soccer",
  "AdditionalInformation": "Bring more snacks",
  "ResponsibleName": null,
  "Price": 150.0,
  "DropInPrice": 0.0,
  "DisplayOrder": 0,
  "Age": {
    "Max": 17,
    "Min": 7,
    "Months": false
  "MaxAttendance": 24,
  "SpotsRemaining": 2,
  "SpotsReserved": 7,
  "NumberOfOccurrences": 0,
  "StartDate": "2022-09-01T00:00:00-04:00",
  "EndDate": "2022-09-01T00:00:00-04:00",
  "ScheduleSummary": "Fridays 16h-17h, 2 May to 27 August",
  "HasSessionEnabled": false,
  "HasDropInEnabled": false,
  "AgeSummary": "7-17",
  "Keywords": [],
  "Groups": [],
  "OrganizationId": 0,
  "RegistrationPeriods": null,
  "LocationLabel": null,
  "Forms": [
      "Id": 1,
      "Type": "Adult",
      "Name": "Adult Form Name"
      "Id": 2,
      "Type": "Children",
      "Name": "Child Form Name"
  "SecretUrl": "https://app.amilia.com/store/{language}/{orgIdentifier}/api/Activity/Detail?activityId={hashId}",
  "PictureUrl": "activity/picture.jpg",
  "Id": 0,
  "Name": "Soccer II",
  "ProgramId": 0,
  "ProgramName": "Summer 2019",
  "CategoryId": 56783,
  "CategoryName": "Soccer",
  "SubCategoryId": 56786,
  "SubCategoryName": "junior",
  "Url": "soccer/2019/fridays",
  "Status": "Normal"


Get an activity's occurrences for an organization

Returns a list of activity (events), with the option to define a start and end date and to show those that have been edited

language (string)

Language in which the localizable values should be returned. Part of base url. Value is either 'fr' or 'en'

orgIdentifier (string)

Amilia-specific organization identifier. This identifier can be either the organization number, such as 8008, or the organization URL identifier. You can find that by looking at the URL of your Amilia store. It may look like lower-case words separated by a dash, such as forest-explorers. Note that in v2 and v1 we call that the 'rewrite URL'.

id (integer)

Activity id

showEdited (boolean)

Option to show items that have been modified.

Default value is False

from (date)

Start date formatted as YYYY-MM-DD. Inclusive in all versions of the API. Default value is null

to (date)

End date formatted as YYYY-MM-DD. Inclusive in version 3, exclusive in previous versions of the API. Default value is null

page (integer)

Result page number that appears first.

Default value is 1

perPage (integer)

Number of results per page.

Default value is 200

    "HasDropInEnabled": true,
    "DropInMaxAttendance": 1,
    "DropInSpotsReserved": 1,
    "DropInSpotsRemaining": 0,
    "ActivityId": 2,
    "Start": "2022-09-01T12:47:27.0369976-04:00",
    "End": "2022-09-01T12:47:27.0369976-04:00",
    "State": "Normal",
    "Id": 3,
    "Location": {
      "Id": 1,
      "Name": "string 2"
    "Staff": [
        "Id": 1,
        "FirstName": "string 2",
        "LastName": "string 3",
        "State": "Normal"
        "Id": 1,
        "FirstName": "string 2",
        "LastName": "string 3",
        "State": "Normal"
    "HasDropInEnabled": true,
    "DropInMaxAttendance": 1,
    "DropInSpotsReserved": 1,
    "DropInSpotsRemaining": 0,
    "ActivityId": 2,
    "Start": "2022-09-01T12:47:27.0369976-04:00",
    "End": "2022-09-01T12:47:27.0369976-04:00",
    "State": "Normal",
    "Id": 3,
    "Location": {
      "Id": 1,
      "Name": "string 2"
    "Staff": [
        "Id": 1,
        "FirstName": "string 2",
        "LastName": "string 3",
        "State": "Normal"
        "Id": 1,
        "FirstName": "string 2",
        "LastName": "string 3",
        "State": "Normal"


Get an activity's attendance per occurrence for an organization

Returns a list of activity (events) with their attendance lists.

language (string)

Language in which the localizable values should be returned. Part of base url. Value is either 'fr' or 'en'

orgIdentifier (string)

Amilia-specific organization identifier. This identifier can be either the organization number, such as 8008, or the organization URL identifier. You can find that by looking at the URL of your Amilia store. It may look like lower-case words separated by a dash, such as forest-explorers. Note that in v2 and v1 we call that the 'rewrite URL'.

id (integer)

Activity id

page (integer)

Result page number that appears first.

Default value is 1

perPage (integer)

Number of results per page.

Default value is 200

    "Id": 1,
    "Attendance": [
        "PersonId": 1,
        "Status": "string 2"
        "PersonId": 1,
        "Status": "string 2"
    "Start": "2022-09-01T12:47:27.0369976-04:00",
    "End": "2022-09-01T12:47:27.0369976-04:00"
    "Id": 1,
    "Attendance": [
        "PersonId": 1,
        "Status": "string 2"
        "PersonId": 1,
        "Status": "string 2"
    "Start": "2022-09-01T12:47:27.0369976-04:00",
    "End": "2022-09-01T12:47:27.0369976-04:00"


Get persons in an activity for an organization

Returns a list of persons subscribed to an activity, with the option to show the persons' registrations, skills and medical information and the option to show participants for session or drop ins, or those that have cancelled the registration.

language (string)

Language in which the localizable values should be returned. Part of base url. Value is either 'fr' or 'en'

orgIdentifier (string)

Amilia-specific organization identifier. This identifier can be either the organization number, such as 8008, or the organization URL identifier. You can find that by looking at the URL of your Amilia store. It may look like lower-case words separated by a dash, such as forest-explorers. Note that in v2 and v1 we call that the 'rewrite URL'.

id (integer)

Activity id

status (PersonActivityStatusV3)

Default value is Registered

showSkills (boolean)

Option to show relevant skills.

Default value is False

showRegistrations (boolean)

Option to show the persons who registered.

Default value is False

showMedicalInfo (boolean)

Option to show the persons' medical information.

Default value is False

showCancelledRegistrations (boolean)

Default value is False

page (integer)

Result page number that appears first.

Default value is 1

perPage (integer)

Number of results per page.

Default value is 200

    "OrganizationId": 77132,
    "AccountId": 818188,
    "AccountOwnerId": 398313,
    "AccountOwnerFirstName": "Mario",
    "AccountOwnerLastName": "Viau",
    "AccountOwnerFullName": "Mario Viau",
    "AccountOwnerEmail": "mario@monadresse.ca",
    "AccountOwnerTelephoneMobile": null,
    "IsArchived": false,
    "Contacts": [
        "Relationship": "Grandmother",
        "Type": "EmergencyContact",
        "Id": 0,
        "FirstName": "Georgette",
        "LastName": "Plouffe",
        "FullName": "Georgette Plouffe",
        "DateOfBirth": null,
        "Email": "allo@videotron.ca",
        "Telephone": "514 555 9999",
        "TelephoneMobile": null,
        "TelephoneWork": null
    "Skills": [
        "Id": 88,
        "Name": "Rescue",
        "AwardedDate": "2022-09-01"
    "MedicalInformation": {
      "Allergies": {
        "Nuts": false,
        "Peanuts": false,
        "Eggs": false,
        "InsectSting": false,
        "Seafood": false
      "Sicknesses": {
        "Asthma": false,
        "Incontinence": false,
        "HearingDisorder": false,
        "Diabete": false,
        "Hyperactive": false,
        "Epilepsy": false,
        "VisualDisorder": false,
        "MotorHandicap": false,
        "BehaviorDisorder": false
      "Reactions": "Rash",
      "MedicationDosage": "20 mg",
      "MedicationFrequency": "Twice daily",
      "MedicationOther": "Take with meals",
      "OtherAllergy": "Crab",
      "OtherSickness": "Sea sickness",
      "MedicalStatus": "NoRecord",
      "HasSickness": false,
      "HasAllergy": false
    "JoinDate": "2022-09-01",
    "PictureUrl": "photo_de_maurice.jpg",
    "Memberships": [
        "Id": 54321
        "Id": 12345
    "ExternalId": "MyId85884",
    "Friend": null,
    "PickupPassword": null,
    "Id": 0,
    "FirstName": "Maurice",
    "LastName": "Maynard",
    "FullName": "Maurice Maynard",
    "Gender": "Male",
    "DateOfBirth": "2000-02-20",
    "Email": "mau@gmail.com",
    "Address": {
      "Latitude": 45.72,
      "Longitude": -73.5,
      "Address1": "412 des Érables",
      "Address2": "App. 1",
      "City": "Montreal",
      "Country": "Canada",
      "StateProvince": "QC",
      "ZipPostalCode": "H3G 1A1"
    "Telephone": "514 555 5555",
    "TelephoneMobile": "438 555 0000",
    "TelephoneWork": "438 555 5555",
    "TelephoneWorkExtension": "1234",
    "IsChild": false
    "OrganizationId": 77132,
    "AccountId": 818188,
    "AccountOwnerId": 398313,
    "AccountOwnerFirstName": "Mario",
    "AccountOwnerLastName": "Viau",
    "AccountOwnerFullName": "Mario Viau",
    "AccountOwnerEmail": "mario@monadresse.ca",
    "AccountOwnerTelephoneMobile": null,
    "IsArchived": false,
    "Contacts": [
        "Relationship": "Grandmother",
        "Type": "EmergencyContact",
        "Id": 0,
        "FirstName": "Georgette",
        "LastName": "Plouffe",
        "FullName": "Georgette Plouffe",
        "DateOfBirth": null,
        "Email": "allo@videotron.ca",
        "Telephone": "514 555 9999",
        "TelephoneMobile": null,
        "TelephoneWork": null
    "Skills": [
        "Id": 88,
        "Name": "Rescue",
        "AwardedDate": "2022-09-01"
    "MedicalInformation": {
      "Allergies": {
        "Nuts": false,
        "Peanuts": false,
        "Eggs": false,
        "InsectSting": false,
        "Seafood": false
      "Sicknesses": {
        "Asthma": false,
        "Incontinence": false,
        "HearingDisorder": false,
        "Diabete": false,
        "Hyperactive": false,
        "Epilepsy": false,
        "VisualDisorder": false,
        "MotorHandicap": false,
        "BehaviorDisorder": false
      "Reactions": "Rash",
      "MedicationDosage": "20 mg",
      "MedicationFrequency": "Twice daily",
      "MedicationOther": "Take with meals",
      "OtherAllergy": "Crab",
      "OtherSickness": "Sea sickness",
      "MedicalStatus": "NoRecord",
      "HasSickness": false,
      "HasAllergy": false
    "JoinDate": "2022-09-01",
    "PictureUrl": "photo_de_maurice.jpg",
    "Memberships": [
        "Id": 54321
        "Id": 12345
    "ExternalId": "MyId85884",
    "Friend": null,
    "PickupPassword": null,
    "Id": 0,
    "FirstName": "Maurice",
    "LastName": "Maynard",
    "FullName": "Maurice Maynard",
    "Gender": "Male",
    "DateOfBirth": "2000-02-20",
    "Email": "mau@gmail.com",
    "Address": {
      "Latitude": 45.72,
      "Longitude": -73.5,
      "Address1": "412 des Érables",
      "Address2": "App. 1",
      "City": "Montreal",
      "Country": "Canada",
      "StateProvince": "QC",
      "ZipPostalCode": "H3G 1A1"
    "Telephone": "514 555 5555",
    "TelephoneMobile": "438 555 0000",
    "TelephoneWork": "438 555 5555",
    "TelephoneWorkExtension": "1234",
    "IsChild": false


Get all waitlisted persons in current activities

language (string)

Language in which the localizable values should be returned. Part of base url. Value is either 'fr' or 'en'

orgIdentifier (string)

Amilia-specific organization identifier. This identifier can be either the organization number, such as 8008, or the organization URL identifier. You can find that by looking at the URL of your Amilia store. It may look like lower-case words separated by a dash, such as forest-explorers. Note that in v2 and v1 we call that the 'rewrite URL'.

page (integer)

Result page number that appears first.

Default value is 1

perPage (integer)

Number of results per page.

Default value is 200

    "WaitList": [
        "Registration": {
            "Id": 6,
            "Status": "Skipped"
        "Id": 5,
        "FirstName": "Garry",
        "LastName": "Kasparov",
        "FullName": "Garry Kasparov",
        "DateOfBirth": null,
        "Email": "Garry@email.com",
        "Telephone": "(514) 123-4567",
        "TelephoneMobile": "(212) 1212-212",
        "TelephoneWork": "(123) 456-7890 x123"
    "Id": 1,
    "Name": "Monday Night Blitz",
    "ProgramId": 2,
    "ProgramName": "Chess Club",
    "CategoryId": 3,
    "CategoryName": "Montreal Chess Club",
    "SubCategoryId": 4,
    "SubCategoryName": "Weekly Club Meetings",
    "Url": "https://google.com",
    "Status": "Normal"
    "WaitList": [
        "Registration": {
            "Id": 6,
            "Status": "Skipped"
        "Id": 5,
        "FirstName": "Garry",
        "LastName": "Kasparov",
        "FullName": "Garry Kasparov",
        "DateOfBirth": null,
        "Email": "Garry@email.com",
        "Telephone": "(514) 123-4567",
        "TelephoneMobile": "(212) 1212-212",
        "TelephoneWork": "(123) 456-7890 x123"
    "Id": 1,
    "Name": "Monday Night Blitz",
    "ProgramId": 2,
    "ProgramName": "Chess Club",
    "CategoryId": 3,
    "CategoryName": "Montreal Chess Club",
    "SubCategoryId": 4,
    "SubCategoryName": "Weekly Club Meetings",
    "Url": "https://google.com",
    "Status": "Normal"


Get all waitlisted persons in for a single activity

language (string)

Language in which the localizable values should be returned. Part of base url. Value is either 'fr' or 'en'

orgIdentifier (string)

Amilia-specific organization identifier. This identifier can be either the organization number, such as 8008, or the organization URL identifier. You can find that by looking at the URL of your Amilia store. It may look like lower-case words separated by a dash, such as forest-explorers. Note that in v2 and v1 we call that the 'rewrite URL'.

id (integer)

Activity id

page (integer)

Result page number that appears first.

Default value is 1

perPage (integer)

Number of results per page.

Default value is 200

  "WaitList": [
      "Registration": {
        "Id": 6,
        "Status": "Skipped"
      "Id": 5,
      "FirstName": "Garry",
      "LastName": "Kasparov",
      "FullName": "Garry Kasparov",
      "DateOfBirth": null,
      "Email": "Garry@email.com",
      "Telephone": "(514) 123-4567",
      "TelephoneMobile": "(212) 1212-212",
      "TelephoneWork": "(123) 456-7890 x123"
  "Id": 1,
  "Name": "Monday Night Blitz",
  "ProgramId": 2,
  "ProgramName": "Chess Club",
  "CategoryId": 3,
  "CategoryName": "Montreal Chess Club",
  "SubCategoryId": 4,
  "SubCategoryName": "Weekly Club Meetings",
  "Url": "https://google.com",
  "Status": "Normal"
language (string)

Language in which the localizable values should be returned. Part of base url. Value is either 'fr' or 'en'

orgIdentifier (string)

Amilia-specific organization identifier. This identifier can be either the organization number, such as 8008, or the organization URL identifier. You can find that by looking at the URL of your Amilia store. It may look like lower-case words separated by a dash, such as forest-explorers. Note that in v2 and v1 we call that the 'rewrite URL'.

showPastActivities (boolean)

Option to also show past activities.

Default value is false

page (integer)

Result page number that appears first.

Default value is 1

perPage (integer)

Number of results per page.

Default value is 200

from (date)

Start date formatted as YYYY-MM-DD. Inclusive in all versions of the API. Default value is null

to (date)

End date formatted as YYYY-MM-DD. Inclusive in version 3, exclusive in previous versions of the API. Default value is null

  "Tags": [
      "Id": 4,
      "Name": "VIP"
      "Id": 5,
      "Name": "Summer 2019"
  "Description": "Soccer outdoors on Fridays 16h-17h",
  "Prerequisite": "Must have passed soccer I",
  "Note": "Bring snacks, tie your hair, no jewelry",
  "ThirdPartyUrl": "merch/soccer",
  "AdditionalInformation": "Bring more snacks",
  "ResponsibleName": null,
  "Price": 150.0,
  "DropInPrice": 0.0,
  "DisplayOrder": 0,
  "Age": {
    "Max": 17,
    "Min": 7,
    "Months": false
  "MaxAttendance": 24,
  "SpotsRemaining": 2,
  "SpotsReserved": 7,
  "NumberOfOccurrences": 0,
  "StartDate": "2022-09-01T00:00:00-04:00",
  "EndDate": "2022-09-01T00:00:00-04:00",
  "ScheduleSummary": "Fridays 16h-17h, 2 May to 27 August",
  "HasSessionEnabled": false,
  "HasDropInEnabled": false,
  "AgeSummary": "7-17",
  "Keywords": [
      "Id": 88,
      "Name": "Soccer"
  "Groups": [
      "Id": 3,
      "Name": "Melanie"
      "Id": 4,
      "Name": "Doris"
  "OrganizationId": 0,
  "RegistrationPeriods": null,
  "LocationLabel": null,
  "Forms": [
      "Id": 1,
      "Type": "Adult",
      "Name": "Adult Form Name"
      "Id": 2,
      "Type": "Children",
      "Name": "Child Form Name"
  "SecretUrl": "https://app.amilia.com/store/{language}/{orgIdentifier}/api/Activity/Detail?activityId={hashId}",
  "PictureUrl": "activity/picture.jpg",
  "Id": 0,
  "Name": "Soccer II",
  "ProgramId": 0,
  "ProgramName": "Summer 2019",
  "CategoryId": 56783,
  "CategoryName": "Soccer",
  "SubCategoryId": 56786,
  "SubCategoryName": "junior",
  "Url": "soccer/2019/fridays",
  "Status": "Normal",
  "Schedules": [
      "TimePeriod": {
        "StartTime": "17:00:00",
        "EndTime": "18:00:00",
        "StartDate": "2019-01-12T00:00:00",
        "EndDate": null,
        "NumberOfOccurence": null,
        "RecurrenceEndDate": "2019-03-30T00:00:00",
        "TimeZone": "Eastern Standard Time",
        "TimePeriodType": "RepeatUntilEndDate",
        "RecurrenceUnitType": "week",
        "MonthType": null,
        "Days": [
      "Staff": [
          "Id": 0,
          "FirstName": "John",
          "LastName": "Smith",
          "State": "Normal"
      "Locations": [
          "Id": 0,
          "Name": "Piscine Joseph-Charbonneau",



Authenticate the user in the API

Returns a token to be used for all other calls. Note that the call (written with the full path below) does not contain the {language} parameter

There are no parameters for this call.

   "Token": "0000aaaa11bbbb4444hh8888rrrr.33dd4455ff.gggg6666"



Get all donations sold for an organization

Returns all the donations that are sold for your organization (defaults to last 30 days).

language (string)

Language in which the localizable values should be returned. Part of base url. Value is either 'fr' or 'en'

orgIdentifier (string)

Amilia-specific organization identifier. This identifier can be either the organization number, such as 8008, or the organization URL identifier. You can find that by looking at the URL of your Amilia store. It may look like lower-case words separated by a dash, such as forest-explorers. Note that in v2 and v1 we call that the 'rewrite URL'.

from (date)

Start date formatted as YYYY-MM-DD. Inclusive in all versions of the API. Default value is null

to (date)

End date formatted as YYYY-MM-DD. Inclusive in version 3, exclusive in previous versions of the API. Default value is null

page (integer)

Result page number that appears first.

Default value is 1

perPage (integer)

Number of results per page.

Default value is 200

    "InvoiceItemId": 1,
    "PurchasedDateUtc": "2022-09-01T12:47:27.0369976-04:00",
    "Donation": {
      "Id": 1,
      "Name": "string 2"
    "Person": {
      "Id": 1,
      "FirstName": "string 2",
      "LastName": "string 3",
      "FullName": "string 4",
      "DateOfBirth": "2022-09-01",
      "Email": "string 5",
      "Telephone": "string 6",
      "TelephoneMobile": "string 7",
      "TelephoneWork": "string 8"
    "InvoiceItemId": 1,
    "PurchasedDateUtc": "2022-09-01T12:47:27.0369976-04:00",
    "Donation": {
      "Id": 1,
      "Name": "string 2"
    "Person": {
      "Id": 1,
      "FirstName": "string 2",
      "LastName": "string 3",
      "FullName": "string 4",
      "DateOfBirth": "2022-09-01",
      "Email": "string 5",
      "Telephone": "string 6",
      "TelephoneMobile": "string 7",
      "TelephoneWork": "string 8"


An event is an activity unit in a unique time slot. The terms event and occurrence are used interchangeably in our platform.


Get events for an organization

Retrieves all activity events occurring in the active programs of an organization, for the given date range.

Arguments 'from' and 'to' are dates. If 'to' is omitted, retrieves only for one day specified by 'from'. When both 'from' and 'to' are omitted, returns events for today.

You can also limit the search to a given program given the 'programId' argument, and report the list of participants and their attendance for each returned event by passing 'showParticipants=true'.

This call is useful to build a calendar.

language (string)

Language in which the localizable values should be returned. Part of base url. Value is either 'fr' or 'en'

orgIdentifier (string)

Amilia-specific organization identifier. This identifier can be either the organization number, such as 8008, or the organization URL identifier. You can find that by looking at the URL of your Amilia store. It may look like lower-case words separated by a dash, such as forest-explorers. Note that in v2 and v1 we call that the 'rewrite URL'.

from (date)

Start date formatted as YYYY-MM-DD. Inclusive in all versions of the API. Default value is null

to (date)

End date formatted as YYYY-MM-DD. Inclusive in version 3, exclusive in previous versions of the API. Default value is null

programId (integer)

Id of the program in which the event is. Default value is null

showParticipants (boolean)

Option to show the list of participants and their attendance.

Default value is False

showHidden (boolean)

Option to return hidden items.

Default value is False

showSkipped (boolean)

Default value is False

showCanceled (boolean)

Default value is False

page (integer)

Result page number that appears first.

Default value is 1

perPage (integer)

Number of results per page.

Default value is 200

    "Start": "2022-09-01T12:47:33.540258-04:00",
    "End": "2022-09-01T14:47:33.540258-04:00",
    "AllDay": false,
    "Title": "End of Season Match",
    "Url": "supersport.com/end/of/season/match",
    "Activity": {
      "Id": 0,
      "Name": "End of Season Match",
      "ProgramId": 0,
      "ProgramName": "Summer 2019 Soccer",
      "CategoryId": 0,
      "CategoryName": "Soccer",
      "SubCategoryId": 0,
      "SubCategoryName": "Soccer for Seniors",
      "Url": null,
      "Status": "Normal",
      "HasDropInEnabled": "true",
      "HasSessionEnabled": "true"
    "Participants": null,
    "State": "Normal",
    "PictureUrl": "end_of_season_match.jpg",
    "Price": 0.0,
    "Tags": [
        "Id": 4,
        "Name": "Soccer",
        "Color": "Orange",
        "IsVisible": true
    "EventType": "Activity",
    "Id": 0,
    "Location": {
      "Address": {
        "Latitude": 45.72,
        "Longitude": -73.5,
        "Address1": "888 rue Joseph-Gravel",
        "Address2": "",
        "City": "Chambly",
        "Country": "Canada",
        "StateProvince": "QC",
        "ZipPostalCode": "J3L 0C7"
      "Id": 9009,
      "Name": "Parc Joseph-Gravel"
    "Staff": []
    "Start": "2022-09-01T12:47:33.540258-04:00",
    "End": "2022-09-01T14:47:33.540258-04:00",
    "AllDay": false,
    "Title": "End of Season Match",
    "Url": "supersport.com/end/of/season/match",
    "Activity": {
      "Id": 0,
      "Name": "End of Season Match",
      "ProgramId": 0,
      "ProgramName": "Summer 2019 Soccer",
      "CategoryId": 0,
      "CategoryName": "Soccer",
      "SubCategoryId": 0,
      "SubCategoryName": "Soccer for Seniors",
      "Url": null,
      "Status": "Normal",
      "HasDropInEnabled": "true",
      "HasSessionEnabled": "true"
    "Participants": null,
    "State": "Normal",
    "PictureUrl": "end_of_season_match.jpg",
    "Price": 0.0,
    "Tags": [
        "Id": 4,
        "Name": "Soccer",
        "Color": "Orange",
        "IsVisible": true
    "EventType": "Activity",
    "Id": 0,
    "Location": {
      "Address": {
        "Latitude": 45.72,
        "Longitude": -73.5,
        "Address1": "888 rue Joseph-Gravel",
        "Address2": "",
        "City": "Chambly",
        "Country": "Canada",
        "StateProvince": "QC",
        "ZipPostalCode": "J3L 0C7"
      "Id": 9009,
      "Name": "Parc Joseph-Gravel"
    "Staff": []


A journal entry is a record of a transaction that increases/decreases the balance of a financial account, keeping track of what Invoice, Payment or Reconciliation was affected. Since we are using the double entry bookkeeping system, every financially meaningful event will create 2 journal entries.


Get Journal Entries

Returns a list of all journal entries sorted by most recent first.

It is possible to specify a date range or only start (from) or end (to) date.

If no dates are specified, all the journal entries for the organization are returned.

language (string)

Language in which the localizable values should be returned. Part of base url. Value is either 'fr' or 'en'

orgIdentifier (string)

Amilia-specific organization identifier. This identifier can be either the organization number, such as 8008, or the organization URL identifier. You can find that by looking at the URL of your Amilia store. It may look like lower-case words separated by a dash, such as forest-explorers. Note that in v2 and v1 we call that the 'rewrite URL'.

from (date)

Start date formatted as YYYY-MM-DD. Inclusive in all versions of the API. Default value is null

to (date)

End date formatted as YYYY-MM-DD. Inclusive in version 3, exclusive in previous versions of the API. Default value is null

page (integer)

Result page number that appears first.

Default value is 1

perPage (integer)

Number of results per page.

Default value is 200

    "Id": 1,
    "EffectiveDate": "2022-09-01T12:47:27.0369976-04:00",
    "LedgerEntry": {
      "Id": 1,
      "Code": "string 2",
      "Title": "string 3"
    "Amount": 3.0,
    "PostingType": "Debit",
    "InvoiceItem": {
      "Id": 1
    "Invoice": {
      "Id": 1
    "Payment": {
      "Id": 1
    "Account": {
      "Id": 1
    "IsCorrection": true,
    "GroupType": "Invoice",
    "Details": [
        "Id": 1,
        "Amount": 2.0,
        "PostingType": "Debit",
        "RevenueLedger": {
          "Id": 1,
          "Code": "string 2",
          "Title": "string 3"
        "DeferredRevenueLedger": {
          "Id": 1,
          "Code": "string 2",
          "Title": "string 3"
        "ContraRevenueLedger": {
          "Id": 1,
          "Code": "string 2",
          "Title": "string 3"
        "DeferredContraRevenueLedger": {
          "Id": 1,
          "Code": "string 2",
          "Title": "string 3"
        "LiabilityLedger": {
          "Id": 1,
          "Code": "string 2",
          "Title": "string 3"
        "InvoiceItem": {
          "Id": 1
        "Id": 1,
        "Amount": 2.0,
        "PostingType": "Debit",
        "RevenueLedger": {
          "Id": 1,
          "Code": "string 2",
          "Title": "string 3"
        "DeferredRevenueLedger": {
          "Id": 1,
          "Code": "string 2",
          "Title": "string 3"
        "ContraRevenueLedger": {
          "Id": 1,
          "Code": "string 2",
          "Title": "string 3"
        "DeferredContraRevenueLedger": {
          "Id": 1,
          "Code": "string 2",
          "Title": "string 3"
        "LiabilityLedger": {
          "Id": 1,
          "Code": "string 2",
          "Title": "string 3"
        "InvoiceItem": {
          "Id": 1
    "Id": 1,
    "EffectiveDate": "2022-09-01T12:47:27.0369976-04:00",
    "LedgerEntry": {
      "Id": 1,
      "Code": "string 2",
      "Title": "string 3"
    "Amount": 3.0,
    "PostingType": "Debit",
    "InvoiceItem": {
      "Id": 1
    "Invoice": {
      "Id": 1
    "Payment": {
      "Id": 1
    "Account": {
      "Id": 1
    "IsCorrection": true,
    "GroupType": "Invoice",
    "Details": [
        "Id": 1,
        "Amount": 2.0,
        "PostingType": "Debit",
        "RevenueLedger": {
          "Id": 1,
          "Code": "string 2",
          "Title": "string 3"
        "DeferredRevenueLedger": {
          "Id": 1,
          "Code": "string 2",
          "Title": "string 3"
        "ContraRevenueLedger": {
          "Id": 1,
          "Code": "string 2",
          "Title": "string 3"
        "DeferredContraRevenueLedger": {
          "Id": 1,
          "Code": "string 2",
          "Title": "string 3"
        "LiabilityLedger": {
          "Id": 1,
          "Code": "string 2",
          "Title": "string 3"
        "InvoiceItem": {
          "Id": 1
        "Id": 1,
        "Amount": 2.0,
        "PostingType": "Debit",
        "RevenueLedger": {
          "Id": 1,
          "Code": "string 2",
          "Title": "string 3"
        "DeferredRevenueLedger": {
          "Id": 1,
          "Code": "string 2",
          "Title": "string 3"
        "ContraRevenueLedger": {
          "Id": 1,
          "Code": "string 2",
          "Title": "string 3"
        "DeferredContraRevenueLedger": {
          "Id": 1,
          "Code": "string 2",
          "Title": "string 3"
        "LiabilityLedger": {
          "Id": 1,
          "Code": "string 2",
          "Title": "string 3"
        "InvoiceItem": {
          "Id": 1


Keywords summarize specific types of and are related to


Get keywords

Returns a list of supported keywords, with the option to specify a partner name

language (string)

Language in which the localizable values should be returned. Part of base url. Value is either 'fr' or 'en'

partner (string)

Partner name. Default value is null

    "Id": 0,
    "Name": "Skiing",
    "ParentVerticalId": 842
    "Id": 0,
    "Name": "Skiing",
    "ParentVerticalId": 842


Get a keyword

Returns an individual keyword by id, with the option to specify a partner name

language (string)

Language in which the localizable values should be returned. Part of base url. Value is either 'fr' or 'en'

id (integer)

Keyword id

partner (string)

Partner name. Default value is null

  "Id": 0,
  "Name": "Skiing",
  "ParentVerticalId": 842


Ledger Entries allow an organization to map money flows to ledger book entries for accounting purposes.


Get Ledger Entries

Returns a list of all Ledger Entries by id, with the option to show archived items.

language (string)

Language in which the localizable values should be returned. Part of base url. Value is either 'fr' or 'en'

orgIdentifier (string)

Amilia-specific organization identifier. This identifier can be either the organization number, such as 8008, or the organization URL identifier. You can find that by looking at the URL of your Amilia store. It may look like lower-case words separated by a dash, such as forest-explorers. Note that in v2 and v1 we call that the 'rewrite URL'.

showArchived (boolean)

Option to also show archived items.

Default value is False

page (integer)

Result page number that appears first.

Default value is 1

perPage (integer)

Number of results per page.

Default value is 200

    "Description": "string 1",
    "LedgerType": "Revenue",
    "IsArchived": true,
    "IsSystemGenerated": true,
    "Id": 4,
    "Code": "string 5",
    "Title": "string 6"
    "Description": "string 1",
    "LedgerType": "Revenue",
    "IsArchived": true,
    "IsSystemGenerated": true,
    "Id": 4,
    "Code": "string 5",
    "Title": "string 6"


Get Ledger Entry

Returns details of a Ledger Entry by id.

language (string)

Language in which the localizable values should be returned. Part of base url. Value is either 'fr' or 'en'

orgIdentifier (string)

Amilia-specific organization identifier. This identifier can be either the organization number, such as 8008, or the organization URL identifier. You can find that by looking at the URL of your Amilia store. It may look like lower-case words separated by a dash, such as forest-explorers. Note that in v2 and v1 we call that the 'rewrite URL'.

ledgerCodeId (integer)

Ledger Code id.

    "Description": "string 1",
    "LedgerType": "Revenue",
    "IsArchived": true,
    "IsSystemGenerated": true,
    "Id": 4,
    "Code": "string 5",
    "Title": "string 6"


Physical places where activities happen


Get locations for an organization

Returns all the locations that have been defined for your organization. You must specify area type and coordinates. You also have the option to specify a radius and an activity keyword id. You can also show children locations that have the given keyword

language (string)

Language in which the localizable values should be returned. Part of base url. Value is either 'fr' or 'en'

orgIdentifier (string)

Amilia-specific organization identifier. This identifier can be either the organization number, such as 8008, or the organization URL identifier. You can find that by looking at the URL of your Amilia store. It may look like lower-case words separated by a dash, such as forest-explorers. Note that in v2 and v1 we call that the 'rewrite URL'.

type (string)

Shape of search area: circle (search by Radius), rectangle (search by BoundingBox) or polygon (search by Polygon).

coordinates (list of doubles)

Pairs of points on a 2D map. Each pair has the format 45.00,73.00. Extra pairs are appended with a comma like so: 45.00,73.00,10.00,10.00. In the search by BoundingBox, the rectangle is defined by its top-left and bottom-right coordinates (so four numbers).In the search by Polygon, the polygon is defined by all its coordinates (an even number of numbers, and more than four numbers). The polygon points must be ordered either clockwise or counterclockwise to prevent the enclosed area from folding over itself and give unexpected results.

radius (integer)

In the search by Radius, the circle is defined by its radius in km. Default value is null

keywordId (integer)

Activity keyword id. Default value is null

showChildrenKeywords (boolean)

Option to also show children locations containing the given keywords

Default value is False

page (integer)

Result page number that appears first.

Default value is 1

perPage (integer)

Number of results per page.

Default value is 200

    "FullName": "Natatorium de Verdun",
    "Description": "Piscines profonde et moyenne, pataugeoire",
    "Telephone": "514 555 1111",
    "TelephoneExtension": "324",
    "ParentId": 5432,
    "TopParentId": 33,
    "AncestorIds": [
    "TimeZone": "Eastern Standard Time",
    "OpeningHours": [
      "DayOfWeek": "Sunday",
      "Start": "11:00:00",
      "End": "19:00:00"
      "DayOfWeek": "Monday",
      "Start": "10:00:00",
      "End": "18:00:00"
      "DayOfWeek": "Tuesday",
      "Start": "10:00:00",
      "End": "18:00:00"
    "Keywords": [
        "Id": 34,
        "Name": "Swimming"
        "Id": 41,
        "Name": "Rescue"
    "Address": {
      "Latitude": 45.72,
      "Longitude": -73.5,
      "Address1": "9000 boul. Lasalle",
      "Address2": "",
      "City": "Montreal",
      "Country": "Canada",
      "StateProvince": "QC",
      "ZipPostalCode": "H4E 1P4"
    "Id": 0,
    "Name": "Natatorium"
    "FullName": "Natatorium de Verdun",
    "Description": "Piscines profonde et moyenne, pataugeoire",
    "Telephone": "514 555 1111",
    "TelephoneExtension": "324",
    "ParentId": 5432,
    "TopParentId": 33,
    "AncestorIds": [
    "TimeZone": "Eastern Standard Time",
    "OpeningHours": [
       "DayOfWeek": "Sunday",
       "Start": "11:00:00",
       "End": "19:00:00"
       "DayOfWeek": "Monday",
       "Start": "10:00:00",
       "End": "18:00:00"
       "DayOfWeek": "Tuesday",
       "Start": "10:00:00",
       "End": "18:00:00"
    "Keywords": [
        "Id": 34,
        "Name": "Swimming"
        "Id": 41,
        "Name": "Rescue"
    "Address": {
      "Latitude": 45.72,
      "Longitude": -73.5,
      "Address1": "9000 boul. Lasalle",
      "Address2": "",
      "City": "Montreal",
      "Country": "Canada",
      "StateProvince": "QC",
      "ZipPostalCode": "H4E 1P4"
    "Id": 0,
    "Name": "Natatorium"


Get an organization's activities by location

You can get the location id from /org/{orgIdentifier}/locations. Returns a list of taking place at the given location, with the option to specify a keyword id and to show hidden and cancelled activities, activities in child locations and child locations containing the given keyword

language (string)

Language in which the localizable values should be returned. Part of base url. Value is either 'fr' or 'en'

orgIdentifier (string)

Amilia-specific organization identifier. This identifier can be either the organization number, such as 8008, or the organization URL identifier. You can find that by looking at the URL of your Amilia store. It may look like lower-case words separated by a dash, such as forest-explorers. Note that in v2 and v1 we call that the 'rewrite URL'.

id (integer)

Location id

showHidden (boolean)

Option to return hidden items.

Default value is False

showCancelled (boolean)

Option to also return cancelled items.

Default value is False

showChildrenActivities (boolean)

Option to also show activities in children locations.

Default value is False

keywordId (integer)

Activity keyword id. Default value is null

showChildrenKeywords (boolean)

Option to also show children locations containing the given keywords

Default value is False

page (integer)

Result page number that appears first.

Default value is 1

perPage (integer)

Number of results per page.

Default value is 200

    "Description": "Soccer outdoors on Fridays 16h-17h",
    "Prerequisite": "Must have passed soccer I",
    "Note": "Bring snacks, tie your hair, no jewelry",
    "ThirdPartyUrl": "merch/soccer",
    "AdditionalInformation": "Bring more snacks",
    "ResponsibleName": null,
    "Price": 150.0,
    "DropInPrice": 0.0,
    "DisplayOrder": 0,
    "Age": {
      "Max": 17,
      "Min": 7,
      "Months": false
    "MaxAttendance": 24,
    "SpotsRemaining": 2,
    "SpotsReserved": 7,
    "NumberOfOccurrences": 0,
    "StartDate": "2022-09-01T00:00:00-04:00",
    "EndDate": "2022-09-01T00:00:00-04:00",
    "ScheduleSummary": "Fridays 16h-17h, 2 May to 27 August",
    "HasSessionEnabled": false,
    "HasDropInEnabled": false,
    "AgeSummary": "7-17",
    "Keywords": [
        "Id": 88,
        "Name": "Soccer"
    "Groups": [
        "Id": 3,
        "Name": "Melanie"
        "Id": 4,
        "Name": "Doris"
    "OrganizationId": 0,
    "RegistrationPeriods": null,
    "LocationLabel": null,
    "Forms": [
      "Id": 1,
      "Type": "Adult",
      "Name": "Adult Form Name"
      "Id": 2,
      "Type": "Children",
      "Name": "Child Form Name"
    "SecretUrl": "https://app.amilia.com/store/{language}/{orgIdentifier}/api/Activity/Detail?activityId={hashId}",
    "PictureUrl": "activity/picture.jpg",
    "Id": 0,
    "Name": "Soccer II",
    "ProgramId": 0,
    "ProgramName": "Summer 2019",
    "CategoryId": 56783,
    "CategoryName": "Soccer",
    "SubCategoryId": 56786,
    "SubCategoryName": "junior",
    "Url": "soccer/2019/fridays",
    "Status": "Normal"
    "Description": "Soccer outdoors on Fridays 16h-17h",
    "Prerequisite": "Must have passed soccer I",
    "Note": "Bring snacks, tie your hair, no jewelry",
    "ThirdPartyUrl": "merch/soccer",
    "AdditionalInformation": "Bring more snacks",
    "ResponsibleName": null,
    "Price": 150.0,
    "DropInPrice": 0.0,
    "DisplayOrder": 0,
    "Age": {
      "Max": 17,
      "Min": 7,
      "Months": false
    "MaxAttendance": 24,
    "SpotsRemaining": 2,
    "SpotsReserved": 7,
    "NumberOfOccurrences": 0,
    "StartDate": "2022-09-01T00:00:00-04:00",
    "EndDate": "2022-09-01T00:00:00-04:00",
    "ScheduleSummary": "Fridays 16h-17h, 2 May to 27 August",
    "HasSessionEnabled": false,
    "HasDropInEnabled": false,
    "AgeSummary": "7-17",
    "Keywords": [
        "Id": 88,
        "Name": "Soccer"
    "Groups": [
        "Id": 3,
        "Name": "Melanie"
        "Id": 4,
        "Name": "Doris"
    "OrganizationId": 0,
    "RegistrationPeriods": null,
    "LocationLabel": null,
    "Forms": [
      "Id": 1,
      "Type": "Adult",
      "Name": "Adult Form Name"
      "Id": 2,
      "Type": "Children",
      "Name": "Child Form Name"
    "SecretUrl": "https://app.amilia.com/store/{language}/{orgIdentifier}/api/Activity/Detail?activityId={hashId}",
    "PictureUrl": "activity/picture.jpg",
    "Id": 0,
    "Name": "Soccer II",
    "ProgramId": 0,
    "ProgramName": "Summer 2019",
    "CategoryId": 56783,
    "CategoryName": "Soccer",
    "SubCategoryId": 56786,
    "SubCategoryName": "junior",
    "Url": "soccer/2019/fridays",
    "Status": "Normal",
    "Schedules": [
        "TimePeriod": {
          "StartTime": "17:00:00",
          "EndTime": "18:00:00",
          "StartDate": "2019-01-12T00:00:00",
          "EndDate": null,
          "NumberOfOccurence": null,
          "RecurrenceEndDate": "2019-03-30T00:00:00",
          "TimeZone": "Eastern Standard Time",
          "TimePeriodType": "RepeatUntilEndDate",
          "RecurrenceUnitType": "week",
          "MonthType": null,
          "Days": [
        "Staff": [
            "Id": 0,
            "FirstName": "John",
            "LastName": "Smith",
            "State": "Normal"


Get a location for an organization

You can get the location id from /org/{orgIdentifier}/locations

language (string)

Language in which the localizable values should be returned. Part of base url. Value is either 'fr' or 'en'

orgIdentifier (string)

Amilia-specific organization identifier. This identifier can be either the organization number, such as 8008, or the organization URL identifier. You can find that by looking at the URL of your Amilia store. It may look like lower-case words separated by a dash, such as forest-explorers. Note that in v2 and v1 we call that the 'rewrite URL'.

id (integer)

Location id

  "FullName": "Natatorium de Verdun",
  "Description": "Piscines profonde et moyenne, pataugeoire",
  "Telephone": "514 555 1111",
  "TelephoneExtension": "324",
  "ParentId": 5432,
  "TopParentId": 33,
  "AncestorIds": [
  "TimeZone": "Eastern Standard Time",
  "OpeningHours": [
      "DayOfWeek": "Sunday",
      "Start": "11:00:00",
      "End": "19:00:00"
      "DayOfWeek": "Monday",
      "Start": "10:00:00",
      "End": "18:00:00"
      "DayOfWeek": "Tuesday",
      "Start": "10:00:00",
      "End": "18:00:00"
  "Keywords": [
      "Id": 34,
      "Name": "Swimming"
      "Id": 41,
      "Name": "Rescue"
  "Address": {
    "Latitude": 45.72,
    "Longitude": -73.5,
    "Address1": "9000 boul. Lasalle",
    "Address2": "",
    "City": "Montreal",
    "Country": "Canada",
    "StateProvince": "QC",
    "ZipPostalCode": "H4E 1P4"
  "Id": 0,
  "Name": "Natatorium"


A membership can take different forms: it can be a membership card, an annual fee, an activity-specific membership, etc.


Get the memberships for an organization

Returns a list of memberships ordered by id, with the option to show the hidden ones

language (string)

Language in which the localizable values should be returned. Part of base url. Value is either 'fr' or 'en'

orgIdentifier (string)

Amilia-specific organization identifier. This identifier can be either the organization number, such as 8008, or the organization URL identifier. You can find that by looking at the URL of your Amilia store. It may look like lower-case words separated by a dash, such as forest-explorers. Note that in v2 and v1 we call that the 'rewrite URL'.

showHidden (boolean)

Option to return hidden items.

Default value is False

showActiveonly (boolean)

Default value is True

page (integer)

Result page number that appears first.

Default value is 1

perPage (integer)

Number of results per page.

Default value is 200

    "Id": 0,
    "OrganizationId": 0,
    "Name": "Early bird membership",
    "Description": "From 6AM to 9AM",
    "Price": 0.0,
    "Position": 0,
    "IsArchived": false,
    "IsVisible": false,
    "DateCreated": "0001-01-01",
    "MembershipType": "IndividualPerson",
    "LedgerCode": {
      "Id": 31,
      "Name": "Summer2019"
    "Tags": [
        "Id": 4,
        "Name": "VIP"
        "Id": 5,
        "Name": "Summer 2019"
    "IndividualMembership": {
      "AgeRestriction": {
        "Age": {
          "AgeMin": 11,
          "AgeMax": 99,
          "IsAgeInMonths": false
        "AgeRestrictionInDateOf": "2022-09-01"
      "SkillsRestriction": {
        "Skills": [
            "Id": 1,
            "Name": "Swimming"
            "Id": 2,
            "Name": "Rowing"
        "Age": {
          "AgeMin": 11,
          "AgeMax": 99,
          "IsAgeInMonths": false
        "SkillRestrictionType": "Survival around water"
      "GenderRestriction": [
      "FixedDates": {
        "EffectiveDate": "2022-09-01",
        "ExpirationDate": "2022-09-01",
        "SalesDate": "2022-09-01"
      "FixedDuration": {
        "Duration": 8,
        "RecurrenceUnitType": "week",
        "RenewInterval": 8,
        "RenewIntervalUnitType": "week"
      "Merchandise": [
          "Id": 8,
          "Name": "Floating device"
      "ReplacementStatus": "Disabled",
      "ReplacementConstraints": [
          "Id": 9,
          "Name": "Must be used within the year"
    "CorporateMembership": {
      "FixedDates": {
        "EffectiveDate": "2022-09-01",
        "ExpirationDate": "2022-09-01",
        "SalesDate": "2022-09-01"
      "FixedDuration": {
        "Duration": 8,
        "RecurrenceUnitType": "week",
        "RenewInterval": 8,
        "RenewIntervalUnitType": "week"
      "Merchandise": [
          "Id": 8,
          "Name": "Floating device"
      "ReplacementStatus": "EnabledWithRestrictions",
      "ReplacementConstraints": [
          "Id": 11,
          "Name": "Must be used within one year"
    "Id": 0,
    "OrganizationId": 0,
    "Name": "Early bird membership",
    "Description": "From 6AM to 9AM",
    "Price": 0.0,
    "Position": 0,
    "IsArchived": false,
    "IsVisible": false,
    "DateCreated": "0001-01-01",
    "MembershipType": "IndividualPerson",
    "LedgerCode": {
      "Id": 31,
      "Name": "Summer2019"
    "Tags": [
        "Id": 4,
        "Name": "VIP"
        "Id": 5,
        "Name": "Summer 2019"
    "IndividualMembership": {
      "AgeRestriction": {
        "Age": {
          "AgeMin": 11,
          "AgeMax": 99,
          "IsAgeInMonths": false
        "AgeRestrictionInDateOf": "2022-09-01"
      "SkillsRestriction": {
        "Skills": [
            "Id": 1,
            "Name": "Swimming"
            "Id": 2,
            "Name": "Rowing"
        "Age": {
          "AgeMin": 11,
          "AgeMax": 99,
          "IsAgeInMonths": false
        "SkillRestrictionType": "Survival around water"
      "GenderRestriction": [
      "FixedDates": {
        "EffectiveDate": "2022-09-01",
        "ExpirationDate": "2022-09-01",
        "SalesDate": "2022-09-01"
      "FixedDuration": {
        "Duration": 8,
        "RecurrenceUnitType": "week",
        "RenewInterval": 8,
        "RenewIntervalUnitType": "week"
      "Merchandise": [
          "Id": 8,
          "Name": "Floating device"
      "ReplacementStatus": "Disabled",
      "ReplacementConstraints": [
          "Id": 9,
          "Name": "Must be used within the year"
    "CorporateMembership": {
      "FixedDates": {
        "EffectiveDate": "2022-09-01",
        "ExpirationDate": "2022-09-01",
        "SalesDate": "2022-09-01"
      "FixedDuration": {
        "Duration": 8,
        "RecurrenceUnitType": "week",
        "RenewInterval": 8,
        "RenewIntervalUnitType": "week"
      "Merchandise": [
          "Id": 8,
          "Name": "Floating device"
      "ReplacementStatus": "EnabledWithRestrictions",
      "ReplacementConstraints": [
          "Id": 11,
          "Name": "Must be used within one year"


Get a membership for an organization

You can get the membership id from /org/{orgIdentifier}/memberships

language (string)

Language in which the localizable values should be returned. Part of base url. Value is either 'fr' or 'en'

orgIdentifier (string)

Amilia-specific organization identifier. This identifier can be either the organization number, such as 8008, or the organization URL identifier. You can find that by looking at the URL of your Amilia store. It may look like lower-case words separated by a dash, such as forest-explorers. Note that in v2 and v1 we call that the 'rewrite URL'.

id (integer)

Membership id

  "Id": 0,
  "OrganizationId": 0,
  "Name": "Early bird membership",
  "Description": "From 6AM to 9AM",
  "Price": 0.0,
  "Position": 0,
  "IsArchived": false,
  "IsVisible": false,
  "DateCreated": "0001-01-01",
  "MembershipType": "IndividualPerson",
  "LedgerCode": {
    "Id": 31,
    "Name": "Summer2019"
  "Tags": [
      "Id": 4,
      "Name": "VIP"
      "Id": 5,
      "Name": "Summer 2019"
  "IndividualMembership": {
    "AgeRestriction": {
      "Age": {
        "AgeMin": 11,
        "AgeMax": 99,
        "IsAgeInMonths": false
      "AgeRestrictionInDateOf": "2022-09-01"
    "SkillsRestriction": {
      "Skills": [
          "Id": 1,
          "Name": "Swimming"
          "Id": 2,
          "Name": "Rowing"
      "Age": {
        "AgeMin": 11,
        "AgeMax": 99,
        "IsAgeInMonths": false
      "SkillRestrictionType": "Survival around water"
    "GenderRestriction": [
    "FixedDates": {
      "EffectiveDate": "2022-09-01",
      "ExpirationDate": "2022-09-01",
      "SalesDate": "2022-09-01"
    "FixedDuration": {
      "Duration": 8,
      "RecurrenceUnitType": "week",
      "RenewInterval": 8,
      "RenewIntervalUnitType": "week"
    "Merchandise": [
        "Id": 8,
        "Name": "Floating device"
    "ReplacementStatus": "Disabled",
    "ReplacementConstraints": [
        "Id": 9,
        "Name": "Must be used within the year"
  "CorporateMembership": {
    "FixedDates": {
      "EffectiveDate": "2022-09-01",
      "ExpirationDate": "2022-09-01",
      "SalesDate": "2022-09-01"
    "FixedDuration": {
      "Duration": 8,
      "RecurrenceUnitType": "week",
      "RenewInterval": 8,
      "RenewIntervalUnitType": "week"
    "Merchandise": [
        "Id": 8,
        "Name": "Floating device"
    "ReplacementStatus": "EnabledWithRestrictions",
    "ReplacementConstraints": [
        "Id": 11,
        "Name": "Must be used within one year"


Get persons in a membership for an organization

You can get the membership id from /org/{orgIdentifier}/memberships. Returns a list of persons ordered by id, with the option to specify the membership's status, start and end dates and whether to show the medical information (if any) for each person

language (string)

Language in which the localizable values should be returned. Part of base url. Value is either 'fr' or 'en'

orgIdentifier (string)

Amilia-specific organization identifier. This identifier can be either the organization number, such as 8008, or the organization URL identifier. You can find that by looking at the URL of your Amilia store. It may look like lower-case words separated by a dash, such as forest-explorers. Note that in v2 and v1 we call that the 'rewrite URL'.

id (integer)

Membership id

status (string)

Possible values are 'Active', 'Inactive', 'Expired', and 'All'. These values are case-insensitive.

Default value is active

showMedicalInfo (boolean)

Option to show the persons' medical information.

Default value is False

from (date)

Start date formatted as YYYY-MM-DD. Inclusive in all versions of the API. Default value is null

to (date)

End date formatted as YYYY-MM-DD. Inclusive in version 3, exclusive in previous versions of the API. Default value is null

page (integer)

Result page number that appears first.

Default value is 1

perPage (integer)

Number of results per page.

Default value is 200

    "PurchasedDate": "2022-09-01",
    "EffectiveDate": "2022-09-01",
    "ExpirationDate": "2022-09-01",
    "CancelledDate": "2022-09-01",
    "OrganizationId": 986987,
    "AccountId": 171717,
    "AccountOwnerId": 432112,
    "AccountOwnerFirstName": "Gertrude",
    "AccountOwnerLastName": "Godin",
    "AccountOwnerFullName": "Gertrude Godin",
    "AccountOwnerEmail": "gertrude89@monmail.com",
    "AccountOwnerTelephoneMobile": null,
    "IsArchived": false,
    "Contacts": [
        "Relationship": "Grandmother",
        "Type": "EmergencyContact",
        "Id": 0,
        "FirstName": "Georgette",
        "LastName": "Plouffe",
        "FullName": "Georgette Plouffe",
        "DateOfBirth": null,
        "Email": "allo@videotron.ca",
        "Telephone": "514 555 9999",
        "TelephoneMobile": null,
        "TelephoneWork": null
    "Skills": [
        "Id": 0,
        "Name": "Rescue",
        "AwardedDate": "0001-01-01"
    "MedicalInformation": {
      "Allergies": {
        "Nuts": false,
        "Peanuts": false,
        "Eggs": false,
        "InsectSting": false,
        "Seafood": false
      "Sicknesses": {
        "Asthma": false,
        "Incontinence": false,
        "HearingDisorder": false,
        "Diabete": false,
        "Hyperactive": false,
        "Epilepsy": false,
        "VisualDisorder": false,
        "MotorHandicap": false,
        "BehaviorDisorder": false
      "Reactions": "Rash",
      "MedicationDosage": "20 mg",
      "MedicationFrequency": "Twice daily",
      "MedicationOther": "Take with meals",
      "OtherAllergy": "Crab",
      "OtherSickness": "Sea sickness",
      "MedicalStatus": "NoRecord",
      "HasSickness": false,
      "HasAllergy": false
    "JoinDate": "2022-09-01",
    "PictureUrl": "myclub.ca/memberpics/gertrude_godin",
    "Memberships": null,
    "ExternalId": null,
    "Friend": null,
    "PickupPassword": null,
    "Id": 0,
    "FirstName": "Joelle",
    "LastName": "Godin",
    "FullName": "Joelle Godin",
    "Gender": 0,
    "DateOfBirth": "2022-09-01",
    "Email": "joelle111@monmail.com",
    "Address": {
      "Latitude": 45.72,
      "Longitude": -73.5,
      "Address1": "888 boul. Chomedey",
      "Address2": "",
      "City": "Laval",
      "Country": "Canada",
      "StateProvince": "QC",
      "ZipPostalCode": "H1H 1H1"
    "Telephone": "450 555 5555",
    "TelephoneMobile": "438 555 5555",
    "TelephoneWork": "514 555 5555",
    "TelephoneWorkExtension": "9999",
    "IsChild": true
    "PurchasedDate": "2022-09-01",
    "EffectiveDate": "2022-09-01",
    "ExpirationDate": "2022-09-01",
    "CancelledDate": "2022-09-01",
    "OrganizationId": 986987,
    "AccountId": 171717,
    "AccountOwnerId": 432112,
    "AccountOwnerFirstName": "Gertrude",
    "AccountOwnerLastName": "Godin",
    "AccountOwnerFullName": "Gertrude Godin",
    "AccountOwnerEmail": "gertrude89@monmail.com",
    "AccountOwnerTelephoneMobile": null,
    "IsArchived": false,
    "Contacts": [
        "Relationship": "Grandmother",
        "Type": "EmergencyContact",
        "Id": 0,
        "FirstName": "Georgette",
        "LastName": "Plouffe",
        "FullName": "Georgette Plouffe",
        "DateOfBirth": null,
        "Email": "allo@videotron.ca",
        "Telephone": "514 555 9999",
        "TelephoneMobile": null,
        "TelephoneWork": null
    "Skills": [
        "Id": 0,
        "Name": "Rescue",
        "AwardedDate": "0001-01-01"
    "MedicalInformation": {
      "Allergies": {
        "Nuts": false,
        "Peanuts": false,
        "Eggs": false,
        "InsectSting": false,
        "Seafood": false
      "Sicknesses": {
        "Asthma": false,
        "Incontinence": false,
        "HearingDisorder": false,
        "Diabete": false,
        "Hyperactive": false,
        "Epilepsy": false,
        "VisualDisorder": false,
        "MotorHandicap": false,
        "BehaviorDisorder": false
      "Reactions": "Rash",
      "MedicationDosage": "20 mg",
      "MedicationFrequency": "Twice daily",
      "MedicationOther": "Take with meals",
      "OtherAllergy": "Crab",
      "OtherSickness": "Sea sickness",
      "MedicalStatus": "NoRecord",
      "HasSickness": false,
      "HasAllergy": false
    "JoinDate": "2022-09-01",
    "PictureUrl": "myclub.ca/memberpics/gertrude_godin",
    "Memberships": null,
    "ExternalId": null,
    "Friend": null,
    "PickupPassword": null,
    "Id": 0,
    "FirstName": "Joelle",
    "LastName": "Godin",
    "FullName": "Joelle Godin",
    "Gender": 0,
    "DateOfBirth": "2022-09-01",
    "Email": "joelle111@monmail.com",
    "Address": {
      "Latitude": 45.72,
      "Longitude": -73.5,
      "Address1": "888 boul. Chomedey",
      "Address2": "",
      "City": "Laval",
      "Country": "Canada",
      "StateProvince": "QC",
      "ZipPostalCode": "H1H 1H1"
    "Telephone": "450 555 5555",
    "TelephoneMobile": "438 555 5555",
    "TelephoneWork": "514 555 5555",
    "TelephoneWorkExtension": "9999",
    "IsChild": true


Get persons in a family membership for an organization

You can get the membership id from /org/{orgIdentifier}/memberships. Returns a list of family accounts ordered by id, with the option to specify the membership's status, start and end dates and whether to show the medical information (if any) for each person

language (string)

Language in which the localizable values should be returned. Part of base url. Value is either 'fr' or 'en'

orgIdentifier (string)

Amilia-specific organization identifier. This identifier can be either the organization number, such as 8008, or the organization URL identifier. You can find that by looking at the URL of your Amilia store. It may look like lower-case words separated by a dash, such as forest-explorers. Note that in v2 and v1 we call that the 'rewrite URL'.

id (integer)

Membership id

status (string)

Possible values are 'Active', 'Inactive', 'Expired', and 'All'. These values are case-insensitive.

Default value is active

showMedicalInfo (boolean)

Option to show the persons' medical information.

Default value is False

from (date)

Start date formatted as YYYY-MM-DD. Inclusive in all versions of the API. Default value is null

to (date)

End date formatted as YYYY-MM-DD. Inclusive in version 3, exclusive in previous versions of the API. Default value is null

page (integer)

Result page number that appears first.

Default value is 1

perPage (integer)

Number of results per page.

Default value is 200

    "PurchasedDate": "2022-09-01",
    "EffectiveDate": "2022-09-01",
    "ExpirationDate": "2022-09-01",
    "Id": 1,
    "Owners": [
        "OrganizationId": 77132,
        "AccountId": 818188,
        "AccountOwnerId": 398313,
        "AccountOwnerFirstName": "Mario",
        "AccountOwnerLastName": "Viau",
        "AccountOwnerFullName": "Mario Viau",
        "AccountOwnerEmail": "mario@monadresse.ca",
        "AccountOwnerTelephoneMobile": null,
        "IsArchived": false,
        "Contacts": [
            "Relationship": "Grandmother",
            "Type": "EmergencyContact",
            "Id": 0,
            "FirstName": "Georgette",
            "LastName": "Plouffe",
            "FullName": "Georgette Plouffe",
            "DateOfBirth": null,
            "Email": "allo@videotron.ca",
            "Telephone": "514 555 9999",
            "TelephoneMobile": null,
            "TelephoneWork": null
        "Skills": [
            "Id": 88,
            "Name": "Rescue",
            "AwardedDate": "2022-09-01"
        "MedicalInformation": {
          "Allergies": {
            "Nuts": false,
            "Peanuts": false,
            "Eggs": false,
            "InsectSting": false,
            "Seafood": false
          "Sicknesses": {
            "Asthma": false,
            "Incontinence": false,
            "HearingDisorder": false,
            "Diabete": false,
            "Hyperactive": false,
            "Epilepsy": false,
            "VisualDisorder": false,
            "MotorHandicap": false,
            "BehaviorDisorder": false
          "Reactions": "Rash",
          "MedicationDosage": "20 mg",
          "MedicationFrequency": "Twice daily",
          "MedicationOther": "Take with meals",
          "OtherAllergy": "Crab",
          "OtherSickness": "Sea sickness",
          "MedicalStatus": "NoRecord",
          "HasSickness": false,
          "HasAllergy": false
        "JoinDate": "2022-09-01",
        "PictureUrl": "photo_de_maurice.jpg",
        "Memberships": [
            "Id": 54321
            "Id": 12345
        "ExternalId": "MyId85884",
        "Friend": null,
        "PickupPassword": null,
        "Id": 0,
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        "Telephone": "string 5"
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Get extra question answers for a membership

Get all extra question answers for all persons in a membership.

language (string)

Language in which the localizable values should be returned. Part of base url. Value is either 'fr' or 'en'

orgIdentifier (string)

Amilia-specific organization identifier. This identifier can be either the organization number, such as 8008, or the organization URL identifier. You can find that by looking at the URL of your Amilia store. It may look like lower-case words separated by a dash, such as forest-explorers. Note that in v2 and v1 we call that the 'rewrite URL'.

id (integer)

Membership id

showArchived (boolean)

Option to also show archived items.

Default value is False

page (integer)

Result page number that appears first.

Default value is 1

perPage (integer)

Number of results per page.

Default value is 200

    "PersonId": 1,
    "ExtraQuestions": [
        "ExtraQuestionId": 1,
        "Question": "Do you have any allergies?",
        "Answer": "Nuts, Dairy, Grains, Meat.",
        "AnswerType": null
    "PersonId": 1,
    "ExtraQuestions": [
        "ExtraQuestionId": 1,
        "Question": "Do you have any allergies?",
        "Answer": "Nuts, Dairy, Grains, Meat.",
        "AnswerType": null


Get a person's extra questions answers

Get all extra question answers for a person in a membership.

language (string)

Language in which the localizable values should be returned. Part of base url. Value is either 'fr' or 'en'

orgIdentifier (string)

Amilia-specific organization identifier. This identifier can be either the organization number, such as 8008, or the organization URL identifier. You can find that by looking at the URL of your Amilia store. It may look like lower-case words separated by a dash, such as forest-explorers. Note that in v2 and v1 we call that the 'rewrite URL'.

id (integer)

Membership id

personId (integer)

Id of the person to get all extra question answers.

    "ExtraQuestionId": 1,
    "Question": "Do you have any allergies?",
    "Answer": "Nuts, Dairy, Grains, Meat.",
    "AnswerType": null
    "ExtraQuestionId": 1,
    "Question": "Do you have any allergies?",
    "Answer": "Nuts, Dairy, Grains, Meat.",
    "AnswerType": null


Get all sold memberships

Get all the membership sold for this org (defaults to the last 30 days).

language (string)

Language in which the localizable values should be returned. Part of base url. Value is either 'fr' or 'en'

orgIdentifier (string)

Amilia-specific organization identifier. This identifier can be either the organization number, such as 8008, or the organization URL identifier. You can find that by looking at the URL of your Amilia store. It may look like lower-case words separated by a dash, such as forest-explorers. Note that in v2 and v1 we call that the 'rewrite URL'.

from (date)

Start date formatted as YYYY-MM-DD. Inclusive in all versions of the API. Default value is null

to (date)

End date formatted as YYYY-MM-DD. Inclusive in version 3, exclusive in previous versions of the API. Default value is null

page (integer)

Result page number that appears first.

Default value is 1

perPage (integer)

Number of results per page.

Default value is 200

    "Id": 3,
    "MembershipId": 1,
    "InvoiceItemId": 2,
    "PurchasedDate": "2022-09-01T12:47:27.0369976-04:00",
    "EffectiveDate": "2022-12-24T00:00:00-04:00",
    "ExpirationDate": "2022-12-25T00:00:00-04:00",
    "State": "Active",
    "Membership": {
      "Id": 1,
      "Name": "string 2"
    "Person": {
      "Id": 1,
      "FirstName": "string 2",
      "LastName": "string 3",
      "FullName": "string 4",
      "DateOfBirth": "2022-09-01",
      "Email": "string 5",
      "Telephone": "string 6",
      "TelephoneMobile": "string 7",
      "TelephoneWork": "string 8"
    "MembershipId": 1,
    "InvoiceItemId": 2,
    "PurchasedDate": "2022-09-01T12:47:27.0369976-04:00",
    "Membership": {
      "Id": 1,
      "Name": "string 2"
    "Person": {
      "Id": 1,
      "FirstName": "string 2",
      "LastName": "string 3",
      "FullName": "string 4",
      "DateOfBirth": "2022-09-01",
      "Email": "string 5",
      "Telephone": "string 6",
      "TelephoneMobile": "string 7",
      "TelephoneWork": "string 8"



Get all merchandise for an organization

Returns all the merchandise that is currently in the store of your organization.

language (string)

Language in which the localizable values should be returned. Part of base url. Value is either 'fr' or 'en'

orgIdentifier (string)

Amilia-specific organization identifier. This identifier can be either the organization number, such as 8008, or the organization URL identifier. You can find that by looking at the URL of your Amilia store. It may look like lower-case words separated by a dash, such as forest-explorers. Note that in v2 and v1 we call that the 'rewrite URL'.

page (integer)

Result page number that appears first.

Default value is 1

perPage (integer)

Number of results per page.

Default value is 200

showArchived (boolean)

Option to also show archived items.

Default value is False

    "Id": 1,
    "Image": "https://www.cloud.com/image.jpg",
    "Name": "Chess Board",
    "Description": "Amilia-branded marble chess board.",
    "Availability": "Available",
    "Price": 100.45,
    "Quantity": 0,
    "Visibility": "Visible",
    "Taxes": null,
    "LedgerEntry": {
        "Id": 11,
        "Code": "100-34111-111-000",
        "Title": "Revenue"
    "Tags": [
        "Id": 1,
        "Name": "Tag1"
        "Id": 2,
        "Name": "Tag2"
    "Id": 1,
    "Image": "https://www.cloud.com/image.jpg",
    "Name": "Chess Board",
    "Description": "Amilia-branded marble chess board.",
    "Availability": "Available",
    "Price": 100.45,
    "Quantity": 0,
    "Visibility": "Visible",
    "Taxes": null,
    "LedgerEntry": {
        "Id": 12,
        "Code": "1000",
        "Title": "Revenue"
    "Tags": [
        "Id": 1,
        "Name": "Tag1"
        "Id": 2,
        "Name": "Tag2"


Get all merchandise sold for an organization

Returns all the merchandise that was sold for your organization (defaults to last 30 days).

language (string)

Language in which the localizable values should be returned. Part of base url. Value is either 'fr' or 'en'

orgIdentifier (string)

Amilia-specific organization identifier. This identifier can be either the organization number, such as 8008, or the organization URL identifier. You can find that by looking at the URL of your Amilia store. It may look like lower-case words separated by a dash, such as forest-explorers. Note that in v2 and v1 we call that the 'rewrite URL'.

from (date)

Start date formatted as YYYY-MM-DD. Inclusive in all versions of the API. Default value is null

to (date)

End date formatted as YYYY-MM-DD. Inclusive in version 3, exclusive in previous versions of the API. Default value is null

page (integer)

Result page number that appears first.

Default value is 1

perPage (integer)

Number of results per page.

Default value is 200

    "InvoiceItemId": 12333,
    "PurchasedDate": "2000-02-20T00:00:00-05:00",
    "ProductId": 1337,
    "Name": "Katana",
    "Status": "NewOrder",
    "Quantity": 2,
    "Person": {
      "Id": 7,
      "FirstName": "Bobby",
      "LastName": "Fischer",
      "FullName": "Bobby Fischer",
      "DateOfBirth": null,
      "Email": "bobby@gmail.com",
      "Telephone": "121 212 1212",
      "TelephoneMobile": "555 555 5555",
      "TelephoneWork": "123 456 7890 x1234"
    "PurchaseLinked": {
      "Type": "Activity",
      "Id": 4141
    "InvoiceItemId": 12333,
    "PurchasedDate": "2000-02-20T00:00:00-05:00",
    "ProductId": 1337,
    "Name": "Katana",
    "Status": "NewOrder",
    "Quantity": 2,
    "Person": {
      "Id": 7,
      "FirstName": "Bobby",
      "LastName": "Fischer",
      "FullName": "Bobby Fischer",
      "DateOfBirth": null,
      "Email": "bobby@gmail.com",
      "Telephone": "121 212 1212",
      "TelephoneMobile": "555 555 5555",
      "TelephoneWork": "123 456 7890 x1234"
    "PurchaseLinked": {
      "Type": "Activity",
      "Id": 4141


Get a single merchandise item

Returns a single merchandise item with the id provided.

language (string)

Language in which the localizable values should be returned. Part of base url. Value is either 'fr' or 'en'

orgIdentifier (string)

Amilia-specific organization identifier. This identifier can be either the organization number, such as 8008, or the organization URL identifier. You can find that by looking at the URL of your Amilia store. It may look like lower-case words separated by a dash, such as forest-explorers. Note that in v2 and v1 we call that the 'rewrite URL'.

id (integer)

Merchandise id

  "Id": 1,
  "Image": "https://www.cloud.com/image.jpg",
  "Name": "Chess Board",
  "Description": "Amilia-branded marble chess board.",
  "Availability": "Available",
  "Price": 100.45,
  "Quantity": 0,
  "Visibility": "Visible",
  "Taxes": null,
  "LedgerEntry": {
    "Id": 11,
    "Code": "100-34111-111-000",
    "Title": "Revenue"
  "Tags": [
    "Id": 1,
    "Name": "Tag1"
    "Id": 2,
    "Name": "Tag2"



Get all Multipasses for an organization

Returns all the multipasses that exist for this org.

language (string)

Language in which the localizable values should be returned. Part of base url. Value is either 'fr' or 'en'

orgIdentifier (string)

Amilia-specific organization identifier. This identifier can be either the organization number, such as 8008, or the organization URL identifier. You can find that by looking at the URL of your Amilia store. It may look like lower-case words separated by a dash, such as forest-explorers. Note that in v2 and v1 we call that the 'rewrite URL'.

page (integer)

Result page number that appears first.

Default value is 1

perPage (integer)

Number of results per page.

Default value is 200

showArchived (boolean)

Option to also show archived items.

Default value is False

    "Id": 1,
    "Name": "5x ice skating, weekday",
    "Description": "Access to Ice Skating Rink on weekday nights",
    "ActivityIds": [
    "PrivateLessonIds": null,
    "Price": 25.0,
    "Passes": 5,
    "HasUnlimitedPasses": false,
    "IsFamilyPass": true,
    "Status": "Visible",
    "IsArchived": false,
    "EffectiveDate": null,
    "ExpirationDate": null,
    "StartTrigger": "OnFirstUse",
    "EndTrigger": "AfterSetPeriod",
    "ValidityPeriod": {
      "ValidityAmount": 1,
      "ValidityPeriodType": "Year"
    "MembershipRequired": {
      "MembershipRestrictionType": "AnyRequired",
      "MembershipIds": [
    "NumberSold": 28
    "Id": 1,
    "Name": "5x ice skating, weekday",
    "Description": "Access to Ice Skating Rink on weekday nights",
    "ActivityIds": [
    "PrivateLessonIds": null,
    "Price": 25.0,
    "Passes": 5,
    "HasUnlimitedPasses": false,
    "IsFamilyPass": true,
    "Status": "Visible",
    "IsArchived": false,
    "EffectiveDate": null,
    "ExpirationDate": null,
    "StartTrigger": "OnFirstUse",
    "EndTrigger": "AfterSetPeriod",
    "ValidityPeriod": {
      "ValidityAmount": 1,
      "ValidityPeriodType": "Year"
    "MembershipRequired": {
      "MembershipRestrictionType": "AnyRequired",
      "MembershipIds": [
    "NumberSold": 28


Get one single Multipass item

Returns the multipass with the specified id.

language (string)

Language in which the localizable values should be returned. Part of base url. Value is either 'fr' or 'en'

orgIdentifier (string)

Amilia-specific organization identifier. This identifier can be either the organization number, such as 8008, or the organization URL identifier. You can find that by looking at the URL of your Amilia store. It may look like lower-case words separated by a dash, such as forest-explorers. Note that in v2 and v1 we call that the 'rewrite URL'.

id (integer)

MultiPass id

    "Id": 1,
    "Name": "5x ice skating, weekday",
    "Description": "Access to Ice Skating Rink on weekday nights",
    "ActivityIds": [
    "PrivateLessonIds": null,
    "Price": 25.0,
    "Passes": 5,
    "HasUnlimitedPasses": false,
    "IsFamilyPass": true,
    "Status": "Visible",
    "IsArchived": false,
    "EffectiveDate": null,
    "ExpirationDate": null,
    "StartTrigger": "OnFirstUse",
    "EndTrigger": "AfterSetPeriod",
    "ValidityPeriod": {
      "ValidityAmount": 1,
      "ValidityPeriodType": "Year"
    "MembershipRequired": {
      "MembershipRestrictionType": "AnyRequired",
      "MembershipIds": [
    "NumberSold": 28
    "Id": 1,
    "Name": "5x ice skating, weekday",
    "Description": "Access to Ice Skating Rink on weekday nights",
    "ActivityIds": [
    "PrivateLessonIds": null,
    "Price": 25.0,
    "Passes": 5,
    "HasUnlimitedPasses": false,
    "IsFamilyPass": true,
    "Status": "Visible",
    "IsArchived": false,
    "EffectiveDate": null,
    "ExpirationDate": null,
    "StartTrigger": "OnFirstUse",
    "EndTrigger": "AfterSetPeriod",
    "ValidityPeriod": {
      "ValidityAmount": 1,
      "ValidityPeriodType": "Year"
    "MembershipRequired": {
      "MembershipRestrictionType": "AnyRequired",
      "MembershipIds": [
    "NumberSold": 28


Get all multipass sold for an organization

Returns all the multipass that was sold for your organization (defaults to last 30 days).

language (string)

Language in which the localizable values should be returned. Part of base url. Value is either 'fr' or 'en'

orgIdentifier (string)

Amilia-specific organization identifier. This identifier can be either the organization number, such as 8008, or the organization URL identifier. You can find that by looking at the URL of your Amilia store. It may look like lower-case words separated by a dash, such as forest-explorers. Note that in v2 and v1 we call that the 'rewrite URL'.

from (date)

Start date formatted as YYYY-MM-DD. Inclusive in all versions of the API. Default value is null

to (date)

End date formatted as YYYY-MM-DD. Inclusive in version 3, exclusive in previous versions of the API. Default value is null

page (integer)

Result page number that appears first.

Default value is 1

perPage (integer)

Number of results per page.

Default value is 200

    "InvoiceItemId": 1,
    "PurchasedDateUtc": "2022-09-01T12:47:27.0369976-04:00",
    "MultiPass": {
      "Id": 1,
      "Name": "string 2"
    "Person": {
      "Id": 1,
      "FirstName": "string 2",
      "LastName": "string 3",
      "FullName": "string 4",
      "DateOfBirth": "2022-09-01",
      "Email": "string 5",
      "Telephone": "string 6",
      "TelephoneMobile": "string 7",
      "TelephoneWork": "string 8"
    "InvoiceItemId": 1,
    "PurchasedDateUtc": "2022-09-01T12:47:27.0369976-04:00",
    "MultiPass": {
      "Id": 1,
      "Name": "string 2"
    "Person": {
      "Id": 1,
      "FirstName": "string 2",
      "LastName": "string 3",
      "FullName": "string 4",
      "DateOfBirth": "2022-09-01",
      "Email": "string 5",
      "Telephone": "string 6",
      "TelephoneMobile": "string 7",
      "TelephoneWork": "string 8"


Get persons in a Multipass for an organization

You can get the multipass id from /org/{orgIdentifier}/multipass. Returns a list of persons ordered by id, with the option to show cancelled multipasses, and whether to show the medical information (if any) for each person

language (string)

Language in which the localizable values should be returned. Part of base url. Value is either 'fr' or 'en'

orgIdentifier (string)

Amilia-specific organization identifier. This identifier can be either the organization number, such as 8008, or the organization URL identifier. You can find that by looking at the URL of your Amilia store. It may look like lower-case words separated by a dash, such as forest-explorers. Note that in v2 and v1 we call that the 'rewrite URL'.

id (integer)

MultiPass id

showArchived (boolean)

Option to also show archived items.

Default value is False

showMedicalInfo (boolean)

Option to show the persons' medical information.

Default value is False

page (integer)

Result page number that appears first.

Default value is 1

perPage (integer)

Number of results per page.

Default value is 200

    "PurchasedDate": "2022-09-01T12:47:34.8555735-04:00",
    "EffectiveDate": "2022-09-01T12:47:34.8555735-04:00",
    "ExpirationDate": "2022-09-01T12:47:34.8555735-04:00",
    "TokensLeft": 0,
    "HasUnlimitedTokens": false,
    "OrganizationId": 986987,
    "AccountId": 171717,
    "AccountOwnerId": 432112,
    "AccountOwnerFirstName": "Gertrude",
    "AccountOwnerLastName": "Godin",
    "AccountOwnerFullName": "Gertrude Godin",
    "AccountOwnerEmail": "gertrude89@monmail.com",
    "AccountOwnerTelephoneMobile": null,
    "IsArchived": false,
    "Contacts": [
        "Relationship": "Grandmother",
        "Type": "EmergencyContact",
        "Id": 0,
        "FirstName": "Georgette",
        "LastName": "Plouffe",
        "FullName": "Georgette Plouffe",
        "DateOfBirth": null,
        "Email": "allo@videotron.ca",
        "Telephone": "514 555 9999",
        "TelephoneMobile": null,
        "TelephoneWork": null
    "Skills": [
        "Id": 0,
        "Name": "Rescue",
        "AwardedDate": "0001-01-01"
    "MedicalInformation": {
      "Allergies": {
        "Nuts": false,
        "Peanuts": false,
        "Eggs": false,
        "InsectSting": false,
        "Seafood": false
      "Sicknesses": {
        "Asthma": false,
        "Incontinence": false,
        "HearingDisorder": false,
        "Diabete": false,
        "Hyperactive": false,
        "Epilepsy": false,
        "VisualDisorder": false,
        "MotorHandicap": false,
        "BehaviorDisorder": false
      "Reactions": "Rash",
      "MedicationDosage": "20 mg",
      "MedicationFrequency": "Twice daily",
      "MedicationOther": "Take with meals",
      "OtherAllergy": "Crab",
      "OtherSickness": "Sea sickness",
      "MedicalStatus": "NoRecord",
      "HasSickness": false,
      "HasAllergy": false
    "JoinDate": "2022-09-01",
    "PictureUrl": "myclub.ca/memberpics/gertrude_godin",
    "Memberships": null,
    "ExternalId": null,
    "Friend": null,
    "PickupPassword": null,
    "Id": 0,
    "FirstName": "Joelle",
    "LastName": "Godin",
    "FullName": "Joelle Godin",
    "Gender": 0,
    "DateOfBirth": "2022-09-01",
    "Email": "joelle111@monmail.com",
    "Address": {
      "Latitude": 45.72,
      "Longitude": -73.5,
      "Address1": "888 boul. Chomedey",
      "Address2": "",
      "City": "Laval",
      "Country": "Canada",
      "StateProvince": "QC",
      "ZipPostalCode": "H1H 1H1"
    "Telephone": "450 555 5555",
    "TelephoneMobile": "438 555 5555",
    "TelephoneWork": "514 555 5555",
    "TelephoneWorkExtension": "9999",
    "IsChild": true
    "PurchasedDate": "2022-09-01T12:47:34.8555735-04:00",
    "EffectiveDate": "2022-09-01T12:47:34.8555735-04:00",
    "ExpirationDate": "2022-09-01T12:47:34.8555735-04:00",
    "TokensLeft": 0,
    "HasUnlimitedTokens": false,
    "OrganizationId": 986987,
    "AccountId": 171717,
    "AccountOwnerId": 432112,
    "AccountOwnerFirstName": "Gertrude",
    "AccountOwnerLastName": "Godin",
    "AccountOwnerFullName": "Gertrude Godin",
    "AccountOwnerEmail": "gertrude89@monmail.com",
    "AccountOwnerTelephoneMobile": null,
    "IsArchived": false,
    "Contacts": [
        "Relationship": "Grandmother",
        "Type": "EmergencyContact",
        "Id": 0,
        "FirstName": "Georgette",
        "LastName": "Plouffe",
        "FullName": "Georgette Plouffe",
        "DateOfBirth": null,
        "Email": "allo@videotron.ca",
        "Telephone": "514 555 9999",
        "TelephoneMobile": null,
        "TelephoneWork": null
    "Skills": [
        "Id": 0,
        "Name": "Rescue",
        "AwardedDate": "0001-01-01"
    "MedicalInformation": {
      "Allergies": {
        "Nuts": false,
        "Peanuts": false,
        "Eggs": false,
        "InsectSting": false,
        "Seafood": false
      "Sicknesses": {
        "Asthma": false,
        "Incontinence": false,
        "HearingDisorder": false,
        "Diabete": false,
        "Hyperactive": false,
        "Epilepsy": false,
        "VisualDisorder": false,
        "MotorHandicap": false,
        "BehaviorDisorder": false
      "Reactions": "Rash",
      "MedicationDosage": "20 mg",
      "MedicationFrequency": "Twice daily",
      "MedicationOther": "Take with meals",
      "OtherAllergy": "Crab",
      "OtherSickness": "Sea sickness",
      "MedicalStatus": "NoRecord",
      "HasSickness": false,
      "HasAllergy": false
    "JoinDate": "2022-09-01",
    "PictureUrl": "myclub.ca/memberpics/gertrude_godin",
    "Memberships": null,
    "ExternalId": null,
    "Friend": null,
    "PickupPassword": null,
    "Id": 0,
    "FirstName": "Joelle",
    "LastName": "Godin",
    "FullName": "Joelle Godin",
    "Gender": 0,
    "DateOfBirth": "2022-09-01",
    "Email": "joelle111@monmail.com",
    "Address": {
      "Latitude": 45.72,
      "Longitude": -73.5,
      "Address1": "888 boul. Chomedey",
      "Address2": "",
      "City": "Laval",
      "Country": "Canada",
      "StateProvince": "QC",
      "ZipPostalCode": "H1H 1H1"
    "Telephone": "450 555 5555",
    "TelephoneMobile": "438 555 5555",
    "TelephoneWork": "514 555 5555",
    "TelephoneWorkExtension": "9999",
    "IsChild": true


Get persons in a family Multipass for an organization

You can get the multipass id from /org/{orgIdentifier}/multipass. Returns a list of family accounts ordered by id, with the option to show cancelled multipasses, and whether to show the medical information (if any) for each person

language (string)

Language in which the localizable values should be returned. Part of base url. Value is either 'fr' or 'en'

orgIdentifier (string)

Amilia-specific organization identifier. This identifier can be either the organization number, such as 8008, or the organization URL identifier. You can find that by looking at the URL of your Amilia store. It may look like lower-case words separated by a dash, such as forest-explorers. Note that in v2 and v1 we call that the 'rewrite URL'.

id (integer)

MultiPass id

showMedicalInfo (boolean)

Option to show the persons' medical information.

Default value is False

showArchived (boolean)

Option to also show archived items.

Default value is False

page (integer)

Result page number that appears first.

Default value is 1

perPage (integer)

Number of results per page.

Default value is 200

    "PurchasedDate": "2022-09-01T12:47:27.0369976-04:00",
    "EffectiveDate": "2022-09-01T12:47:27.0369976-04:00",
    "ExpirationDate": "2022-09-01T12:47:27.0369976-04:00",
    "TokensLeft": 1,
    "HasUnlimitedTokens": true,
    "Id": 3,
    "Owners": [
        "OrganizationId": 77132,
        "AccountId": 818188,
        "AccountOwnerId": 398313,
        "AccountOwnerFirstName": "Mario",
        "AccountOwnerLastName": "Viau",
        "AccountOwnerFullName": "Mario Viau",
        "AccountOwnerEmail": "mario@monadresse.ca",
        "AccountOwnerTelephoneMobile": null,
        "IsArchived": false,
        "Contacts": [
            "Relationship": "Grandmother",
            "Type": "EmergencyContact",
            "Id": 0,
            "FirstName": "Georgette",
            "LastName": "Plouffe",
            "FullName": "Georgette Plouffe",
            "DateOfBirth": null,
            "Email": "allo@videotron.ca",
            "Telephone": "514 555 9999",
            "TelephoneMobile": null,
            "TelephoneWork": null
        "Skills": [
            "Id": 88,
            "Name": "Rescue",
            "AwardedDate": "2022-09-01"
        "MedicalInformation": {
          "Allergies": {
            "Nuts": false,
            "Peanuts": false,
            "Eggs": false,
            "InsectSting": false,
            "Seafood": false
          "Sicknesses": {
            "Asthma": false,
            "Incontinence": false,
            "HearingDisorder": false,
            "Diabete": false,
            "Hyperactive": false,
            "Epilepsy": false,
            "VisualDisorder": false,
            "MotorHandicap": false,
            "BehaviorDisorder": false
          "Reactions": "Rash",
          "MedicationDosage": "20 mg",
          "MedicationFrequency": "Twice daily",
          "MedicationOther": "Take with meals",
          "OtherAllergy": "Crab",
          "OtherSickness": "Sea sickness",
          "MedicalStatus": "NoRecord",
          "HasSickness": false,
          "HasAllergy": false
        "JoinDate": "2022-09-01",
        "PictureUrl": "photo_de_maurice.jpg",
        "Memberships": [
            "Id": 54321
            "Id": 12345
        "ExternalId": "MyId85884",
        "Friend": null,
        "PickupPassword": null,
        "Id": 0,
        "FirstName": "Maurice",
        "LastName": "Maynard",
        "FullName": "Maurice Maynard",
        "Gender": "Male",
        "DateOfBirth": "2000-02-20",
        "Email": "mau@gmail.com",
        "Address": {
          "Latitude": 45.72,
          "Longitude": -73.5,
          "Address1": "412 des Érables",
          "Address2": "App. 1",
          "City": "Montreal",
          "Country": "Canada",
          "StateProvince": "QC",
          "ZipPostalCode": "H3G 1A1"
        "Telephone": "514 555 5555",
        "TelephoneMobile": "438 555 0000",
        "TelephoneWork": "438 555 5555",
        "TelephoneWorkExtension": "1234",
        "IsChild": false
        "OrganizationId": 77132,
        "AccountId": 818188,
        "AccountOwnerId": 398313,
        "AccountOwnerFirstName": "Mario",
        "AccountOwnerLastName": "Viau",
        "AccountOwnerFullName": "Mario Viau",
        "AccountOwnerEmail": "mario@monadresse.ca",
        "AccountOwnerTelephoneMobile": null,
        "IsArchived": false,
        "Contacts": [
            "Relationship": "Grandmother",
            "Type": "EmergencyContact",
            "Id": 0,
            "FirstName": "Georgette",
            "LastName": "Plouffe",
            "FullName": "Georgette Plouffe",
            "DateOfBirth": null,
            "Email": "allo@videotron.ca",
            "Telephone": "514 555 9999",
            "TelephoneMobile": null,
            "TelephoneWork": null
        "Skills": [
            "Id": 88,
            "Name": "Rescue",
            "AwardedDate": "2022-09-01"
        "MedicalInformation": {
          "Allergies": {
            "Nuts": false,
            "Peanuts": false,
            "Eggs": false,
            "InsectSting": false,
            "Seafood": false
          "Sicknesses": {
            "Asthma": false,
            "Incontinence": false,
            "HearingDisorder": false,
            "Diabete": false,
            "Hyperactive": false,
            "Epilepsy": false,
            "VisualDisorder": false,
            "MotorHandicap": false,
            "BehaviorDisorder": false
          "Reactions": "Rash",
          "MedicationDosage": "20 mg",
          "MedicationFrequency": "Twice daily",
          "MedicationOther": "Take with meals",
          "OtherAllergy": "Crab",
          "OtherSickness": "Sea sickness",
          "MedicalStatus": "NoRecord",
          "HasSickness": false,
          "HasAllergy": false
        "JoinDate": "2022-09-01",
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            "TelephoneWork": null
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            "BehaviorDisorder": false
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          "HasSickness": false,
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            "Id": 12345
        "ExternalId": "MyId85884",
        "Friend": null,
        "PickupPassword": null,
        "Id": 0,
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        "FullName": "Maurice Maynard",
        "Gender": "Male",
        "DateOfBirth": "2000-02-20",
        "Email": "mau@gmail.com",
        "Address": {
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          "Longitude": -73.5,
          "Address1": "412 des Érables",
          "Address2": "App. 1",
          "City": "Montreal",
          "Country": "Canada",
          "StateProvince": "QC",
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        "TelephoneMobile": "438 555 0000",
        "TelephoneWork": "438 555 5555",
        "TelephoneWorkExtension": "1234",
        "IsChild": false
    "Corporate": {
      "Id": 1,
      "CompanyName": "string 2",
      "Email": "string 3",
      "Address": {
        "Latitude": 1.1,
        "Longitude": 1.1,
        "Address1": "string 1",
        "Address2": "string 2",
        "City": "string 3",
        "Country": "string 4",
        "StateProvince": "string 5",
        "ZipPostalCode": "string 6"
      "PictureUrl": "string 4",
      "Website": "string 5",
      "Telephone": "string 6",
      "TelephoneOther": "string 7",
      "OrganizationId": 8,
      "AccountId": 9,
      "IsArchived": true,
      "Contact": {
        "FirstName": "string 1",
        "LastName": "string 2",
        "Title": "string 3",
        "Email": "string 4",
        "Telephone": "string 5"
    "AccountMemberships": [
        "Id": 1,
        "Name": "string 2"
        "Id": 1,
        "Name": "string 2"


An occurrence is an activity unit in a unique time slot. The terms event and occurrence are used interchangeably in our platform.


Get the participants for an occurrence

You can get the occurrence id from org/{orgIdentifier}/activities/{id}/occurrences. Returns a list of participants ordered by id for an occurrence, regardless of the related activity.

N. B. : The term participants has replaced what used to be attendance in V2

language (string)

Language in which the localizable values should be returned. Part of base url. Value is either 'fr' or 'en'

orgIdentifier (string)

Amilia-specific organization identifier. This identifier can be either the organization number, such as 8008, or the organization URL identifier. You can find that by looking at the URL of your Amilia store. It may look like lower-case words separated by a dash, such as forest-explorers. Note that in v2 and v1 we call that the 'rewrite URL'.

id (integer)

Occurrence id

page (integer)

Result page number that appears first.

Default value is 1

perPage (integer)

Number of results per page.

Default value is 200

    "Id": 0,
    "AccountId": 0,
    "FirstName": "Georges",
    "LastName": "Tremblay",
    "Gender": 2,
    "DateOfBirth": "0001-01-01",
    "PictureUrl": "photo/de/george",
    "GroupId": 2147483647,
    "GroupName": "Groupe 2",
    "OccurrenceId": 0,
    "AttendanceId": 0,
    "OrgId": 0,
    "Status": "Present",
    "UpdatedOn": "2022-09-01"
    "Id": 0,
    "AccountId": 0,
    "FirstName": "Georges",
    "LastName": "Tremblay",
    "Gender": 2,
    "DateOfBirth": "0001-01-01",
    "PictureUrl": "photo/de/george",
    "GroupId": 2147483647,
    "GroupName": "Groupe 2",
    "OccurrenceId": 0,
    "AttendanceId": 0,
    "OrgId": 0,
    "Status": "Present",
    "UpdatedOn": "2022-09-01"


Persons are the people registered in your database


Get the persons in an organization

A person can be a client (account owner), a participant, a membership member, a staff. The endpoint returns a list of persons ordered by id, with the option to show skills, medical information and archived persons.

language (string)

Language in which the localizable values should be returned. Part of base url. Value is either 'fr' or 'en'

orgIdentifier (string)

Amilia-specific organization identifier. This identifier can be either the organization number, such as 8008, or the organization URL identifier. You can find that by looking at the URL of your Amilia store. It may look like lower-case words separated by a dash, such as forest-explorers. Note that in v2 and v1 we call that the 'rewrite URL'.

showArchived (boolean)

Option to also show archived items.

Default value is False

showSkills (boolean)

Option to show relevant skills.

Default value is False

showMedicalInfo (boolean)

Option to show the persons' medical information.

Default value is False

page (integer)

Result page number that appears first.

Default value is 1

perPage (integer)

Number of results per page.

Default value is 200

personEmail (string)

No description available

    "OrganizationId": 77132,
    "AccountId": 818188,
    "AccountOwnerId": 398313,
    "AccountOwnerFirstName": "Mario",
    "AccountOwnerLastName": "Viau",
    "AccountOwnerFullName": "Mario Viau",
    "AccountOwnerEmail": "mario@monadresse.ca",
    "AccountOwnerTelephoneMobile": null,
    "IsArchived": false,
    "Contacts": [
        "Relationship": "Grandmother",
        "Type": "EmergencyContact",
        "Id": 0,
        "FirstName": "Georgette",
        "LastName": "Plouffe",
        "FullName": "Georgette Plouffe",
        "DateOfBirth": null,
        "Email": "allo@videotron.ca",
        "Telephone": "514 555 9999",
        "TelephoneMobile": null,
        "TelephoneWork": null
    "Skills": [
        "Id": 88,
        "Name": "Rescue",
        "AwardedDate": "2022-09-01"
    "MedicalInformation": {
      "Allergies": {
        "Nuts": false,
        "Peanuts": false,
        "Eggs": false,
        "InsectSting": false,
        "Seafood": false
      "Sicknesses": {
        "Asthma": false,
        "Incontinence": false,
        "HearingDisorder": false,
        "Diabete": false,
        "Hyperactive": false,
        "Epilepsy": false,
        "VisualDisorder": false,
        "MotorHandicap": false,
        "BehaviorDisorder": false
      "Reactions": "Rash",
      "MedicationDosage": "20 mg",
      "MedicationFrequency": "Twice daily",
      "MedicationOther": "Take with meals",
      "OtherAllergy": "Crab",
      "OtherSickness": "Sea sickness",
      "MedicalStatus": "NoRecord",
      "HasSickness": false,
      "HasAllergy": false
    "JoinDate": "2022-09-01",
    "PictureUrl": "photo_de_maurice.jpg",
    "AccessPictureUrl": "photo_de_maurice.jpg",
    "Memberships": [
        "Id": 54321
        "Id": 12345
    "ExternalId": "MyId85884",
    "Friend": null,
    "PickupPassword": null,
    "Id": 0,
    "FirstName": "Maurice",
    "LastName": "Maynard",
    "FullName": "Maurice Maynard",
    "Gender": "Male",
    "DateOfBirth": "2000-02-20",
    "Email": "mau@gmail.com",
    "Address": {
      "Latitude": 45.72,
      "Longitude": -73.5,
      "Address1": "412 des Érables",
      "Address2": "App. 1",
      "City": "Montreal",
      "Country": "Canada",
      "StateProvince": "QC",
      "ZipPostalCode": "H3G 1A1"
    "Telephone": "514 555 5555",
    "TelephoneMobile": "438 555 0000",
    "TelephoneWork": "438 555 5555",
    "TelephoneWorkExtension": "1234",
    "IsChild": false
    "OrganizationId": 77132,
    "AccountId": 818188,
    "AccountOwnerId": 398313,
    "AccountOwnerFirstName": "Mario",
    "AccountOwnerLastName": "Viau",
    "AccountOwnerFullName": "Mario Viau",
    "AccountOwnerEmail": "mario@monadresse.ca",
    "AccountOwnerTelephoneMobile": null,
    "IsArchived": false,
    "Contacts": [
        "Relationship": "Grandmother",
        "Type": "EmergencyContact",
        "Id": 0,
        "FirstName": "Georgette",
        "LastName": "Plouffe",
        "FullName": "Georgette Plouffe",
        "DateOfBirth": null,
        "Email": "allo@videotron.ca",
        "Telephone": "514 555 9999",
        "TelephoneMobile": null,
        "TelephoneWork": null
    "Skills": [
        "Id": 88,
        "Name": "Rescue",
        "AwardedDate": "2022-09-01"
    "MedicalInformation": {
      "Allergies": {
        "Nuts": false,
        "Peanuts": false,
        "Eggs": false,
        "InsectSting": false,
        "Seafood": false
      "Sicknesses": {
        "Asthma": false,
        "Incontinence": false,
        "HearingDisorder": false,
        "Diabete": false,
        "Hyperactive": false,
        "Epilepsy": false,
        "VisualDisorder": false,
        "MotorHandicap": false,
        "BehaviorDisorder": false
      "Reactions": "Rash",
      "MedicationDosage": "20 mg",
      "MedicationFrequency": "Twice daily",
      "MedicationOther": "Take with meals",
      "OtherAllergy": "Crab",
      "OtherSickness": "Sea sickness",
      "MedicalStatus": "NoRecord",
      "HasSickness": false,
      "HasAllergy": false
    "JoinDate": "2022-09-01",
    "PictureUrl": "photo_de_maurice.jpg",
    "Memberships": [
        "Id": 54321
        "Id": 12345
    "ExternalId": "MyId85884",
    "Friend": null,
    "PickupPassword": null,
    "Id": 0,
    "FirstName": "Maurice",
    "LastName": "Maynard",
    "FullName": "Maurice Maynard",
    "Gender": "Male",
    "DateOfBirth": "2000-02-20",
    "Email": "mau@gmail.com",
    "Address": {
      "Latitude": 45.72,
      "Longitude": -73.5,
      "Address1": "412 des Érables",
      "Address2": "App. 1",
      "City": "Montreal",
      "Country": "Canada",
      "StateProvince": "QC",
      "ZipPostalCode": "H3G 1A1"
    "Telephone": "514 555 5555",
    "TelephoneMobile": "438 555 0000",
    "TelephoneWork": "438 555 5555",
    "TelephoneWorkExtension": "1234",
    "IsChild": false


Get a person in an organization

A person can be a client (account owner), a participant, a membership member, a staff. You can get the person id from org/{orgIdentifier}/persons. The endpoint returns a person with the option to show their medical information.

language (string)

Language in which the localizable values should be returned. Part of base url. Value is either 'fr' or 'en'

orgIdentifier (string)

Amilia-specific organization identifier. This identifier can be either the organization number, such as 8008, or the organization URL identifier. You can find that by looking at the URL of your Amilia store. It may look like lower-case words separated by a dash, such as forest-explorers. Note that in v2 and v1 we call that the 'rewrite URL'.

id (integer)

Person id

showMedicalInfo (boolean)

Option to show the persons' medical information.

Default value is False

  "OrganizationId": 77132,
  "AccountId": 818188,
  "AccountOwnerId": 398313,
  "AccountOwnerFirstName": "Mario",
  "AccountOwnerLastName": "Viau",
  "AccountOwnerFullName": "Mario Viau",
  "AccountOwnerEmail": "mario@monadresse.ca",
  "AccountOwnerTelephoneMobile": null,
  "IsArchived": false,
  "Contacts": [
      "Relationship": "Grandmother",
      "Type": "EmergencyContact",
      "Id": 0,
      "FirstName": "Georgette",
      "LastName": "Plouffe",
      "FullName": "Georgette Plouffe",
      "DateOfBirth": null,
      "Email": "allo@videotron.ca",
      "Telephone": "514 555 9999",
      "TelephoneMobile": null,
      "TelephoneWork": null
  "Skills": [
      "Id": 88,
      "Name": "Rescue",
      "AwardedDate": "2022-09-01"
  "MedicalInformation": {
    "Allergies": {
      "Nuts": false,
      "Peanuts": false,
      "Eggs": false,
      "InsectSting": false,
      "Seafood": false
    "Sicknesses": {
      "Asthma": false,
      "Incontinence": false,
      "HearingDisorder": false,
      "Diabete": false,
      "Hyperactive": false,
      "Epilepsy": false,
      "VisualDisorder": false,
      "MotorHandicap": false,
      "BehaviorDisorder": false
    "Reactions": "Rash",
    "MedicationDosage": "20 mg",
    "MedicationFrequency": "Twice daily",
    "MedicationOther": "Take with meals",
    "OtherAllergy": "Crab",
    "OtherSickness": "Sea sickness",
    "MedicalStatus": "NoRecord",
    "HasSickness": false,
    "HasAllergy": false
  "JoinDate": "2022-09-01",
  "PictureUrl": "photo_de_maurice.jpg",
  "Memberships": [
      "Id": 54321
      "Id": 12345
  "ExternalId": "MyId85884",
  "Friend": null,
  "PickupPassword": null,
  "Id": 0,
  "FirstName": "Maurice",
  "LastName": "Maynard",
  "FullName": "Maurice Maynard",
  "Gender": "Male",
  "DateOfBirth": "2000-02-20",
  "Email": "mau@gmail.com",
  "Address": {
    "Latitude": 45.72,
    "Longitude": -73.5,
    "Address1": "412 des Érables",
    "Address2": "App. 1",
    "City": "Montreal",
    "Country": "Canada",
    "StateProvince": "QC",
    "ZipPostalCode": "H3G 1A1"
  "Telephone": "514 555 5555",
  "TelephoneMobile": "438 555 0000",
  "TelephoneWork": "438 555 5555",
  "TelephoneWorkExtension": "1234",
  "IsChild": false


Get a person by externalId in an organization

This endpoint searches the person by an external membership, and the person must be part of the searching organization.

language (string)

Language in which the localizable values should be returned. Part of base url. Value is either 'fr' or 'en'

orgIdentifier (string)

Amilia-specific organization identifier. This identifier can be either the organization number, such as 8008, or the organization URL identifier. You can find that by looking at the URL of your Amilia store. It may look like lower-case words separated by a dash, such as forest-explorers. Note that in v2 and v1 we call that the 'rewrite URL'.

id (string)

Id of the item before the /{id} in the url

  "OrganizationId": 77132,
  "AccountId": 818188,
  "AccountOwnerId": 398313,
  "AccountOwnerFirstName": "Mario",
  "AccountOwnerLastName": "Viau",
  "AccountOwnerFullName": "Mario Viau",
  "AccountOwnerEmail": "mario@monadresse.ca",
  "AccountOwnerTelephoneMobile": null,
  "IsArchived": false,
  "Contacts": [
      "Relationship": "Grandmother",
      "Type": "EmergencyContact",
      "Id": 0,
      "FirstName": "Georgette",
      "LastName": "Plouffe",
      "FullName": "Georgette Plouffe",
      "DateOfBirth": null,
      "Email": "allo@videotron.ca",
      "Telephone": "514 555 9999",
      "TelephoneMobile": null,
      "TelephoneWork": null
  "Skills": [
      "Id": 88,
      "Name": "Rescue",
      "AwardedDate": "2022-09-01"
  "MedicalInformation": {
    "Allergies": {
      "Nuts": false,
      "Peanuts": false,
      "Eggs": false,
      "InsectSting": false,
      "Seafood": false
    "Sicknesses": {
      "Asthma": false,
      "Incontinence": false,
      "HearingDisorder": false,
      "Diabete": false,
      "Hyperactive": false,
      "Epilepsy": false,
      "VisualDisorder": false,
      "MotorHandicap": false,
      "BehaviorDisorder": false
    "Reactions": "Rash",
    "MedicationDosage": "20 mg",
    "MedicationFrequency": "Twice daily",
    "MedicationOther": "Take with meals",
    "OtherAllergy": "Crab",
    "OtherSickness": "Sea sickness",
    "MedicalStatus": "NoRecord",
    "HasSickness": false,
    "HasAllergy": false
  "JoinDate": "2022-09-01",
  "PictureUrl": "photo_de_maurice.jpg",
  "Memberships": [
      "Id": 54321
      "Id": 12345
  "ExternalId": "MyId85884",
  "Friend": null,
  "PickupPassword": null,
  "Id": 0,
  "FirstName": "Maurice",
  "LastName": "Maynard",
  "FullName": "Maurice Maynard",
  "Gender": "Male",
  "DateOfBirth": "2000-02-20",
  "Email": "mau@gmail.com",
  "Address": {
    "Latitude": 45.72,
    "Longitude": -73.5,
    "Address1": "412 des Érables",
    "Address2": "App. 1",
    "City": "Montreal",
    "Country": "Canada",
    "StateProvince": "QC",
    "ZipPostalCode": "H3G 1A1"
  "Telephone": "514 555 5555",
  "TelephoneMobile": "438 555 0000",
  "TelephoneWork": "438 555 5555",
  "TelephoneWorkExtension": "1234",
  "IsChild": false


Get the registrations of a person in an organization

You can get the person id from org/{orgIdentifier}/persons. Returns a list of registrations ordered by id, with the option to show those from programs that have ended

language (string)

Language in which the localizable values should be returned. Part of base url. Value is either 'fr' or 'en'

orgIdentifier (string)

Amilia-specific organization identifier. This identifier can be either the organization number, such as 8008, or the organization URL identifier. You can find that by looking at the URL of your Amilia store. It may look like lower-case words separated by a dash, such as forest-explorers. Note that in v2 and v1 we call that the 'rewrite URL'.

id (integer)

Person id

showEnded (boolean)

Option to show registrations for programs that have ended. Registrations are only valid during a program's lifetime.

Default value is False

page (integer)

Result page number that appears first.

Default value is 1

perPage (integer)

Number of results per page.

Default value is 200

  "ProgramId": 400004,
  "ProgramName": "Summer 2019",
  "CategoryId": 888333,
  "CategoryName": "Swimming for seniors",
  "SubCategoryId": 555444,
  "SubCategoryName": "Swimming for seniors, Tuesday",
  "ActivityId": 1234567,
  "ActivityName": "Swimming for seniors, Tuesdays 13h",
  "GroupId": 111222,
  "GroupName": "Seniors 1",
  "DateCreated": "2022-09-01T12:47:34.946903-04:00",
  "PersonId": 9191,
  "DropInOccurrenceId": 818181,
  "DropInDate": "2022-09-01T12:47:34-04:00",
  "IsCancelled": false


Get the private lessons of a person in an organization

You can get the person id from org/{orgIdentifier}/persons. Returns a list of private lessons ordered by id, with the option to show lessons that have ended

language (string)

Language in which the localizable values should be returned. Part of base url. Value is either 'fr' or 'en'

orgIdentifier (string)

Amilia-specific organization identifier. This identifier can be either the organization number, such as 8008, or the organization URL identifier. You can find that by looking at the URL of your Amilia store. It may look like lower-case words separated by a dash, such as forest-explorers. Note that in v2 and v1 we call that the 'rewrite URL'.

id (integer)

Person id

showEnded (boolean)

Option to show registrations for programs that have ended. Registrations are only valid during a program's lifetime.

Default value is False

page (integer)

Result page number that appears first.

Default value is 1

perPage (integer)

Number of results per page.

Default value is 200

  "Person": {
    "Id": 1
  "Staff": {
    "Id": 1
  "Occurrence": {
    "StartTime": "2022-09-01T12:47:27.0369976-04:00",
    "EndTime": "2022-09-01T12:47:27.0369976-04:00"
  "DateCreated": "2022-09-01T12:47:27.0369976-04:00"


Get the Tags of a person in an organization

You can get the person id from org/{orgIdentifier}/persons.

language (string)

Language in which the localizable values should be returned. Part of base url. Value is either 'fr' or 'en'

orgIdentifier (string)

Amilia-specific organization identifier. This identifier can be either the organization number, such as 8008, or the organization URL identifier. You can find that by looking at the URL of your Amilia store. It may look like lower-case words separated by a dash, such as forest-explorers. Note that in v2 and v1 we call that the 'rewrite URL'.

personId (integer)

Id of the person to get all extra question answers.

  "Id": 4,
  "Name": "Soccer",
  "Color": "Orange",
  "IsVisible": true



Get a single private lesson

Returns a private lesson with the id provided.

language (string)

Language in which the localizable values should be returned. Part of base url. Value is either 'fr' or 'en'

orgIdentifier (string)

Amilia-specific organization identifier. This identifier can be either the organization number, such as 8008, or the organization URL identifier. You can find that by looking at the URL of your Amilia store. It may look like lower-case words separated by a dash, such as forest-explorers. Note that in v2 and v1 we call that the 'rewrite URL'.

id (integer)

Private lesson id

  "Id": 1,
  "Name": "Chess Lesson",
  "Description": "One hour chess lesson with our in-house coach",
  "Price": 50.0,
  "State": "Normal",
  "Duration": 60


Get private lessons

Returns all private lessons for an organization, with the option of showing ones that were archived.

language (string)

Language in which the localizable values should be returned. Part of base url. Value is either 'fr' or 'en'

orgIdentifier (string)

Amilia-specific organization identifier. This identifier can be either the organization number, such as 8008, or the organization URL identifier. You can find that by looking at the URL of your Amilia store. It may look like lower-case words separated by a dash, such as forest-explorers. Note that in v2 and v1 we call that the 'rewrite URL'.

page (integer)

Result page number that appears first.

Default value is 1

perPage (integer)

Number of results per page.

Default value is 200

showArchived (boolean)

Option to also show archived items.

Default value is False

    "Id": 1,
    "Name": "Chess Lesson",
    "Description": "One hour chess lesson with our in-house coach",
    "Price": 50.0,
    "State": "Normal",
    "Duration": 60
    "Id": 1,
    "Name": "Chess Lesson",
    "Description": "One hour chess lesson with our in-house coach",
    "Price": 50.0,
    "State": "Normal",
    "Duration": 60


A program is a set of activities organized in a hierarchy. It can have categories and subcategories.


Get programs for an organization

Returns a list of programs ordered by id, with the option to show hidden and archived programs

language (string)

Language in which the localizable values should be returned. Part of base url. Value is either 'fr' or 'en'

orgIdentifier (string)

Amilia-specific organization identifier. This identifier can be either the organization number, such as 8008, or the organization URL identifier. You can find that by looking at the URL of your Amilia store. It may look like lower-case words separated by a dash, such as forest-explorers. Note that in v2 and v1 we call that the 'rewrite URL'.

showHidden (boolean)

Option to return hidden items.

Default value is False

showArchived (boolean)

Option to also show archived items.

Default value is False

page (integer)

Result page number that appears first.

Default value is 1

perPage (integer)

Number of results per page.

Default value is 200

    "Id": 0,
    "Name": "Summer 2019",
    "Start": "0001-01-01T00:00:00-05:00",
    "End": "9999-12-31T18:59:59.9999999-05:00",
    "Url": "www.acme.com/summer2019",
    "PictureUrl": "img/summer2019.jpg",
    "IsArchived": false,
    "IsVisible": false,
    "IsPasswordProtected": false
    "Id": 0,
    "Name": "Summer 2019",
    "Start": "0001-01-01T00:00:00-05:00",
    "End": "9999-12-31T18:59:59.9999999-05:00",
    "Url": "www.acme.com/summer2019",
    "PictureUrl": "img/summer2019.jpg",
    "IsArchived": false,
    "IsVisible": false,
    "IsPasswordProtected": false


Get a program's activities for an organization

You can get the program id from org/{orgIdentifier}/programs. Returns a list of ordered by id, with the option to show hidden and cancelled activities

language (string)

Language in which the localizable values should be returned. Part of base url. Value is either 'fr' or 'en'

orgIdentifier (string)

Amilia-specific organization identifier. This identifier can be either the organization number, such as 8008, or the organization URL identifier. You can find that by looking at the URL of your Amilia store. It may look like lower-case words separated by a dash, such as forest-explorers. Note that in v2 and v1 we call that the 'rewrite URL'.

id (integer)

Program id

showHidden (boolean)

Option to return hidden items.

Default value is False

showCancelled (boolean)

Option to also return cancelled items.

Default value is False

showOccurrences (boolean)

Option to show the full list of activity occurrences.

Default value is False

showTaxes (boolean)

Default value is False

page (integer)

Result page number that appears first.

Default value is 1

perPage (integer)

Number of results per page.

Default value is 200

    "Tags": [
        "Id": 4,
        "Name": "VIP"
        "Id": 5,
        "Name": "Summer 2019"
    "Description": "Soccer outdoors on Fridays 16h-17h",
    "Prerequisite": "Must have passed soccer I",
    "Note": "Bring snacks, tie your hair, no jewelry",
    "ThirdPartyUrl": "merch/soccer",
    "AdditionalInformation": "Bring more snacks",
    "ResponsibleName": null,
    "Price": 150.0,
    "DropInPrice": 0.0,
    "DisplayOrder": 0,
    "Age": {
      "Max": 17,
      "Min": 7,
      "Months": false
    "MaxAttendance": 24,
    "SpotsRemaining": 2,
    "SpotsReserved": 7,
    "NumberOfOccurrences": 0,
    "StartDate": "2022-09-01T00:00:00-04:00",
    "EndDate": "2022-09-01T00:00:00-04:00",
    "ScheduleSummary": "Fridays 16h-17h, 2 May to 27 August",
    "HasSessionEnabled": false,
    "HasDropInEnabled": false,
    "AgeSummary": "7-17",
    "Keywords": [],
    "Groups": [],
    "OrganizationId": 0,
    "RegistrationPeriods": null,
    "LocationLabel": null,
    "Forms": [
      "Id": 1,
      "Type": "Adult",
      "Name": "Adult Form Name"
      "Id": 2,
      "Type": "Children",
      "Name": "Child Form Name"
    "SecretUrl": "https://app.amilia.com/store/{language}/{orgIdentifier}/api/Activity/Detail?activityId={hashId}",
    "PictureUrl": "activity/picture.jpg",
    "Id": 0,
    "Name": "Soccer II",
    "ProgramId": 0,
    "ProgramName": "Summer 2019",
    "CategoryId": 56783,
    "CategoryName": "Soccer",
    "SubCategoryId": 56786,
    "SubCategoryName": "junior",
    "Url": "soccer/2019/fridays",
    "Status": "Normal"
    "Tags": [
        "Id": 4,
        "Name": "VIP"
        "Id": 5,
        "Name": "Summer 2019"
    "Description": "Soccer outdoors on Fridays 16h-17h",
    "Prerequisite": "Must have passed soccer I",
    "Note": "Bring snacks, tie your hair, no jewelry",
    "ThirdPartyUrl": "merch/soccer",
    "AdditionalInformation": "Bring more snacks",
    "ResponsibleName": null,
    "Price": 150.0,
    "DropInPrice": 0.0,
    "DisplayOrder": 0,
    "Age": {
      "Max": 17,
      "Min": 7,
      "Months": false
    "MaxAttendance": 24,
    "SpotsRemaining": 2,
    "SpotsReserved": 7,
    "NumberOfOccurrences": 0,
    "StartDate": "2022-09-01T00:00:00-04:00",
    "EndDate": "2022-09-01T00:00:00-04:00",
    "ScheduleSummary": "Fridays 16h-17h, 2 May to 27 August",
    "HasSessionEnabled": false,
    "HasDropInEnabled": false,
    "AgeSummary": "7-17",
    "Keywords": [],
    "Groups": [],
    "OrganizationId": 0,
    "RegistrationPeriods": null,
    "LocationLabel": null,
    "Forms": [
      "Id": 1,
      "Type": "Adult",
      "Name": "Adult Form Name"
      "Id": 2,
      "Type": "Children",
      "Name": "Child Form Name"
    "SecretUrl": "https://app.amilia.com/store/{language}/{orgIdentifier}/api/Activity/Detail?activityId={hashId}",
    "PictureUrl": "activity/picture.jpg",
    "Id": 0,
    "Name": "Soccer II",
    "ProgramId": 0,
    "ProgramName": "Summer 2019",
    "CategoryId": 56783,
    "CategoryName": "Soccer",
    "SubCategoryId": 56786,
    "SubCategoryName": "junior",
    "Url": "soccer/2019/fridays",
    "Status": "Normal"


Get persons in a program for an organization

You can get the program id from org/{orgIdentifier}/programs. Returns a list of persons ordered by id, with the option to show their skills, registrations and medical information

language (string)

Language in which the localizable values should be returned. Part of base url. Value is either 'fr' or 'en'

orgIdentifier (string)

Amilia-specific organization identifier. This identifier can be either the organization number, such as 8008, or the organization URL identifier. You can find that by looking at the URL of your Amilia store. It may look like lower-case words separated by a dash, such as forest-explorers. Note that in v2 and v1 we call that the 'rewrite URL'.

id (integer)

Program id

status (PersonProgramStatusV3)

Default value is Registered

showSkills (boolean)

Option to show relevant skills.

Default value is False

showRegistrations (boolean)

Option to show the persons who registered.

Default value is False

showMedicalInfo (boolean)

Option to show the persons' medical information.

Default value is False

showCancelledRegistrations (boolean)

Default value is False

page (integer)

Result page number that appears first.

Default value is 1

perPage (integer)

Number of results per page.

Default value is 200

    "OrganizationId": 77132,
    "AccountId": 818188,
    "AccountOwnerId": 398313,
    "AccountOwnerFirstName": "Mario",
    "AccountOwnerLastName": "Viau",
    "AccountOwnerFullName": "Mario Viau",
    "AccountOwnerEmail": "mario@monadresse.ca",
    "AccountOwnerTelephoneMobile": null,
    "IsArchived": false,
    "Contacts": [
        "Relationship": "Grandmother",
        "Type": "EmergencyContact",
        "Id": 0,
        "FirstName": "Georgette",
        "LastName": "Plouffe",
        "FullName": "Georgette Plouffe",
        "DateOfBirth": null,
        "Email": "allo@videotron.ca",
        "Telephone": "514 555 9999",
        "TelephoneMobile": null,
        "TelephoneWork": null
    "Skills": [
        "Id": 88,
        "Name": "Rescue",
        "AwardedDate": "2022-09-01"
    "MedicalInformation": {
      "Allergies": {
        "Nuts": false,
        "Peanuts": false,
        "Eggs": false,
        "InsectSting": false,
        "Seafood": false
      "Sicknesses": {
        "Asthma": false,
        "Incontinence": false,
        "HearingDisorder": false,
        "Diabete": false,
        "Hyperactive": false,
        "Epilepsy": false,
        "VisualDisorder": false,
        "MotorHandicap": false,
        "BehaviorDisorder": false
      "Reactions": "Rash",
      "MedicationDosage": "20 mg",
      "MedicationFrequency": "Twice daily",
      "MedicationOther": "Take with meals",
      "OtherAllergy": "Crab",
      "OtherSickness": "Sea sickness",
      "MedicalStatus": "NoRecord",
      "HasSickness": false,
      "HasAllergy": false
    "JoinDate": "2022-09-01",
    "PictureUrl": "photo_de_maurice.jpg",
    "Memberships": [
        "Id": 54321
        "Id": 12345
    "ExternalId": "MyId85884",
    "Friend": null,
    "PickupPassword": null,
    "Id": 0,
    "FirstName": "Maurice",
    "LastName": "Maynard",
    "FullName": "Maurice Maynard",
    "Gender": "Male",
    "DateOfBirth": "2000-02-20",
    "Email": "mau@gmail.com",
    "Address": {
      "Latitude": 45.72,
      "Longitude": -73.5,
      "Address1": "412 des Érables",
      "Address2": "App. 1",
      "City": "Montreal",
      "Country": "Canada",
      "StateProvince": "QC",
      "ZipPostalCode": "H3G 1A1"
    "Telephone": "514 555 5555",
    "TelephoneMobile": "438 555 0000",
    "TelephoneWork": "438 555 5555",
    "TelephoneWorkExtension": "1234",
    "IsChild": false
    "OrganizationId": 77132,
    "AccountId": 818188,
    "AccountOwnerId": 398313,
    "AccountOwnerFirstName": "Mario",
    "AccountOwnerLastName": "Viau",
    "AccountOwnerFullName": "Mario Viau",
    "AccountOwnerEmail": "mario@monadresse.ca",
    "AccountOwnerTelephoneMobile": null,
    "IsArchived": false,
    "Contacts": [
        "Relationship": "Grandmother",
        "Type": "EmergencyContact",
        "Id": 0,
        "FirstName": "Georgette",
        "LastName": "Plouffe",
        "FullName": "Georgette Plouffe",
        "DateOfBirth": null,
        "Email": "allo@videotron.ca",
        "Telephone": "514 555 9999",
        "TelephoneMobile": null,
        "TelephoneWork": null
    "Skills": [
        "Id": 88,
        "Name": "Rescue",
        "AwardedDate": "2022-09-01"
    "MedicalInformation": {
      "Allergies": {
        "Nuts": false,
        "Peanuts": false,
        "Eggs": false,
        "InsectSting": false,
        "Seafood": false
      "Sicknesses": {
        "Asthma": false,
        "Incontinence": false,
        "HearingDisorder": false,
        "Diabete": false,
        "Hyperactive": false,
        "Epilepsy": false,
        "VisualDisorder": false,
        "MotorHandicap": false,
        "BehaviorDisorder": false
      "Reactions": "Rash",
      "MedicationDosage": "20 mg",
      "MedicationFrequency": "Twice daily",
      "MedicationOther": "Take with meals",
      "OtherAllergy": "Crab",
      "OtherSickness": "Sea sickness",
      "MedicalStatus": "NoRecord",
      "HasSickness": false,
      "HasAllergy": false
    "JoinDate": "2022-09-01",
    "PictureUrl": "photo_de_maurice.jpg",
    "Memberships": [
        "Id": 54321
        "Id": 12345
    "ExternalId": "MyId85884",
    "Friend": null,
    "PickupPassword": null,
    "Id": 0,
    "FirstName": "Maurice",
    "LastName": "Maynard",
    "FullName": "Maurice Maynard",
    "Gender": "Male",
    "DateOfBirth": "2000-02-20",
    "Email": "mau@gmail.com",
    "Address": {
      "Latitude": 45.72,
      "Longitude": -73.5,
      "Address1": "412 des Érables",
      "Address2": "App. 1",
      "City": "Montreal",
      "Country": "Canada",
      "StateProvince": "QC",
      "ZipPostalCode": "H3G 1A1"
    "Telephone": "514 555 5555",
    "TelephoneMobile": "438 555 0000",
    "TelephoneWork": "438 555 5555",
    "TelephoneWorkExtension": "1234",
    "IsChild": false


Get a program for an organization

You can get the program id from org/{orgIdentifier}/programs

language (string)

Language in which the localizable values should be returned. Part of base url. Value is either 'fr' or 'en'

orgIdentifier (string)

Amilia-specific organization identifier. This identifier can be either the organization number, such as 8008, or the organization URL identifier. You can find that by looking at the URL of your Amilia store. It may look like lower-case words separated by a dash, such as forest-explorers. Note that in v2 and v1 we call that the 'rewrite URL'.

id (integer)

Program id

  "Id": 0,
  "Name": "Summer 2019",
  "Start": "0001-01-01T00:00:00-05:00",
  "End": "9999-12-31T18:59:59.9999999-05:00",
  "Url": "www.acme.com/summer2019",
  "PictureUrl": "img/summer2019.jpg",
  "IsArchived": false,
  "IsVisible": false,
  "IsPasswordProtected": false


Get extra question answers for a program

Get all extra question answers for all persons in a program.

language (string)

Language in which the localizable values should be returned. Part of base url. Value is either 'fr' or 'en'

orgIdentifier (string)

Amilia-specific organization identifier. This identifier can be either the organization number, such as 8008, or the organization URL identifier. You can find that by looking at the URL of your Amilia store. It may look like lower-case words separated by a dash, such as forest-explorers. Note that in v2 and v1 we call that the 'rewrite URL'.

id (integer)

Program id

showArchived (boolean)

Option to also show archived items.

Default value is False

page (integer)

Result page number that appears first.

Default value is 1

perPage (integer)

Number of results per page.

Default value is 200

    "PersonId": 1,
    "ExtraQuestions": [
        "ExtraQuestionId": 1,
        "Question": "Do you have any allergies?",
        "Answer": "Nuts, Dairy, Grains, Meat.",
        "AnswerType": null
    "PersonId": 1,
    "ExtraQuestions": [
        "ExtraQuestionId": 1,
        "Question": "Do you have any allergies?",
        "Answer": "Nuts, Dairy, Grains, Meat.",
        "AnswerType": null


Get a person's extra questions answers for a program

Get all extra question answers for a person in a program.

language (string)

Language in which the localizable values should be returned. Part of base url. Value is either 'fr' or 'en'

orgIdentifier (string)

Amilia-specific organization identifier. This identifier can be either the organization number, such as 8008, or the organization URL identifier. You can find that by looking at the URL of your Amilia store. It may look like lower-case words separated by a dash, such as forest-explorers. Note that in v2 and v1 we call that the 'rewrite URL'.

id (integer)

Program id

personId (integer)

Id of the person to get all extra question answers.

    "ExtraQuestionId": 1,
    "Question": "Do you have any allergies?",
    "Answer": "Nuts, Dairy, Grains, Meat.",
    "AnswerType": null
    "ExtraQuestionId": 1,
    "Question": "Do you have any allergies?",
    "Answer": "Nuts, Dairy, Grains, Meat.",
    "AnswerType": null


In Amilia, A registration is created when a user signs up for an activity, or drop-in activity.


Get registrations for an organization

Returns a list of registrations ordered by id, with the option to specify start and end dates.

language (string)

Language in which the localizable values should be returned. Part of base url. Value is either 'fr' or 'en'

orgIdentifier (string)

Amilia-specific organization identifier. This identifier can be either the organization number, such as 8008, or the organization URL identifier. You can find that by looking at the URL of your Amilia store. It may look like lower-case words separated by a dash, such as forest-explorers. Note that in v2 and v1 we call that the 'rewrite URL'.

showEnded (boolean)

Option to show registrations for programs that have ended. Registrations are only valid during a program's lifetime.

Default value is False

from (date)

Start date formatted as YYYY-MM-DD. Inclusive in all versions of the API. Default value is null

to (date)

End date formatted as YYYY-MM-DD. Inclusive in version 3, exclusive in previous versions of the API. Default value is null

page (integer)

Result page number that appears first.

Default value is 1

perPage (integer)

Number of results per page.

Default value is 200

    "RegistrationId": "AC-123",
    "Program": {
      "Id": 1,
      "Name": "Chess 2020"
    "Activity": {
      "Id": 1,
      "Name": "Fridays 7pm-10pm"
    "Category": {
      "Id": 2,
      "Name": "Club Meetings"
    "SubCategory": {
      "Id": 1,
      "Name": "Montreal Chess Club"
    "Group": {
      "Id": 3,
      "Name": "Chess Champions"
    "DropIn": {
      "OccurrenceId": 5,
      "OccurrenceDate": "2022-09-01T12:47:35.1379396-04:00"
    "DateCreated": "2022-09-01T12:47:35.1379396-04:00",
    "Person": {
      "Id": 7,
      "FirstName": "Bobby",
      "LastName": "Fischer",
      "FullName": "Bobby Fischer",
      "DateOfBirth": null,
      "Email": "bobby@gmail.com",
      "Telephone": "121 212 1212",
      "TelephoneMobile": "555 555 5555",
      "TelephoneWork": "123 456 7890 x1234"
    "AccountOwner": {
      "AccountId": 1234,
      "AccountOwnerPersonId": 321456
    "Staff": {
      "Id": 8,
      "FirstName": "Wilhelm",
      "LastName": "Steinitz",
      "State": "Normal"
    "IsCancelled": false,
    "InvoiceItem": {
      "Id": 34523874
    "RegistrationId": "AC-123",
    "Program": {
      "Id": 1,
      "Name": "Chess 2020"
    "Activity": {
      "Id": 1,
      "Name": "Fridays 7pm-10pm"
    "Category": {
      "Id": 2,
      "Name": "Club Meetings"
    "SubCategory": {
      "Id": 1,
      "Name": "Montreal Chess Club"
    "Group": {
      "Id": 3,
      "Name": "Chess Champions"
    "DropIn": {
      "OccurrenceId": 5,
      "OccurrenceDate": "2022-09-01T12:47:35.1379396-04:00"
    "DateCreated": "2022-09-01T12:47:35.1379396-04:00",
    "Person": {
      "Id": 7,
      "FirstName": "Bobby",
      "LastName": "Fischer",
      "FullName": "Bobby Fischer",
      "DateOfBirth": null,
      "Email": "bobby@gmail.com",
      "Telephone": "121 212 1212",
      "TelephoneMobile": "555 555 5555",
      "TelephoneWork": "123 456 7890 x1234"
    "AccountOwner": {
      "AccountId": 1234,
      "AccountOwnerPersonId": 321456
    "Staff": {
      "Id": 8,
      "FirstName": "Wilhelm",
      "LastName": "Steinitz",
      "State": "Normal"
    "IsCancelled": false,
    "InvoiceItem": {
      "Id": 34523876


Get registration by webhook registration id

Returns the webhook payload associated with the registration id.

language (string)

Language in which the localizable values should be returned. Part of base url. Value is either 'fr' or 'en'

orgIdentifier (string)

Amilia-specific organization identifier. This identifier can be either the organization number, such as 8008, or the organization URL identifier. You can find that by looking at the URL of your Amilia store. It may look like lower-case words separated by a dash, such as forest-explorers. Note that in v2 and v1 we call that the 'rewrite URL'.

registrationId (string)

String Id received from the registration webhook.

  "RegistrationId": "AC-123",
  "Program": {
    "Id": 1,
    "Name": "Chess 2020"
  "Activity": {
    "Id": 1,
    "Name": "Fridays 7pm-10pm"
  "Category": {
    "Id": 2,
    "Name": "Club Meetings"
  "SubCategory": {
    "Id": 1,
    "Name": "Montreal Chess Club"
  "Group": {
    "Id": 3,
    "Name": "Chess Champions"
  "DropIn": {
    "OccurrenceId": 5,
    "OccurrenceDate": "2022-09-01T12:47:35.1481039-04:00"
  "DateCreated": "2022-09-01T12:47:35.1481039-04:00",
  "Person": {
    "Id": 7,
    "FirstName": "Bobby",
    "LastName": "Fischer",
    "FullName": "Bobby Fischer",
    "DateOfBirth": null,
    "Email": "bobby@gmail.com",
    "Telephone": "121 212 1212",
    "TelephoneMobile": "555 555 5555",
    "TelephoneWork": "123 456 7890 x1234"
  "AccountOwner": {
    "AccountId": 1234,
    "AccountOwnerPersonId": 321456
  "Staff": {
    "Id": 8,
    "FirstName": "Wilhelm",
    "LastName": "Steinitz",
    "State": "Normal"
  "IsCancelled": false,
    "InvoiceItem": {
      "Id": 34523874



Get the rental contracts for an organization

Returns a list of rental contracts ordered by id, with the option to show archived contracts and to filter by contract status

language (string)

Language in which the localizable values should be returned. Part of base url. Value is either 'fr' or 'en'

orgIdentifier (string)

Amilia-specific organization identifier. This identifier can be either the organization number, such as 8008, or the organization URL identifier. You can find that by looking at the URL of your Amilia store. It may look like lower-case words separated by a dash, such as forest-explorers. Note that in v2 and v1 we call that the 'rewrite URL'.

status (string)

Possible values are 'All', 'Approved', 'Draft', and 'PendingApproval'. These values are case-insensitive.

Default value is All

showArchived (boolean)

Option to also show archived items.

Default value is False

page (integer)

Result page number that appears first.

Default value is 1

perPage (integer)

Number of results per page.

Default value is 20

    "OrganizationId": 0,
    "ContractNumber": 0,
    "Name": "August 2019 - Grantham Soccer League & Town of Grantham",
    "ClientId": 75712,
    "AccountId": 921129,
    "Bookings": [
        "Id": 0,
        "LocationId": 0,
        "LocationName": "Grantham soccer field 1",
        "Start": "2022-09-01T12:47:35.164382-04:00",
        "End": "2022-09-01T12:47:35.164382-04:00",
        "Price": 0.0,
        "Status": "Tentative",
        "IsSoftDeleted": false
    "DateCreated": "2022-09-01",
    "Status": "PendingApproval",
    "Notes": "Subject to conditions",
    "IsArchived": false,
    "Version": 0,
    "LastUpdated": null,
    "Id": 0,
    "AdminNotes": "Refer to agreement",
    "SetupOption": null
    "OrganizationId": 0,
    "ContractNumber": 0,
    "Name": "August 2019 - Grantham Soccer League & Town of Grantham",
    "ClientId": 75712,
    "AccountId": 921129,
    "Bookings": [
        "Id": 0,
        "LocationId": 0,
        "LocationName": "Grantham soccer field 1",
        "Start": "2022-09-01T12:47:35.164382-04:00",
        "End": "2022-09-01T12:47:35.164382-04:00",
        "Price": 0.0,
        "Status": "Tentative",
        "IsSoftDeleted": false
    "DateCreated": "2022-09-01",
    "Status": "PendingApproval",
    "Notes": "Subject to conditions",
    "IsArchived": false,
    "Version": 0,
    "LastUpdated": null,
    "Id": 0,
    "AdminNotes": "Refer to agreement",
    "SetupOption": null


Get a rental contract for an organization

You can get the rental contract id from /org/{orgIdentifier}/rentalcontracts

language (string)

Language in which the localizable values should be returned. Part of base url. Value is either 'fr' or 'en'

orgIdentifier (string)

Amilia-specific organization identifier. This identifier can be either the organization number, such as 8008, or the organization URL identifier. You can find that by looking at the URL of your Amilia store. It may look like lower-case words separated by a dash, such as forest-explorers. Note that in v2 and v1 we call that the 'rewrite URL'.

id (integer)

Rental contract id

    "OrganizationId": 0,
    "ContractNumber": 0,
    "Name": "August 2019 - Grantham Soccer League & Town of Grantham",
    "ClientId": 75712,
    "AccountId": 921129,
    "Bookings": [
        "Id": 0,
        "LocationId": 0,
        "LocationName": "Grantham soccer field 1",
        "Start": "2022-09-01T12:47:35.164382-04:00",
        "End": "2022-09-01T12:47:35.164382-04:00",
        "Price": 0.0,
        "Status": "Tentative",
        "IsSoftDeleted": false
    "DateCreated": "2022-09-01",
    "Status": "PendingApproval",
    "Notes": "Subject to conditions",
    "IsArchived": false,
    "Version": 0,
    "LastUpdated": null,
    "Id": 0,
    "AdminNotes": "Refer to agreement",
    "SetupOption": null
    "OrganizationId": 0,
    "ContractNumber": 0,
    "Name": "August 2019 - Grantham Soccer League & Town of Grantham",
    "ClientId": 75712,
    "AccountId": 921129,
    "Bookings": [
        "Id": 0,
        "LocationId": 0,
        "LocationName": "Grantham soccer field 1",
        "Start": "2022-09-01T12:47:35.164382-04:00",
        "End": "2022-09-01T12:47:35.164382-04:00",
        "Price": 0.0,
        "Status": "Tentative",
        "IsSoftDeleted": false
    "DateCreated": "2022-09-01",
    "Status": "PendingApproval",
    "Notes": "Subject to conditions",
    "IsArchived": false,
    "Version": 0,
    "LastUpdated": null,
    "Id": 0,
    "AdminNotes": "Refer to agreement",
    "SetupOption": null



Get reservations for an organization

Returns a list of reservations ordered by id, with the option to specify start and end dates.

language (string)

Language in which the localizable values should be returned. Part of base url. Value is either 'fr' or 'en'

orgIdentifier (string)

Amilia-specific organization identifier. This identifier can be either the organization number, such as 8008, or the organization URL identifier. You can find that by looking at the URL of your Amilia store. It may look like lower-case words separated by a dash, such as forest-explorers. Note that in v2 and v1 we call that the 'rewrite URL'.

from (date)

Start date formatted as YYYY-MM-DD. Inclusive in all versions of the API. Default value is null

to (date)

End date formatted as YYYY-MM-DD. Inclusive in version 3, exclusive in previous versions of the API. Default value is null

page (integer)

Result page number that appears first.

Default value is 1

perPage (integer)

Number of results per page.

Default value is 200

showCancelled (boolean)

Option to also return cancelled items.

Default value is False

    "ReservationId": null,
    "Title": "Soccer field 1 for Team Bob",
    "Type": "RentalContract",
    "Start": "2022-09-01T12:47:35.3602245-04:00",
    "End": "2022-09-01T16:47:35.3602245-04:00",
    "AllDay": false,
    "IsCancelled": false,
    "Location": {
      "Address": {
        "Latitude": 45.72,
        "Longitude": -73.5,
        "Address1": "888 avenue des Ormes",
        "Address2": "",
        "City": "Boucherville",
        "Country": "Canada",
        "StateProvince": "QC",
        "ZipPostalCode": "J4B 7J3"
      "Id": 871178,
      "Name": "Soccer field 1"
    "BookingType": {
      "Id": 754457,
      "Name": "AAA",
      "Color": "Yellow"
    "Activity": {
      "Id": 1337,
      "Name": "Soccer Camp",
      "ProgramId": 14,
      "ProgramName": "Summer Camps",
      "CategoryId": 19992,
      "CategoryName": "Young teens",
      "SubCategoryId": 15882,
      "SubCategoryName": "Sports",
      "Url": "https://app.amilia.com/store/en/mysummercamps/shop/activities/1337",
      "Status": "Normal",
      "HasDropInEnabled": "true",
      "HasSessionEnabled": "true"
    "Contract": {
      "Id": 888,
      "ContractNumber": "123 v1",
      "AdminNotes": "See Chantal",
      "Notes": null,
      "Version": 2,
      "LastUpdated": "2022-09-01T12:47:35.3602245-04:00",
      "SetupOption": null
    "Client": {
      "Id": 0,
      "FirstName": "Andre",
      "LastName": "Gauthier",
      "FullName": "Andre Gauthier",
      "Gender": "Male",
      "DateOfBirth": "1984-09-01",
      "Email": "agauthier@mymail.com",
      "Address": {
        "Latitude": -73.4717,
        "Longitude": 45.4006,
        "Address1": "650 Boul. Taschereau",
        "Address2": "App. 8",
        "City": "La Prairie",
        "Country": "Canada",
        "StateProvince": "QC",
        "ZipPostalCode": "J5R 1V6"
      "Telephone": "450 555 5555",
      "TelephoneMobile": "438 555 5555",
      "TelephoneWork": "514 555 5555",
      "TelephoneWorkExtension": "333",
      "IsChild": false,
      "Staff": [
      "Object": "Person",
      "Id": 1,
      "FirstName": "Daniel",
      "LastName": "Naroditsky",
      "State": "Normal"
    "ReservationId": null,
    "Title": "Soccer field 1 for Team Bob",
    "Type": "RentalContract",
    "Start": "2022-09-01T12:47:35.3602245-04:00",
    "End": "2022-09-01T16:47:35.3602245-04:00",
    "AllDay": false,
    "IsCancelled": false,
    "Location": {
      "Address": {
        "Latitude": 45.72,
        "Longitude": -73.5,
        "Address1": "888 avenue des Ormes",
        "Address2": "",
        "City": "Boucherville",
        "Country": "Canada",
        "StateProvince": "QC",
        "ZipPostalCode": "J4B 7J3"
      "Id": 871178,
      "Name": "Soccer field 1"
    "BookingType": {
      "Id": 754457,
      "Name": "AAA",
      "Color": "Yellow"
    "Activity": {
      "Id": 1337,
      "Name": "Soccer Camp",
      "ProgramId": 14,
      "ProgramName": "Summer Camps",
      "CategoryId": 19992,
      "CategoryName": "Young teens",
      "SubCategoryId": 15882,
      "SubCategoryName": "Sports",
      "Url": "https://app.amilia.com/store/en/mysummercamps/shop/activities/1337",
      "Status": "Normal",
      "HasDropInEnabled": "true",
      "HasSessionEnabled": "true"
    "Contract": {
      "Id": 888,
      "ContractNumber": "123 v1",
      "AdminNotes": "See Chantal",
      "Notes": null,
      "Version": 2,
      "LastUpdated": "2022-09-01T12:47:35.3602245-04:00",
      "SetupOption": null
    "Client": {
      "Id": 0,
      "FirstName": "Andre",
      "LastName": "Gauthier",
      "FullName": "Andre Gauthier",
      "Gender": "Male",
      "DateOfBirth": "1984-09-01",
      "Email": "agauthier@mymail.com",
      "Address": {
        "Latitude": -73.4717,
        "Longitude": 45.4006,
        "Address1": "650 Boul. Taschereau",
        "Address2": "App. 8",
        "City": "La Prairie",
        "Country": "Canada",
        "StateProvince": "QC",
        "ZipPostalCode": "J5R 1V6"
      "Telephone": "450 555 5555",
      "TelephoneMobile": "438 555 5555",
      "TelephoneWork": "514 555 5555",
      "TelephoneWorkExtension": "333",
      "IsChild": false,
      "Staff": [
      "Object": "Person",
      "Id": 1,
      "FirstName": "Daniel",
      "LastName": "Naroditsky",
      "State": "Normal"
language (string)

Language in which the localizable values should be returned. Part of base url. Value is either 'fr' or 'en'

orgIdentifier (string)

Amilia-specific organization identifier. This identifier can be either the organization number, such as 8008, or the organization URL identifier. You can find that by looking at the URL of your Amilia store. It may look like lower-case words separated by a dash, such as forest-explorers. Note that in v2 and v1 we call that the 'rewrite URL'.

id (integer)

Location id

includeParentLocations (boolean)

Default value is False

includeChildLocations (boolean)

Default value is False

from (date)

Start date formatted as YYYY-MM-DD. Inclusive in all versions of the API. Default value is null

to (date)

End date formatted as YYYY-MM-DD. Inclusive in version 3, exclusive in previous versions of the API. Default value is null

page (integer)

Result page number that appears first.

Default value is 1

perPage (integer)

Number of results per page.

Default value is 200

showCancelled (boolean)

Option to also return cancelled items.

Default value is False

    "ReservationId": null,
    "Title": "Soccer field 1 for Team Bob",
    "Type": "RentalContract",
    "Start": "2022-09-01T12:47:35.3766374-04:00",
    "End": "2022-09-01T16:47:35.3766374-04:00",
    "AllDay": false,
    "IsCancelled": false,
    "Location": {
      "Address": {
        "Latitude": 45.72,
        "Longitude": -73.5,
        "Address1": "888 avenue des Ormes",
        "Address2": "",
        "City": "Boucherville",
        "Country": "Canada",
        "StateProvince": "QC",
        "ZipPostalCode": "J4B 7J3"
      "Id": 871178,
      "Name": "Soccer field 1"
    "BookingType": {
      "Id": 754457,
      "Name": "AAA",
      "Color": "Yellow"
    "Activity": {
      "Id": 1337,
      "Name": "Soccer Camp",
      "ProgramId": 14,
      "ProgramName": "Summer Camps",
      "CategoryId": 19992,
      "CategoryName": "Young teens",
      "SubCategoryId": 15882,
      "SubCategoryName": "Sports",
      "Url": "https://app.amilia.com/store/en/mysummercamps/shop/activities/1337",
      "Status": "Normal",
      "HasDropInEnabled": "true",
      "HasSessionEnabled": "true"
    "Contract": {
      "Id": 888,
      "ContractNumber": "123 v1",
      "AdminNotes": "See Chantal",
      "Notes": null,
      "Version": 2,
      "LastUpdated": "2022-09-01T12:47:35.3766374-04:00",
      "SetupOption": null
    "Client": {
      "Id": 0,
      "FirstName": "Andre",
      "LastName": "Gauthier",
      "FullName": "Andre Gauthier",
      "Gender": "Male",
      "DateOfBirth": "1984-09-01",
      "Email": "agauthier@mymail.com",
      "Address": {
        "Latitude": -73.4717,
        "Longitude": 45.4006,
        "Address1": "650 Boul. Taschereau",
        "Address2": "App. 8",
        "City": "La Prairie",
        "Country": "Canada",
        "StateProvince": "QC",
        "ZipPostalCode": "J5R 1V6"
      "Telephone": "450 555 5555",
      "TelephoneMobile": "438 555 5555",
      "TelephoneWork": "514 555 5555",
      "TelephoneWorkExtension": "333",
      "IsChild": false
    "ReservationId": null,
    "Title": "Soccer field 1 for Team Bob",
    "Type": "RentalContract",
    "Start": "2022-09-01T12:47:35.3766374-04:00",
    "End": "2022-09-01T16:47:35.3766374-04:00",
    "AllDay": false,
    "IsCancelled": false,
    "Location": {
      "Address": {
        "Latitude": 45.72,
        "Longitude": -73.5,
        "Address1": "888 avenue des Ormes",
        "Address2": "",
        "City": "Boucherville",
        "Country": "Canada",
        "StateProvince": "QC",
        "ZipPostalCode": "J4B 7J3"
      "Id": 871178,
      "Name": "Soccer field 1"
    "BookingType": {
      "Id": 754457,
      "Name": "AAA",
      "Color": "Yellow"
    "Activity": {
      "Id": 1337,
      "Name": "Soccer Camp",
      "ProgramId": 14,
      "ProgramName": "Summer Camps",
      "CategoryId": 19992,
      "CategoryName": "Young teens",
      "SubCategoryId": 15882,
      "SubCategoryName": "Sports",
      "Url": "https://app.amilia.com/store/en/mysummercamps/shop/activities/1337",
      "Status": "Normal",
      "HasDropInEnabled": "true",
      "HasSessionEnabled": "true"
    "Contract": {
      "Id": 888,
      "ContractNumber": "123 v1",
      "AdminNotes": "See Chantal",
      "Notes": null,
      "Version": 2,
      "LastUpdated": "2022-09-01T12:47:35.3766374-04:00",
      "SetupOption": null
    "Client": {
      "Id": 0,
      "FirstName": "Andre",
      "LastName": "Gauthier",
      "FullName": "Andre Gauthier",
      "Gender": "Male",
      "DateOfBirth": "1984-09-01",
      "Email": "agauthier@mymail.com",
      "Address": {
        "Latitude": -73.4717,
        "Longitude": 45.4006,
        "Address1": "650 Boul. Taschereau",
        "Address2": "App. 8",
        "City": "La Prairie",
        "Country": "Canada",
        "StateProvince": "QC",
        "ZipPostalCode": "J5R 1V6"
      "Telephone": "450 555 5555",
      "TelephoneMobile": "438 555 5555",
      "TelephoneWork": "514 555 5555",
      "TelephoneWorkExtension": "333",
      "IsChild": false



Get a staff member in an organization

The staff is a person in an organization that can be assigned to events such as: activities, private lessons, bookings or contracts. You can get the staff id from /org/{orgIdentifier}/staff.

language (string)

Language in which the localizable values should be returned. Part of base url. Value is either 'fr' or 'en'

orgIdentifier (string)

Amilia-specific organization identifier. This identifier can be either the organization number, such as 8008, or the organization URL identifier. You can find that by looking at the URL of your Amilia store. It may look like lower-case words separated by a dash, such as forest-explorers. Note that in v2 and v1 we call that the 'rewrite URL'.

id (integer)

Staff id

  "Object": "Person",
  "Tags": [
      "Id": 1,
      "Name": "Evening"
  "Id": 676767,
  "FirstName": "Rosalie",
  "LastName": "Tétreault",
  "FullName": "Rosalie Tétreault",
  "Gender": "Female",
  "DateOfBirth": "2022-09-01",
  "Email": "ro@mymail.ca",
  "Address": {
    "Latitude": 45.72,
    "Longitude": -73.5,
    "Address1": "888 rue des Ormes",
    "Address2": "Appartement A",
    "City": "Longueuil",
    "Country": "Canada",
    "StateProvince": "QC",
    "ZipPostalCode": "J4J 4J4"
  "Telephone": "450 555 5555",
  "TelephoneMobile": "438 555 5555",
  "TelephoneWork": "514 555 5555",
  "TelephoneWorkExtension": "333"


Get All staff members in an organization

The staff is a person in an organization that can be assigned to events such as: activities, private lessons, bookings or contracts.

language (string)

Language in which the localizable values should be returned. Part of base url. Value is either 'fr' or 'en'

orgIdentifier (string)

Amilia-specific organization identifier. This identifier can be either the organization number, such as 8008, or the organization URL identifier. You can find that by looking at the URL of your Amilia store. It may look like lower-case words separated by a dash, such as forest-explorers. Note that in v2 and v1 we call that the 'rewrite URL'.

page (integer)

Result page number that appears first.

Default value is 1

perPage (integer)

Number of results per page.

Default value is 200

  "Items": [
      "Object": "Person",
      "Tags": [
          "Id": 1,
          "Name": "Evening"
      "Id": 676767,
      "FirstName": "Rosalie",
      "LastName": "Tétreault",
      "FullName": "Rosalie Tétreault",
      "Gender": "Female",
      "DateOfBirth": "2022-09-01",
      "Email": "ro@mymail.ca",
      "Address": {
        "Latitude": 45.72,
        "Longitude": -73.5,
        "Address1": "888 rue des Ormes",
        "Address2": "Appartement A",
        "City": "Longueuil",
        "Country": "Canada",
        "StateProvince": "QC",
        "ZipPostalCode": "J4J 4J4"
      "Telephone": "450 555 5555",
      "TelephoneMobile": "438 555 5555",
      "TelephoneWork": "514 555 5555",
      "TelephoneWorkExtension": "333"
      "Tags": [
          "Id": 1,
          "Name": "Evening"
      "Id": 676767,
      "FirstName": "Rosalie",
      "LastName": "Tétreault",
      "FullName": "Rosalie Tétreault",
      "Gender": "Female",
      "DateOfBirth": "2022-09-01",
      "Email": "ro@mymail.ca",
      "Address": {
        "Latitude": 45.72,
        "Longitude": -73.5,
        "Address1": "888 rue des Ormes",
        "Address2": "Appartement A",
        "City": "Longueuil",
        "Country": "Canada",
        "StateProvince": "QC",
        "ZipPostalCode": "J4J 4J4"
      "Telephone": "450 555 5555",
      "TelephoneMobile": "438 555 5555",
      "TelephoneWork": "514 555 5555",
      "TelephoneWorkExtension": "333"


Get Staff member availabilities in an organization

Availabilities are used to validate for conflicts when assigning a staff to an event. You can get the staff id from /org/{orgIdentifier}/staff.

language (string)

Language in which the localizable values should be returned. Part of base url. Value is either 'fr' or 'en'

orgIdentifier (string)

Amilia-specific organization identifier. This identifier can be either the organization number, such as 8008, or the organization URL identifier. You can find that by looking at the URL of your Amilia store. It may look like lower-case words separated by a dash, such as forest-explorers. Note that in v2 and v1 we call that the 'rewrite URL'.

id (integer)

Staff id

page (integer)

Result page number that appears first.

Default value is 1

perPage (integer)

Number of results per page.

Default value is 200

from (date)

Start date formatted as YYYY-MM-DD. Inclusive in all versions of the API. Default value is null

to (date)

End date formatted as YYYY-MM-DD. Inclusive in version 3, exclusive in previous versions of the API. Default value is null

    "Staff": {
      "Object": "Person",
      "Id": 1,
      "FirstName": "Daniel",
      "LastName": "Naroditsky",
      "State": "Normal"
    "Availability": {
      "Id": 2,
      "AvailableDays": [
          "DayOfWeek": "Monday",
          "Times": [
              "Id": null,
              "StartTime": "18:00:00",
              "EndTime": "19:00:00"
          "DayOfWeek": "Thursday",
          "Times": [
              "Id": null,
              "StartTime": "18:00:00",
              "EndTime": "19:00:00"
      "Name": "On Call Period",
      "StartDate": "2022-01-01T00:00:00",
      "EndDate": "2022-12-31T00:00:00"
    "Staff": {
      "Id": 1,
      "FirstName": "Daniel",
      "LastName": "Naroditsky",
      "State": "Normal"
    "Availability": {
      "Id": 2,
      "AvailableDays": [
          "DayOfWeek": "Monday",
          "Times": [
              "Id": null,
              "StartTime": "18:00:00",
              "EndTime": "19:00:00"
          "DayOfWeek": "Thursday",
          "Times": [
              "Id": null,
              "StartTime": "18:00:00",
              "EndTime": "19:00:00"
      "Name": "On Call Period",
      "StartDate": "2022-01-01T00:00:00",
      "EndDate": "2022-12-31T00:00:00"


Get All Staff member availabilities in an organization

Availabilities are used to validate for conflicts when assigning a staff to an event.

language (string)

Language in which the localizable values should be returned. Part of base url. Value is either 'fr' or 'en'

orgIdentifier (string)

Amilia-specific organization identifier. This identifier can be either the organization number, such as 8008, or the organization URL identifier. You can find that by looking at the URL of your Amilia store. It may look like lower-case words separated by a dash, such as forest-explorers. Note that in v2 and v1 we call that the 'rewrite URL'.

page (integer)

Result page number that appears first.

Default value is 1

perPage (integer)

Number of results per page.

Default value is 200

from (date)

Start date formatted as YYYY-MM-DD. Inclusive in all versions of the API. Default value is null

to (date)

End date formatted as YYYY-MM-DD. Inclusive in version 3, exclusive in previous versions of the API. Default value is null

    "Staff": {
      "Object": "Person",
      "Id": 1,
      "FirstName": "Daniel",
      "LastName": "Naroditsky",
      "State": "Normal"
    "Availability": {
      "Id": 2,
      "AvailableDays": [
          "DayOfWeek": "Monday",
          "Times": [
              "Id": null,
              "StartTime": "18:00:00",
              "EndTime": "19:00:00"
          "DayOfWeek": "Thursday",
          "Times": [
              "Id": null,
              "StartTime": "18:00:00",
              "EndTime": "19:00:00"
      "Name": "On Call Period",
      "StartDate": "2022-01-01T00:00:00",
      "EndDate": "2022-12-31T00:00:00"
    "Staff": {
      "Id": 1,
      "FirstName": "Daniel",
      "LastName": "Naroditsky",
      "State": "Normal"
    "Availability": {
      "Id": 2,
      "AvailableDays": [
          "DayOfWeek": "Monday",
          "Times": [
              "Id": null,
              "StartTime": "18:00:00",
              "EndTime": "19:00:00"
          "DayOfWeek": "Thursday",
          "Times": [
              "Id": null,
              "StartTime": "18:00:00",
              "EndTime": "19:00:00"
      "Name": "On Call Period",
      "StartDate": "2022-01-01T00:00:00",
      "EndDate": "2022-12-31T00:00:00"


The tags API allows you to retrieve the list of tags you have defined in Amilia. You can then fetch activities provided a tag. This is useful when you want to group activities in ways not already covered by the program structure. Common tags look like 'Evening' or 'Paula'. Tags can be defined in your Amilia Account under Tags and then attached to your activities.


Get tags

Returns all the tags that have been defined for your organization

language (string)

Language in which the localizable values should be returned. Part of base url. Value is either 'fr' or 'en'

orgIdentifier (string)

Amilia-specific organization identifier. This identifier can be either the organization number, such as 8008, or the organization URL identifier. You can find that by looking at the URL of your Amilia store. It may look like lower-case words separated by a dash, such as forest-explorers. Note that in v2 and v1 we call that the 'rewrite URL'.

page (integer)

Result page number that appears first.

Default value is 1

perPage (integer)

Number of results per page.

Default value is 200

    "Id": 4,
    "Name": "Soccer",
    "Color": "Orange",
    "IsVisible": true
    "Id": 4,
    "Name": "Soccer",
    "Color": "Orange",
    "IsVisible": true


Get a tag

You can get the tag id from /org/{orgIdentifier}/tags

language (string)

Language in which the localizable values should be returned. Part of base url. Value is either 'fr' or 'en'

orgIdentifier (string)

Amilia-specific organization identifier. This identifier can be either the organization number, such as 8008, or the organization URL identifier. You can find that by looking at the URL of your Amilia store. It may look like lower-case words separated by a dash, such as forest-explorers. Note that in v2 and v1 we call that the 'rewrite URL'.

id (integer)

Tag id

  "Id": 4,
  "Name": "Soccer",
  "Color": "Orange",
  "IsVisible": true



Get webhooks for an organization

Returns a list of all webhooks for the organization, including their status.

language (string)

Language in which the localizable values should be returned. Part of base url. Value is either 'fr' or 'en'

orgIdentifier (string)

Amilia-specific organization identifier. This identifier can be either the organization number, such as 8008, or the organization URL identifier. You can find that by looking at the URL of your Amilia store. It may look like lower-case words separated by a dash, such as forest-explorers. Note that in v2 and v1 we call that the 'rewrite URL'.

page (integer)

Result page number that appears first.

Default value is 1

perPage (integer)

Number of results per page.

Default value is 200

    "Context": "Registration",
    "OrganizationId": 1101,
    "Id": 1,
    "Name": "Sample Webhook",
    "Url": "https://webhook.example.com/registrations",
    "Action": "Create",
    "Version": "V1",
    "Status": "Active"
    "Context": "Registration",
    "OrganizationId": 1101,
    "Id": 1,
    "Name": "Sample Webhook",
    "Url": "https://webhook.example.com/registrations",
    "Action": "Create",
    "Version": "V1",
    "Status": "Active"


Create a new webhook for an organization

Allows you to create or update a webhook subscription. The model should contain name, url, context, version, action similar to the UI.

language (string)

Language in which the localizable values should be returned. Part of base url. Value is either 'fr' or 'en'

orgIdentifier (string)

Amilia-specific organization identifier. This identifier can be either the organization number, such as 8008, or the organization URL identifier. You can find that by looking at the URL of your Amilia store. It may look like lower-case words separated by a dash, such as forest-explorers. Note that in v2 and v1 we call that the 'rewrite URL'.



Delete a webhook for an organization

Allows you to delete a webhook subscription.

ID of the subscription to be deleted

language (string)

Language in which the localizable values should be returned. Part of base url. Value is either 'fr' or 'en'

orgIdentifier (string)

Amilia-specific organization identifier. This identifier can be either the organization number, such as 8008, or the organization URL identifier. You can find that by looking at the URL of your Amilia store. It may look like lower-case words separated by a dash, such as forest-explorers. Note that in v2 and v1 we call that the 'rewrite URL'.

subscriptionId (integer)

No description available
